Discussion: Autism and misconceptions

never heard that before


I have and it’s irritating. Be glad that you haven’t!! Honestly, some people on the right (talking about politics) are so hateful!! :confounded::confounded::confounded::confounded:


What would you say is the worst stereotype?


My family believe that i may have autism and have tried to get me tested for years now even tho i show signs of it however the teachers claimed that there were no obvious signs.

They said they’d keep an eye on me in a class of 30 misbehaving kids so maybe girls can hide it more??? Idk.

These three sum me up when ever i try to talk to anyone about sh*t going on in my life… Sigh.

Im legit thinking more and more that my family’s suspicion is right.


If it makes u feel better im suspected to have high functioning autism as well.

I tend to find pacing and listening to the rain is quite good or finding something to fidget with like a pen or pencil works but every person is different.


Thanks! I’m figuring things out as I go along.

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Same here.

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with me i never thought I was not normal. I knew I did not fit in and I had been bullied . or rather was at a school i got bullied at. we had never heard about autism back then. its ten years ago since someone I dont even know who suggest to get me tested.

and after evrything got more easy I could finally get the right help. which indeed help me so much. but I am still thinking back to my family just thinking I was a brat. and the teacher who thought I was just a problem and me who had never considred me to be diffrent.

even after I got dignoised I never got it explain to me, I was just moved to another place. it took me years to actually find out what autism was. even after I had been told I was autistic


Tbh some people try to help but in the end arent really that helpful :confused:

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I was bullied too for being different so I know how that feels!

It really sucks that things weren’t as open as they are now, there is far more information available about autism even though there isn’t much about it in females some still exists. But I know that for a long time the definition of autism was so different, it wasn’t even seen as a spectrum. I hope things are better now.


That is sadly true

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I get bullied for being a lesbian, having OCD, possibly having Autism. (They legit were saying stuff like “ooo look im self diagnosed with autism.”) They played me on my phobias causing my anxiety to get worse so i started to have semi panic attacks until eventually it piled on with other stuff so i started to have panic attacks.

It p*sses me off so much because they dont seem to get how much this hurts me and how much this effects my mental and physical health.


Be very careful when you use Tumblr btw. Somehow autism is connected to LGBT and I don’t buy into that!

Anyone can be autistic.


I really can relate to that, in year 8 they bullied me for being bisexual and because I’m thin somebody told people I had an eating disorder even though that’s not true and people tried to claim I had started the rumour.

Bullies are awful they pick on anyone they see as different but you’re not alone! I was often called autistic even before I was told I probably had it.



My sexuality has nothing to do with anything else.


It irks me big time when people use autistic as an insult. That’s exactly what these fools do when they conflate autism with political statuses.


Its not very nice and it has rlly effected my mental health.




Glad I’m not the only one that thinks it’s stupid when people conflate autism with sexual orientation. Autism comes in all shapes & sizes and so on; autism is not a choice either!


Yeah it’s something I’ve seen which irritates me. People saying things like “all LGBTQ people are autistic” which isn’t true.