Discussion: Sick of Authors Looking For Reasons Why Not Include Diversity 😒

Well, that’s unfair. It doesn’t matter who wears it and who not honestly. People will always associate whoever wears the Hijab as Muslim. I don’t think anyone can speak for that. It’s all personal preference.

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I guess… :woman_shrugging:t5:. But, actually I haven’t seen other women who wear headwarp like hijab, expect the women of Lev Tahor…

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It is true. Not all the women who wear hijab are Muslims. Druze women wear it as well.

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It is like some people just seem to go by “racist/Islamophobic/Anti-Semistic/homophobic/ableist, etc.” mindset.


There is no reason for authors to not include diversity.


It’s stupid. There are no excuses not to include diversity. The whole point of diversity is to make your story feel real, more relatable and natural. When people say “I don’t know, because I haven’t met anyone outside (insert a few races)”, do they realise google exists? Diversity isn’t just race. Surely they’ve seen people from different sexualities, different disabilities, religions, etc. There’s really no actual excuse.

Even worse when they think we are the ones whining and crying over not having diversity and paint us as rioters who go around shooting diversity guns at people. No, it’s you and your excuses.

Fantasy. Again when people represent so many different creatures but don’t show any POC characters. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:?? I don’t get it. They always make excuses and tell everyone they are not people of colour. What’s wrong with that?

Even worse when they represent people stereotypically. If I had a dollar every time the gay best friend acted girly and wore florals, when the sassy black girl got into a huge argument, when the bigoted Christian insulted anyone who didn’t have the same views as them, I’d be a billionaire.

And stop throwing in characters for the sake of diversity? Why not simply make the MC or LI just happen to be a particular race, religion, sexuality, etc.??

It’s actually stupid. :blue_heart:


Or if they add a black girl to fantasy. Her power is always fire and shes always “sassy” with red or orange hair

Dont get me started on christian portrayls.
In fact dont let me rant about POC portrayls either…


Do it.


Omg I put this in the wrong thread :skull::skull::skull::skull: I’ll delete it…



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yea imma little late but this author (who i won’t name this time) a fan asked why there is no diversity and that author replied “There’s a lot of hot straight guys in my stories, exactly how i like them” LIKE WTH?


Yeah like. You do you boo but don’t come crying when you get valid criticism that your story doesn’t have a super diverse cast.

Because authors have a habit of doing that


What? That’s a dumb excuse :unamused::roll_eyes:


That’s actually just bigoted. Like, actually. Nothing more, nothing less




Don’t :clap:t5: get :clap:t5:me :clap:t5:started:

"I don’t know how write___"
Even with research, it’s not that hard. Sometimes the “research” is just common sense e.g black people tend to have textured hair --> this hair is different to straight hair and requires different treatment --> maybe you should edit your scenes where the MC washes her hair. POC are not any different to anyone else. Google is free people!

"I’m scared I’ll do it wrong and I’ll offend people"
Unless you write a literal caricature, you’ve got nothing to be scared of. POC are human. Again, Google is free!

"My story has nothing to do with race"
POC’s purpose in stories isn’t just to address race issues. Of course, racism, colourism, police brutality, slavery etc. are all very important, but POC are more than just their history. POC’s experiences do include racism but if you take that away, we still have our own hopes, fears and motivations which deserve to be told just like everyone else’s.

"Diversity wouldn’t work in my story"
…so black people can’t slay dragons, solve mysteries, date people, find ghosts and save the world just like everyone else?

"But [Insert Western Country Here] is mostly white…"
The keyword here is mostly. It doesn’t matter how many 70%s and 80%s you state - we’re still here! Areas within these predominantly white countries (such as my borough in good ol’ East London) are full of POC but so many London based shows, books and movies love to pretend that these areas don’t exist. The “majority rules” argument doesn’t make sense once you apply it to other minorities - redheads are a minority and yet they get representation. Blue eyes are a minority and yet they get representation.
Also “mostly white” doesn’t mean no one is LGBT, has disabilities, has mental illnesses, has different religions, speaks different languages…

"Stop forcing people to write diversity"
No one is “forcing” anything. It’s a suggestion. If you want to leave out certain groups then go ahead but you made your bed. If the idea of writing a character with a slightly darker skin tone than yours makes you feel that defensive, then you need to evaluate your biases :woman_shrugging:t5:

"Diversity would be unrealistic for my story because it’s set in [commonly mistaken historical time period thought to be all-white because the POC are left out of the history textbooks]"
And again, Google is free! POC (more specifically black people) have a history that consists of more than just slavery and civil rights. It’s not that hard to imagine one dark-skinned person in the whole of medieval Europe.

"Diversity would be unrealistic for my story because it’s set in [Insert Fantasy/Sci-fi Setting Here]"
…so it’s possible to have flying cars, dragons, aliens and magic but not POC? K.

"But I don’t see colour though"
Then how and why are you leaving out groups of people based on their skin colour? Make it make sense!

"I’m ___ and I’m not complaining about diversity"
I used to be this person I’m so sorry

"Who cares about what colour the characters are? Race doesn’t matter!"
I mean… it matters to the millions of POC growing up thinking they aren’t good enough in fiction as well as real life, the people whose only exposure to POC is through media, the POC who’ve been stereotyped due to poor representation, the POC who are told they can’t do something because their race has never been shown doing the thing they want to do, the POC writers who want to work behind the scenes to ensure they’re represented correctly and the black kids who struggle to dress up every World Book Day because they can’t name a single black book character… but go off I guess…


I can see this issue is a very big deal to many of you. I do think this issue is important, but authors will do what they want because it’s their story. The Episode platform is based on story-telling, so authors don’t necessarily have to write nonfiction and realistic stories. However, I do think representations of different races of people should be mixed in. I’ve never seen or heard any author who gave excuses not to include diverse characters in their stories. But, I do know some authors feel like they shouldn’t include any diverse characters…which is messed up.

See, using the “It’s their/my story” excuse doesn’t prove anything. It really just shows they’re/your stubborn and not open-minded, which is against everything that makes an author: Open to different ideas and changes.


A good example is the creators of the show Craig of the Creek. They’re white men making a story of a black boy in a black household. And they did an amazing job. I recommend watching it.

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Honestly, just make a story with no white people and they’ll throw a b*tch fit. :joy: They won’t be saying this when they’re not included. Hypocrites.