Discussion: Should Minorities Get A Higher Chance At Getting A Scholarship/Hired?

So… Where I live people are more likely to get a scholarship if they’re black, even if someone else has a higher score than them. College things ask for your race (although you’re not required to give it).

This is also an issue in work-related things too. Is this fair?


I think it’s unfair and entirely ridiculous on them to do so based on race and no other qualifications. It can a lot of issues and it gives an excuse for people to say minorities don’t suffer from anything. They clearly do this just to be fake “woke” and be “for minorities”, in the most lazily handed way to do so.


Yeah I think that race shouldn’t even be considered on college applications!


I think it’s unfair too. Say two people are applying for a job, one’s a man and one’s a woman. The man has more experience and a higher level of education than the woman, but you hire the woman anyway because you have to meet a quota. Now you’ve hired someone who may be underqualified for the job, just because of their gender.


its unfair but life is not fair. its a fight.


I heard Asian americans are judged the complete opposite in comparison to African Americans. When it comes to college admissions .Since they automatically assume Asian americans will be smarter than White , black , Latinos etc. Which I think is also pretty unfair , why should race matter when it comes to getting a good education?


Equal opportunities mean equal, not preferential :man_shrugging:

What a lot of them are doing atm is trying to get more minorities on board to say that they’re ahead of the times, have bigger numbers right now instead of in the future, which is very counter-productive. Though this is still pretty rare, I’ve never come across it personally


I’ll say again what I said in the group chat:

Scholarships should be given to the bright students who can’t afford to go to university. Based on household income.

It’s not racially biased, but it would still end up helping a lot of bright black students


You know what would better . afforible universities. Or free like where I live


Yeah it would be better! I think education should always be free, since uneducated people cost the government more than education would. But you know :upside_down_face:


Added equality tag


No, because I get that their trying to make equality but this isn’t being equal, it’s being racist.

College shouldn’t be about race, no matter what side of the scale your on. It should be about your own goals and grades that you have worked for.


I don’t think that it’s fair. You shouldn’t be accepted to a school/job just because of your race. Everyone should have to work equally hard to achieve their goals. :eyes::sparkles:


Equal opportunities, equal power.


I agree with you. Everyone should get equal chances for school


It is true that getting scholarships are bit harder nowadays because people are nitpicking over the details. Though I think everyone should have an equal chance to get a scholarship regardless of your race and gender. They just passed a law in Tennessee where community colleges allow some people to go to school freely at the moment but there are still drawbacks with what people get from the school. You also have to know there are many scholarships that cater to those who are minorities even more so now because it can be harder for them to get into college or even a job to help them through their schooling.

Now, as for work related that is nothing new. I worked with many people at my work who come from different ethnic groups. Though, my job is not a career job place so it’s different than companies that are more office-like jobs. I kind of ran into a similar issue here at my job before I switched to the new department I was in. There was this girl named Kristen, she just didn’t do any work and I’m pretty sure she stole product because people had caught her before but they never did anything about it. Yes, she was Mexican but that had nothing to do with her not doing any work. She was a teenager who got the job but she would just go upstairs and watch stuff on her phone and not even do her job. It took months for them to fire her because they couldn’t seem to find a good reason to even though there was evidence she wasn’t working like she should have. I’m not going into details of the whole issue but this was just another case that probably should not have happened to begin with. The girl was very nice but she just wasn’t willing to work. What I’m trying to say is everyone should get a equal chance to get a job and to see how well they do in that job. Equal judgement for everyone. To be honest, I feel like people are getting more sensitive over topics like this because everyone is always walking on eggshells when minorities are brought up. If we just accepted the fact that we need equal choices and chances for opportunities. I hope this made sense.


Agreed 100%



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It’s unfair. Scholarships should be for bright students who can’t afford to go to uni. Don’t offer someone a job or scholarship or a bursary to fill a quota or to tell the world ‘hey we’re so diverse and non-discriminatory’. There’s always going to be people who call you racist or homophobic etc. for not giving jobs or scholarships or whatever to POC or to LGBT+ people etc.

Giving people opportunities because they worked hard for it and because they are the best ones for the job is not discriminatory.


I think there’s a little thing that people are forgetting: “minority” is actually specifically talking about the people who have little to no power in a country, not anything to do with the population.

I mean, women make up around half of the population, but they are still considered minorities because they don’t hold as much social or political power compared to men in most societies.

So, to some extent, scholarships are there to right the imbalance that already exists in terms of minorities and the power they hold.

In the UK, most of the scholarships I went up for were there to try to correct the imbalance in certain jobs and universities. It is difficult to correct a wrong like social inequality without making any proactive moves. Like, if your grandparents are rich and your best friend’s are poor, your parents are more likely to go to a good university and get a good job. So are you.

In order to be fair, we sometimes need to correct those wrongs first.