Digital or traditional art?

I’m pretty sure that we had a thread about this but I can’t find it, so if it really exists please send me the link so I can merge it with the existing one :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart:

So do you prefer traditional or digital art?
And why? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smiley_cat:


Traditional. It’s hard to do digital art. I’m used to using a pencil to draw, so most of my digital art is bad


I love digital art cuz I can put so many colors without the drawing looking… grainy (what always happens with me and color pencils.) But, traditional is very nice too since I have more control over the placement of my lines.

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I prefer digital art because there’s a lot of neat tools I can use. (like customizing my brushes, brush size, layers ect.) Plus it’s easier for me to see on a screen


How about a poll

  • Traditional
  • Digital

0 voters


why is both not an option?


Digital, it just looks better.


I like both


Traditional since I’ll probably never be able to afford the stuff you need for digital ;-;

“ jUsT dRaW WiTh YoUr fInGeR “

nO >:c
I’m so used to having a pencil in hand and for me it’s much easier to use qwq
Practise? Maybe but no :3
Why should I practise when I have some paper right by me-

But it’s so much easier actually to draw with a finger once you figure it out, it’s like using digital fingerpaint :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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As much as I like digital art, I prefer traditional art. I love a good painting that I can hang up on my wall. It’s also easier to make in my opinion.


No :eyes:

Pencil is easier >:T


You can be more accurate with a pencil :3

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But pencils stop working or break sometimes, my finger won’t do that :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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I usually do digital art because of coloring.


Well it might if you use it too much :eyes:


They all have their own pros and cons.

In general I prefer digital, it just gives so much more possibilities than traditional art and for me it’s just way easier and I actually like the look of it better as well most of the time!

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Hmm, after today I might have changed my mind. It’s so different making digital and traditional art. Digital is like technical, you need to know the tools, traditional is more feeling and actually way more satisfying for me to do. I still prefer the look of digital simply because it is cleaner usually, but I think I prefer making traditional art

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I think that it’s actually more satisfying to do digital art, especially in apps where you can watch a video of the drawing process afterwards (like ibis for example), because it’s really satisfying to watch it getting better every minute :heart_eyes::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Which one do you find more satisfying? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Digital art :heart_eyes:
  • Traditional art :heart_eyes:
  • It’s too hard to choose :sob:
  • I hate both :no_mouth:

0 voters

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