People are taking the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to be racist to Asians, especially East Asians. We’ve all seen it being called the “Chinese virus.” I don’t know about you, but I myself have also seen coronavirus MEMES that are racist to Asian people. Some actual Asians don’t mind them, and that honestly makes me sad. You might think I have no sense of humour for disliking these kind of memes, but they are still racist, and they are NOT helping the situation whatsoever. Many of us eastern Asian people are being physically and verbally harassed in public, just because the virus originated in China. I’ve even heard stories of Asian restaurants running low on business because racists assume all of the employees have Covid. A virus does NOT have an ethnicity.
With that said, here are some questions:
What do you think of the racism against Asians amid this pandemic?
Have you been affected by it in any way? If so, how?
Well if you’re aware of it being weird, why keep it? It just seems pretty insensitive to me. I mean, why would you want to be born Asian? They go through a lot of systematic and oppressive issues, especially in America and same goes with any minority honestly.
I hate it, so much. I hate every kind of racism a infinite amount. There are no words to express it.
Really, most of the racism is Trump’s fault. He started the joke, although the racism has been here even before they made that motherf*cker president.
Everybody in my country wants to talk about how it’s a “chinese virus” but what they really should be worried about is washing their hands after going to the bathroom cuz they don’t do that in my country apparently nasties
I’m not Asian, so it hasn’t been affecting me, but I’ve seen how it’s affected other Asians around me and it’s so sick… Like it’s been called the Chinese Virus, as you mentioned, and Kung Flu and it’s just like… why? Like with the UK Variant, it’s called that to differentiate from the original variant and all the other variants that have been developing, but the Chinese Virus thing existed before there were any other variants of this thing so there are no logical reasons for needing to differentiate it. It’s just racism.
I do remember walking with a girl of East Asian descent (I thinkkk Phillipines but I can’t quite remember) around the beginnings of covid and we (well our group) passed a Chinese restaurant, and I made a comment being like “Ooh I wanna go there” because like I love Chinese food for one and also I thought that the racism was stupid and she said something like “you don’t wanna catch corona” and I was just :// like what about poc solidarity. what about the fact that even though you’re not Chinese, you’ll probably get the same sort of comment because it’s not like racists bother to differentiate between East Asian people but ok
Let’s also not forget that even tough it’s a uk variant there hasn’t been anyone right now who is like: you white people created the virus! Uk virus! British flu! Or something like that. No then people r like " DoN’t cALL it ThE BrItISh FlU"
Look, um… I’m not going to insult you or anything but I think that is a little racially insensitive towards Asians.
Little advice, don’t say you “love Asian culture in public” I know you mean well, but people might take it the wrong way and think you are obsessed with them/their culture.
I dislike it, because a lot of viruses occurred in America/Europe but I don’t see people calling it the: “European virus/American Virus”
European Americans literally wiped out a huge amount of the population of Natives but nobody talks about that.
So, it is really dumb to call the corona the “china virus” or “the Asian virus” because nobody ever called all the disease/ virus they created the “insert nationality race” or “the White virus”