Discussion: Internalised Misogyny

Definitely! It’s just weird to assign it to a gender, we don’t control how we’re born


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Tell me about it!

Some idiot said that Instagram is “for girls” and I’m like “Dude, anyone can use Instagram. No one asked you to open up an Insta account!” Thank goodness I don’t like him anymore! He was such a manchild!

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Seriously, why are people like that? I was reading a romance story and someone in the comments asked if it’s okay for a guy to read girl’s stories, like??? I’m a girl and I don’t even read romance that often

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Of course it’s okay for guys to read romance. Anyone can read a genre of a book, my dad sometimes read romance novels. That doesn’t mean he’s gay.

Honestly, Instagram is for everyone. People use it to promote their business and content, nothing wrong with that.

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For real, it’s all unnecessarily labeled, guys liking “girl’s things” is somehow seen as gay?? I really don’t get why things like romance or instagram are associated with being girly. My brother calls pop music gay for some reason

Just because the majority who use it seem to be women, it doesn’t mean it’s just for us. Anyone can read whatever genre they want, and use whatever app they want. It’s pointless gatekeeping otherwise

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Pop music is not gay, either. Your brother sounds daft for thinking like that! I wish people would stop conflating genre with gender. Like I said, balance is key.

Tell me about it! Gate keeping is stupid. If you liked a song that was made in the 90s and you just recently started liking it, nothing wrong with that. The internet can be a great place to discover music, films and so on.

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Yeah, exactly! So many people here think that way. My country is pretty far behind in development

And definitely, you can like whatever you like

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Where do you live, if you don’t mind me asking?

True that!

I don’t know about you guys but when I was on the Episode Forums and I looked up a thread I made when I first joined, I made a thread asking those if misogyny is real. Looking back at it made me cringe a bit because some people that we may not know weren’t very nice (there were a few female Republicans on there that I was very unwary of, agreeing to these misogynistic views saying that it isn’t real and go hating on their own gender, hardcore). I know I mentioned about being a Conservative Libertarian but I don’t believe in that stuff anymore as I was completely brainwashed that time and of course, I was trying to recover from a break up (not really relevant but around that time, I was very very private about my life then).

the fcuk?

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Yep, I made a thread once upon a time on the Episode Forums and boy, it was heated because there was a few Republicans (yes, they’re Pick Mes) were saying something about how internalised misogyny isn’t real. I find it hilarious when right wing women get mad that I’m a centrist when it comes to politics, they would attack me for dressing how I want and all these nasty things! They even go justifying incels as well. Disgusting!

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The worst-

God, my relatives bully me sm for being a centrist


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Absolutely! They seem to enable disgusting behaviours by such sh**ty men and victim blame the women. For example, “It’s your fault that he cheated on you, you need to be more feminine.” Ugh, this makes me vomit! We are looking at you, Classically Abby. She always sexualises other women as you know she is a human dress code.

Why do they bully you for that? Honestly, it’s sickening when people bully you over politics. Like come on, there is more to life than politics.

No joke. They would agree with a post written by an incel saying, “Women who have OnlyFans deserve to die!”

WTF! I don’t use OF (I don’t intend to in the future) but the fact that women constantly put other women down to get validation from men, sickens me. This is not right! I do not care if women wanna make money with OF, it’s their business!

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What do you think internalized misogyny is?
Do you have any internalized misogyny?
Who/where do you think we get most of our internalized misogyny from?
Is the community around you misogynistic?
How should we combat internalized misogyny?


Women hating other women or the “I’m not like other girls” type of girls.

I don’t think so.

The “quirky” girls, the girls who hate on girls who wear pink, the girls who sl*t shame other girls, the girls who think a girls duty is only to her husband and she should submit to him and also the transformed wife

A little

We should stop glorifying sl*t shaming unless it is some kind of kink you do with your wife/husband/nonbinary partner.

We should stop treating women as weak and fragile because women are strong and can be stronger than men

We should stop the whole hating of girly girls.

We should let women do what they want with their bodies.


Women thinking their own duty in life is to obey their husbands. Women who look down on other women.

I don’t.

I feel like the way a person is brought up can make someone misogynistic. If a person grew up surrounded by misogynists, big chance they might be one too.


I don’t really know, but I think educating people should be the first step.


misogynistic teachings that are learnt from a very young age

no way. i never believed the whole “women should only be cooking and cleaning” thing and some other traditionalistic rubbish.

society, parents, and obviously misogynists

my mum is, but i don’t know anyone else irl who’s misogynistic

educate people. make them realise that men AND women can be successful and do what they want. your sex or gender doesn’t determine what you are allowed or not allowed to do.


added tags~


wHeN aRe yOu gEtTinG mArRiEd aNd sEtTLiNg


These are some great answers, everyone!

Yes girl! We have got to stop calling each other ‘slts and whres’, it makes it okay for guys to call us that. I know this is a quote from the iconic film, Mean Girls but I totally agree!

But when it comes to something kinky, I think it’s fine to use the word ‘sl*t’ if it’s consensual if you get what I meant in that case.


Being a girly girl is not equivalent to being ‘sl**ty’ either! You can like make up & styling your hair and skateboarding. No harm in balance!

Damn right! No one should tell a woman how to dress or what to do with the baby in the womb, I’m pro-choice and being pro-choice doesn’t mean you’re a sh**ty person!

That’s a very interesting point. Especially when it could be pushed onto you when you were younger.