Discussion: The Oscars 2020

What did you guys think of the Oscars this year? Do you think the right films won? Do you think other people shoulda won? Tell me how you feel.


Tbh I don’t care about the oscars

Me niether, I’ve barely heard of most of the movies they talk about anyway

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I like talent shows, sometimes, but other than that I don’t like celebrities or anything like that.

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I think it’s a bit of an excuse to pat themselves on the back tbh, with reward shows like the Oscars most of the people there are already rich but now they’re getting awards for movies I don’t even know about? I don’t buy it.

I don’t hate all award shows just ones like the Oscars.

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I like the fact a not Hollywood movie won best movie but besides that I don’t care, it’s just a lot of people who want to show they have power, like the way it’s organized is wrong in itself and it should be way more diverse than it is and not just focus on the typical Hollywood movies directed by old white man, so in that way I guess they are slightly progressing but it’s still not there…


Yeah if more none hollywood and indie movies were recognised then I would be likely to like it more but some hollywood movies just suck yet get so many awards

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I disagree. If someone has had a movie nominated for the oscars then they have to be a good director.

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Pretty much yeah but some films that get awards are just not good films that nobody has heard of

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True, most of the movies honestly just depend on famous names and not necessarily the movies itself… It’s just all a show of power and not that much quality unfortunately


It’s actually kinda hard to explain but people want the Oscars to be more diverse, the way I see it films should only get an award if they deserve it regardless of anything like race/sexuality/ethnicity etc


I never said they are a bad director, but I just think there are more good directors and in general movies than the once that get nominated and they should look at in a broader way and more diverse


True, like that’s what I mean. Don’t make them more diverse for the sake of making them more diverse, but actually look at the best movies/actors/directores instead of just looking through the Hollywood glasses if that makes sense


Why does everything always have to be about diversity?!


Because awards like this should be about the actually best movies, not just a small selection of them. Diversity plays a role in this because at this point a lot of great movies aren’t nominated just cause they don’t fit the western old white male views on movies…


There’s a fine line between diversity and racism :expressionless:

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Why does the race/ethnicity etc of the director matter anyway? They’re a good director who made a good film.

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Yeah, but if all nominated directors are white man of a certain age that’s kinda problematic, don’t you think?


Depends on how good their movies are


Yeah, that’s true, if they all would actually make the very best movies it’s maybe understandable, but if there are at least equally as good other directors that’s an issue, and that’s the case.