Discussion: Sick of Authors Looking For Reasons Why Not Include Diversity šŸ˜’

Think I counted 2 so far



Canā€™t say I donā€™t relate too much since people tend to not add Umber or near Gold 06 either.

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I get itā€¦

I use gold 8(or 7?) Thats my skin tone so they dont use them much v.v

The lack of coily hair styles is another thing thts bothersome but

Ill take it somewhere else x3

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The lack of coily hair is honestly annoying. The only ones is Ink and people never use it much.

That afro was the only one that had my texture(shame LL looks so awful)(also shame tht that was the only type too)

I really wish LL had that (INK qaulity Coily hair in diffrent styles)(and more cute protective styles for our hair/stuff like what u see in afro punk)

I doubt complaining on epispdes would help anymore

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Donā€™t even talk about the LL Afro :nauseated_face: And hopefully with their next style, theyā€™ll have better

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Honestly I get why people got offended, asian people eating dogs has always been rather a bad stereotype. Not saying it doesnā€™t happen at all because it does Itā€™s just a small minority who eats them in certain parts of the country. And the amount of asians eating dogs has just been blown up by Western media in the past.Especially with the dog festivals going on and the ways of supplying the dog. Which arenā€™t always the same as getting chicken from a chicken farm. Itā€™s not unknown information that peoples pets or random strays just get kidnapped. So thatā€™s not something you want to get associated with.

So with the dark history in mind and the fact that jokes are often subjective . The white people might have just interpreted your joke as you making fun of a bad stereotype . While Asian readers might have been able to laugh about it because they can see how ignorant and concerned the character is . Instead of jusy being blatantly racist. I mean the amount of white people (or just society as whole )becoming more ā€œwokeā€ has been a more recent thing.

So I think it was a well intended kind of hate, how weird it may sound.But a uneeded one since your Asian readers donā€™t seem to mind. Which is the most important thing in the end.


cough mine cough

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I dont see why anyone wouldnt add all the skin tones. Dara Amarie makes it so easy to just use one of her templates which includes everything.

I was a jerk in my recent story and I force everyone to have light hair though.


I know what you mean. I use a limited cc for both stories I wrote on the main characters because they come from distinct backgrounds. I will use full cc eventually though.


I just meant, If you allow dark skin, why not all dark skins?

I do think there are reasons to only allow some skins. For example, my friend is all worried about what people will think if she only allows her character to be white, but in her story, being white matters.
The mc is seen as a stereotypical white girl who has everything given to her and in the beginning she is judged for that. So in that situation, the skin tone makes a difference to the actual story.


True, I wish they did allow all the ccā€™s colors too. Iā€™ve seen what others meant. Yeah, I agree with that too. I understood what you meant.

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And people overusing the Lola character to make a Muslim and not even changing anything about her, just her clothes. :unamused::roll_eyes: How lazy do you have to be that you canā€™t even out the effort to make one of your own?


You didnā€™t need to do that. Iā€™ve noticed that some white people attack other white people for being interested in other cultures.

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Yes! In my first story, my MC is Mexican as well as the whole cast. In my second story, my MC is Arab. Itā€™s kind of annoying how most of these stories where you get to customize the MC have no thought put into the characterā€™s ethnicity or religion.
However, I do represent Christian characters in my stories because Christian MCs (that actually practice their faith and are not ashamed of it) are NOT the norm in Episode stories. Most of them never even mention faith or religion of any kind at all.


Iā€™ve also read stories where I have to be black too though, like Brianaā€™s story. It was fine though.


You gave more than one blonde hair option, though, which helped! I could make her look like she dyed her hair rather than just weird


Exactly. Iā€™ve also noticed that some ā€œoriginalā€ black characters are just a light skin Florence or Hazel with a different haircut :grimacing:


Iā€™m glad you werenā€™t super mad at it!
In ink screenshots I saw some black girls with blonde hair and I was like, omg Iā€™m so sorry! So i added light brown in LL. Wasnt 100% fix, but it looks a little more realistic.
I just REALLY wanted to call her blonde. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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