Do you have scars?

Do you have any scars? If so, where are they located? How did they get there?

I have a scar on my knee because when I was little I tripped and fell on the broken road I tried crossing.


I do :grin::muscle::+1:

in a lot of places :eyes:

I had leg surgery when I was around 9 so that’s one of them :eyes:

I have stretch marks that I really like to admire :eyes:

On my toe of the shower
Stretch marks

trigger warning selfharm

On my arm because of selfharm

Surgery scars. I think I’ve shown them in the face reveal thread.

I have one from when I was five. I got into a fight with my older sister over a plastic chair and split my forehead open.

I have stretch marks, which I used to think we’re ugly, but their kinds cute now :joy: I also have many scars on my legs from mosquito bites from whenever I used to go to Africa on holiday (nigeria) :sneezing_face:

I don’t mind showing them, if you want.

Oui. I had to get surgery on my arm when I broke 2 bones at once. The lower scar still kinda bothers me because it’s close to my hand/wrist so it’s hard to cover/hide it :pleading_face::broken_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Ive got a lot of various scars.

My previous condition caused a lot of scarring on my body, I always used to wear tights even in summer just to cover them up as they were everywhere and I was really insecure about it. I don’t like remembering the cause for them as it upsets me and makes me feel bad about myself, but thank God I’m healed and I’m hoping that they’ll eventually go in a couple years. I’m more confident now and show my legs a little more ig. I won’t deny that it affected my self esteem badly.

I have a scar on my nose from when someone threw a broken frisbee at me. :’)

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lol i got one just above my inner elbow… i accidentally touched it with a hot baking sheet I was taking out of the oven… the cookies didn’t even turn out that well :woman_facepalming: … but i call myself a hardcore baker now lol

  • One down my arm from a grill :grinning:
  • One on my other arm from an iron :star_struck:
  • One down my calf from sliding in softball :crazy_face:
  • One on my knee from sliding in softball :kissing_heart:
  • Stretch marks :astonished:
  • One on my hand from falling off my bike once :hot_face:
  • One on my inner thigh from literally get a wire stabbed in me from a bike :heart_eyes:

And yahhhhh :cowboy_hat_face:

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I have a really weird hole/dent on my shin from when I tried to jump on a wall when I was younger :exploding_head::exploding_head:

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Jump on a wall? :joy:

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I have a scar on my head from a surgery I had when I was 7. I also have 2 scars on my stomach from the same surgery (I had to have it redone) and I have a small scar underneath my eyebrow from my brother throwing a wooden toy at my head when we were little.

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