Discussion: GTA

I hope this thread is okay, it’s fairly similar to the controversial games you came across thread, but this really is a more specific topic and subject.

Alrighty, I played gta for the first ever time a few days ago cause they released a free version and I was curious about this pretty controversial game. Personally I ended up deleting it again relatively soon…

Have you ever played gta?
If you never played it, would you like to play it and why (not)?
If you have played it what was the reason you played it, what convinced you to play?
Do you think video games like this should be allowed since they involve a lot of violence and illegal things?
Do you understand people enjoy playing this game?


Yes and I love it :joy: I just get very violent but I’m like that with like all games

I’ve played GTA as long as I’ve known about the game and watched my dad play so yeah when I got older and was allowed to play it I would really enjoy it and play when I’m bored or was all done running from my killer game

Yeah I mean if it’s not video games…it’s movies then shows then music then just violent and illegal things in general :joy: :woman_shrugging:t5: Can’t stop violence. And also it’s not the games that make people violent I mean it’s just the people you can’t change them really. But it’s no fair just putting all the blame on games :joy: that rhymes! Like me and baking people that’s extremely violent and I got that from reading!

Heck yeah! Since I’m one of those people :joy: I love the game and like everyone ik pretty much likes it too except my mom really.


Interesting to start of with a lover of the game. I really do think you have some valid points in the if it should be allowed part!

Another question for you, can you also see and understand why it’s controversial and people don’t like it?

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Actually no

Yes I would love to play it because I’ve seen it so many times and it’s so fun lmfaoo

Yes because it doesn’t really affect you so I don’t really see the problem. Plus a lot of movies have violence and movies aren’t real lmao just like video games.

Yes definitely I understand!

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You know you can download an older version for free now, I think it was called San Andreas so if you want to try this could be a good moment!

Hmh I don’t know if I fully understand your reasoning here: Yes because it doesn’t really affect you. Can you explain more what you mean that?

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I don’t have the game, but I did play it with a friend once or twice.Who owned GTA 5 , so everything I will say will be based on that game in particular.

I have seen a couple of, positive reviews and gameplays online.

Yes, I think they should be allowed, but with a suited age restriction depending on the severity of it. .Video games are after all not responsible for real-world violence or other server crimes – life is far too complicated for that to be true – and video games should be free to explore and portray the same conflicts, weapons, themes and ideals as movies and television already do.

Yeah, I can understand why the game why so many people enjoyed the game.The game back then was considered pretty groundbreaking, especially due the at time amazing graphic and extensive open-world. That contained a lot of side-quests and mini-games such as golf, sailing flying a plane etc… The graphics and voice-acting were also considered above average at the time. The game really changed the way we view games today, when it comes to open-worlds.

HOWEVER, I do think parents should be more mindful to what their children are playing, because I do remember younger kids playing games such as Call of duty, GTA and other adult games.Even though such games already have a 16 or 18 age restriction , a lot of parents ,ignore that fact .And proceed to get angry at the companies for the game , even though it’s not the companies job to raise their childeren.

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Okay, I am gonna write my own answers down as well!

Yep, I have

Mainly just seeing what it was and why it’s so controversial, but also a part of me that found it a bit fascinating and got excited about it.

I am unsure about that, I mean especially the shooting with the current shootings and stuff might be a bit on the edge for me personally, but I rather had no guns in any type of entertainment. But at the same time it’s just a game…

I do, I definitely do, I understand the excitement and that the general idea is attractive.

So why did I stop? Honestly because controlling it was hard if not impossible on my specific laptop and I hated the graphics since the version I played is 15 years old :zipper_mouth_face:

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Oof ,if this were to happen the shooter-games would be out of business and we wouldn’t have any action movies.:flushed:

But I do get what you mean, sometimes Hollywood in particular tends to glorify it.

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Hmm, what do you think is an appropriate age for the game, 16, 18? Or would it also be okay in your opinion if it was younger?

And how do feel about the fact you can now download it for free without any age check (or a really easy to fake one, I am not sure about that anymore) do you think that brings any risks?

Right :joy: I started young!

100% I mean it is pretty violent and you can hurt like a lot of people in a lot of ways honestly in that game. So yeah I see why this makes people be like:”ummmm games are violent!”

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Exactly, I mean I even read a book that’s basically glorifying a school shooting and that just goes way too far in my opinion.

But I honestly get why the action genre is so popular, and I guess it’s okay it’s there but in my opinion it shows even kids that guns are something normal… And that’s where my issue with guns and also a bit this game is, since it really glorifies it.

Haha, that’s true… I mean people like and hate it for the same reasons and that makes this pretty interesting…

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Like some people say video games like affect your behavior and make you more violent, but I don’t believe that since it’s just video games

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Ahh, in that way, thanks for explaining it!

Personally I feel like games might have a bit more impact than movies, cause in a game you actually make decisions yourself and in this case choose between killing or not killing someone saying it as it is… How do you feel about that, do you think it’s worse with games than movies or nah

I think the amount of violence and other mature themes , depends on the child. As I know people are more sensitive to those things than others. But I think the general age restriction that has already been given in this case, 18 .Might not be something I personally recommend. It is something could agree with it, since Pegi usually tends to carefully look whether certain things. Are age-appropriate or not they also have a good understanding of what the average child can handle.

It’s unfortunate , but not really something you can do about it.

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Okay, interesting answers tbh! Thanks for replying!

I really like how everyone this far as at least a somewhat different opinion and experienc with this game

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I think I’ve played a few of them? I rarely ever finish them to be honest.

My older brother really likes the GTA games, so I would play them because he did mostly. He was also super into gang culture and that kinda stuff too, though, so you know :joy:

They should absolutely exist. Artistic expression and all that. I just don’t think they should be glorifying things like gun use, gang culture, violence and just all round being a d1ck. That being said, GTA is one of those games that falls under violent videogames that have been proven not to have a significant effect on people’s actions, so you know. I just think it could be handled better.

I kinda get it? It’s weird. The violence is something that draws people, sure, but there are more violent games that are much better and handle their themes more appropriately. It can’t be the gameplay, because GTA gameplay just kinda sucks. It always has, always will :man_shrugging: Is it the story? I’m ngl, the stories in most GTA games are actually pretty good, there’s just a huge disconnect with the sandbox open-world gameplay.

So yeah, I kinda get it. But mostly these games just bore me. There’s no substance to them really

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Nope but I watch my friends play it

I’d like to give it a go, it amuses me

I think they should definitely be allowed. You cannot blame the game for the violence people who play them do. My examples being the fact I know many people old and young who play GTA and wouldn’t hurt a fly. If a person who plays GTA is violent the problem is with them. Not the game. Therefore there is no reason to not allow the game.




I would like to play it. I’d probably just mess around the whole time though :joy:

Yup. The PEGI/ESRB exists for a reason. If you ignore the warnings then that’s on you :woman_shrugging:t5:

Kinda. Personally I wouldn’t go to GTA right off the bat, but if someone else likes it I don’t have much to say because different people like different games.

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This is the rating system that allows gambling and predatory money-stealing tactics into games rated E for everyone to be fair. They’re not perfect

But, the rating they gave GTA is fair

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