Discussion: Sick of Authors Looking For Reasons Why Not Include Diversity 😒

All of this is well said.

Well, I’ll say straighten up - they don’t have to. But the “it’s their story” excuse isn’t a good reason to why not include diversity. :unamused: That excuse is one of the excuses that I really don’t like to hear. It can’t prove anything, but their being close-minded. What makes someone an author is being open to different things, changes and ideas. Not saying “let’s point a gun on them and make them include diversity”, no. But if diversity isn’t included, then it’ll only show that all the characters are the same.
In addition, it seems to me as if some authors just seem to go by a certain mindset that makes them close-minded.

By the way, I really dislike it when some people play the victims and then come with that nasty attitude of theirs.

Oh, really? Imagine someone making all of his/her story cast without even one white/Christian character and how they’d respond on it. But if someone doesn’t add POC characters, no one will say anything about it.


Fricking Preach every single point is so darn accurate


Yeah, that’s true. But, there’s nothing we can really do to make an author include diverse characters.

Oof I forgot an extra point:

"Forced diversity is a result of forcing people to write diversity"
Firstly, “forced diversity” is just individuals feeling uncomfortable because a minority group is getting more representation than usual. Second of all, it isn’t the audience’s fault for bad writing…?


I’d not say “to make”, because it can definitely sound as if someone forces an author to include diversity when no one is actually doing this (I’ve not seen anyone forcing someone else to include diversity).

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And all we can do is try to promote diversity. Not to force it on people.


Yeah, I have texturized hair and I really wanna go back to natural.

Doesn’t make me any less black, or mean that people with natural hair don’t deserve representation.



Even with limited representation for black girls, their hair is almost always relaxed or only coily at the most. I can barely name any black fictional characters with hair as textured as mine.


Is your hair completely straight, or wavy like mine?

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It’s 4c and looks a bit like this:

When it’s wet, it shrinks and looks a bit like this:


Your hair must be gorgeous then.


Awww thank you :heart:


Love diversity! I’ll admit that 99% of my main MCs are Latina :joy: I’m Puerto Rican, so I rep mi gente.
But I love having the mix of peeps.
I’m more comfortable with representing non-straight characters, non-Christian characters, as well as various ethnic, racial, and cultural groups.
It doesn’t even take that long to research and represent appropriately (at least I think I’m appropriate :sweat_smile:).
Having a diverse cast gives a story more realism and substance :man_shrugging:


They’re Latinas!? I’d love to read!

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Lol! I never started using black protagonists in my story until now because I was worried about making them stereotypical (I live in the inner city, urban place)

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When I get my act together and publish the dang things for sure! :joy:

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I wrote a joke where my LI had never had asian food and he said something about being worried it’s dog meat. A bunch of white people attacked me and a bunch of asian people wrote me saying it was funny and it’s something some actually do eat so what’s the big deal?

I deleted it to make the white people happy…


Some white people have been known to eat cat food
… some people just can’t take a joke :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::joy:


Im sick of Authors saying u can customize but exclude gold shades past number 2(or any dark skin tones) like i have had that happen 3 times(today) already.

Or if we do get good CC then its ALWAYS ruined by artscenes (where the author says some crap like the MCs not you she has to look how i imagined…SO DONT LET ME CUSTOMIZE)

Ugh…u exclude my skintones(yet give ur characters commom POC features and hairstyles dafuq…)

Im really running outta stories since they all follow the narrative above in some(or all ways)

Anyone know any geniuenly good stories(where I can CC and have choices…)

Where i can have my fricking skintone without art scenes?
(I tried instant princess already…beautifully done but not my taste)


Theres not a lot of stories with dark skinned main character and no CC for skin sadly.