Discrimination and Racism

I’m putting this thread here because it seems to be the topic of the hour!

I don’t exerpeince racism, everyone where I live in warm and accepting, or that might be because I’m white, but I believe that we all experience racism, I’m not experiencing any at this moment but…


This is a great thread to talk about “i have a dream”


I’m just gonna summarise:

  • Racism is a system - white at the top, POC at the bottom
  • Colourblindness is a catalyst for racism because it allows you to not confront racism whilst not being affected by it
  • Racism has sub-categories, like colourism, texturism and featurism.
  • Discrimination happens to everyone but it’s not equal. The marginalized group’s racism is institutional and social whilst the non-marginalized group is just social.
  • Having a friend, partner or whatever that’s a POC doesn’t mean you can’t be racist.
  • WOC have to deal with racism and sexism as they can overlap.
  • POC can be racist towards each other whether in their own groups or towards other marginalized groups.
  • Racism still exists in the present day just in a different format to before.
  • “Pulling the race card” and “Making everything about race” is just pointing out hidden inequalities.



It’s the sad truth. Especially when people get very personal like they say something harsh like, “I hope your family perform honour violence for spitting on your culture” and trash like that.


:clap:t5: Black :clap:t5: people :clap:t5: can :clap:t5: be :clap:t5: racist!!!
I see this so much on instagram that black people can’t be racist and right after they’ve written that false statement or whatever it is, they go ahead and say something racist.
I also see and hear this a lot about I don’t see it or experience it so therefore, racism doesn’t exist. Your experience is not the same as mine. Just because you may not see it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It exists whether you want it to or not :roll_eyes:.


Yeah. Just because racism can be social doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent.


FREAKING PREACH! I remember witnessing this black man shouting and saying disrespectful things to this Asian man on the bus I was on. I was disgusted. And the man didn’t even do anything wrong. We can be racist, we’re not excluded from that at all.


A black boy called me a “terrorist” on the bus when I was 15 and idk why he called me that. It was f**king disgusting! I swear a lot of black, Asians (I meant Desi) and Arab men are racist towards me, it’s disgusting!!


It’s a shame that in Britain there seems to be this hate coming from both black and asian people towards each other. I’m curious as to why this happens.


Tell me about it.

Also, when I reject any guy that are Asian (Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani), black or Arab…they always give me this, “Is it because I’m…” nonsense. Honestly, I’m traumatised by the s**t they put me through…mainly Asian guys. You see why I can’t stand them.


Exactly. Systemic racism isn’t the only kinda racism out there

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I actually have a book I am afraid to ever published because the MC is racist.

now hear me out before anyone goes crazy over it. we have two MC’s, mr black dude who is always nice and happy, former slave now wizard. and miss white girl a witch. it’s a medieval fantasy story.

at first, I did not wanna have black people because it did not fit with the timeline. Africa had not been discorverdinvaded yet

and I wanted mr black dude to be hated just because he kinda existed. I literally just wanted him to be how racist people threat black people without making him black. because of the before mention and because you know racism

but now I made him black. if I can fit dragons into my story black people can be there too.

So my mc she has grown up in a world where black people is seen as property and/or garbage. so, of course, she thinks like that. and personally I find it so stupid to not make her that way because it would not make sense if she was like"i think black people should have freedom and equality " on the simple reason that she is the MC and nothing else. making her this unrealistic good person.

and honestly its a much better story arc and character development for her to learn not to judge and not be racist. to actually see her grow thought the story.

But I am afraid to actually make it public ever. because racism is a hard subject and doing it wrong is easy. and I dont wanna offend people even though I know it most definitely will


Even some of the things you said sounded racist in a way here. Saying you cant stand asian guys. You probably dont mean all of them. You probably just mean the few asian guys who bothered you. I know some asian guys who are great!
(This is not attack at you at all, just bringing up an issue.)

I’m white. If I have a problem with a few black guys bothering me, and I said I can’t stand black guys, would you think I’m racist? I know some people would instantly.

(That was hypothetical. I’ve never had an issue with a black guy.)


I’m Asian myself so I can say that I am traumatised by how they treated me, same with Arab men.

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So you put them all in a category?

So you understand why other countries may want to keep Arab men out?


I just know I wouldn’t want someone to judge me based on something someone of my race did.



To be honest, I won’t apologise for how I feel about this since I always find them very intimidating and I’d be happy if they stay in their lane. It’s not like I’ve said anything completely racist like they’re all terrorists.

Same with the females that try dictating me on how I should conform to their definition of femininity.


Yes, yes, yes. All facts.