Discrimination and Racism

Sexual harassment is discrimination— sex-based discrimination. So is any kind of sexual violence.


I think that white people have been like oppressed before, but definitely not as bad as all the other minorities.


Asian guys are cute. though I dont know any so I cant talk for personality

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white people have been oppressed by other white people.


Yes!!! That is called white guilt.

You even hear white people give other white people s**t for wanting to understand other cultures. Like I have came across some people attacking a white girl for wearing a Cheongsam to prom and she wasn’t taking the Mick out of Chinese culture.

People need to know the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation.


Yeah. I find it very racist to tell people they can’t wear clothing from some country and be a part of their culture because they aren’t from there. especially when the person is not even from there.

Like that entire, my culture is not your god damm prom dress. (though it was some great memes) imagine if we told people that they could not wear denim because they aren’t from France. or the white wedding dress because they aren’t from England. or no Christmas tree because you are not from Germany, and no Christmas because you aren’t Scandinavian


Exactly! Who cares if a white man wants to wear a Shirwani or if an Indian woman wants to wear a kimono. A lot of people are happy that they appreciate their culture.

Remember when Avril Lavigne released her mv for Hello Kitty? People branded it as racist yet the Japanese loved it.


yeah. like I dont like the song. I find it bad. racist would have been makeing a hello kitty song. and then a cowgirl music video instead.


This is not an insult or me getting angry at all, but the historian in me needs to clear up one thing!

The Europeans never discovered Africa in the same way they discovered the Americas. Europe has always had links to Asia and Africa just because they’re so close! During the Roman times, there were many Roman citizens from Northern Africa — and they were spread all around the Empire because the Romans made sure that they were never making soldiers control their own people.

Cleopatra was from Egypt, which is in Africa, and there’s enough evidence to suggest that her half sister was mixed race! We found her remains. We know she had links to the Eurasian supercontinent. Her family was originally Persian and she ended up in romantic relationships with two Roman leaders!

Greek maps of the world always included Northern Africa!

And then of course there’s the fact that Shakespeare often writes about the Moors — northern Africans — like Othello


I understand what @BrutallyBritish means kinda. I hardly date Indian guys because the culture that most of them grew up in is very sexist and nasty and it shows on a lot of them. Not their fault at all, but I don’t mind dating people who don’t buy into that culture. It’s just that a lot of them actually do — or they’re affected by it more than they think!

I mean in many south Asian cultures even in the West, your family treats brothers differently from their sisters all of their lives!

My family is extremely progressive, but my nan still shouts at me when I whistle because it’s a boys thing to do. She gets frustrated with me when I can’t make my chapatti round enough because it makes me a bad housewife. On the other hand, my uncle — a 38 year old man — can’t turn on the washing machine and that’s fine. And when I talk about the hours I might be expected to work in the future, she still says “I don’t know about that Shannii. How will you go home and feed your husband?”

He can feed his damn self if I’m working late


Yup. These sexist comments from both men & women really do get to me like who cares that I don’t want to get married and have kids. Yadda yadda yadda.


I don’t get it. Even if you change your mind in the future, why do they need to insist you will? Just leave us alone and let us figure it out on our own. Why do we even need to think about kids yet? :joy:


Exactly. We make the decisions, not them! How we live our lives is none of their business.


I get it.
I just know that is a big problem for black people in the rough areas here. White people have bad experiences with them so they dont give them jobs and they’re just stuck.


But I get it in the relationship situation more as it’s their beliefs you dont agree with.



Sorry i havent got that much into the history but thanks for letting me know.

what I found out was
Denmark has always had slaves though did first beging to deal in black slaves in the 1600 , where my story takes place in the 1400.

Also Denmark was the first country to make a law to stop slavery. but it took them 50 years to end it.

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In all honesty, I’m racist when I’m angry. I think we’re all racist.

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We all have racist beliefs, even I did. (I’m trying to educate myself now)


True that.

But I’m not sure why non-white people are called People Of Colour.