Discussion: Mulan 2020

This is a thread to discuss the new Mulan movie which will be coming out next year. I have the trailer which will be included at the end of this post. So what do you guys think of it?


I hated the trailer music at first but then it turned into an orchestral mix of a very good song, so I’m into that. I like the overall look of the film too? It’s similar to the original that it kinda seems to conflate a few different Asian cultures together, but that’s not exactly new, or bad. It is fantasy at this point after all. But overall? It looks decent. I like the colours, I like the cast, they look great for the most part. Captain Shang sounds awesome, (even if not getting Jackie Chan was understandable, but a missed opportunity, since Jacki Chan actually did the Chinese version of Make a Man out of You originally).

But most of all… Where’s Shan Yu? Missed opportunity, the new villain looks boring, and for some reason they added a witch character??? Why??? If the original Shan Yu had anything it was menace and presence. A longer run time to flesh him out? You could have had one of the better Disney villains out of one of the worst, but instead there’s just generic long-haired dude and… Witch. Did they feel it needed more female characters?? Sure, I mean, I’m all for that, but why a witch??? I’m so confused :joy:

Once again I feel like a remake was pointless for this. But this one genuinely looks promising, and who knows. It might be another Aladdin, where it turns out decent instead of awful like the others


I think it’s absolutely terrible! The animated Mulan will always have a place in my heart but I don’t think the live action version would be good as the animated one to be honest because it doesn’t have any decent character development like the animated one.



I haven’t watched it yet. :purple_heart: :butterfly:


Wtf? :rofl: :purple_heart: :butterfly:


I haven’t even watched the first Milan :rofl:


let’s get down to business…


Do we really need a live-action version?

Can’t Disney just make original movies instead…


To defeat…the huns


It really is funny that this looks like the best live action Disney film so far. If it is good, it’ll in some ways be even more disappointing. All that effort on a good remake that was completely unnecessary when you could have made something new instead :joy:

Maybe have a new eastern Asian princess? That could be fun, I’d love more Disney takes on old stories


Looks legit. A bit disappointed there ain’t no talking dragon.

But whatever the reason, guess it’s alright =))

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I haven’t seen Mulan or Aladdin :pensive:

You know what they should do an animated film on? Goldilocks


I want to go see it!

Aladdin was bad, I really hope that Mulan is better. (Lmao really hope they didn’t ruin the story or anything)

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I want to see it because so far I’ve liked all the remakes that I’ve seen and I just hope they don’t ruin the story :thinking:

So I’ve watched all the trailers I could find and compared to the original one this one seems kind of…dark? I don’t know if that’s just how the trailer is made but the original one is in bright colors and cute with the ancestors and all that. But this one seems more like a documentary made into an action move.

I think they’ve also changed some things about the story, at least it looks like that. There’s a witch and I don’t remember that from the original movie. I think the witch just doesn’t fit into the story and I miss the talking dragon.

I’m sad that they left out the songs of the original movie but I also understand they don’t want to make it into a musical if they are turning it more into an action movie. It would probably be weird having them break into a song. I like the soundtrack though.

I’ve heard people say it’s now closer to the original story of Mulan, so the one that was there before the animated movie, some people might prefer that but I’m not really a fan of it. I’ll watch it though, maybe it’s better than I think!

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The Youtube channel Asian boss went to Beijing and interviewed Chinese people about their opinion about the live-action movie. Apparently a lot of people think the actress that plays Mulan is too pretty LMFAO. I do get it though asI imagined Mulan to be more average or unconventionally attractive seeing as she was able to get away looking like a man in the army.

Add on: People in the interview also seem to care more about having a good representation of chinese culture in the film rather than seeing a full on musical with talking animals in comparison to the US.


I love that channel and I think I saw that video a while ago or it was another video about Mulan. :heart_eyes:

I tend not to analyze movies that much when watching them so from what I’ve seen it looks promising. :laughing: It’s kind of sad that they chose not to include the more magical/fantasy elements though but that also means that it won’t be an exact copy of the original and might be interesting on its own. :nerd_face:

I’m basing this on something I heard a year ago or so lol. I might have missed some majo things.


Yeah I agree , even though I might not be happy with certain changes in the live-action adaption of the movie. I’m happy Disney is trying to change it a bit so it doesn’t become a shot-by-shot remake of the animated version like they did with Lion King.


So does anyone here plan to watch it once it’s out?:smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Me! Me! Me!

I’m excited for it, I just hope it is isnt ruined with changes they made

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