I, personally, am absolutely terrible about getting homework done before time. I usually do the vast majority of the work on my homework on the day that it’s due. Even when I try, I end up severely procrastinating and can’t actually do much work in advance…
…The night before.
This is 100% me.
Yep, I’m bad about doing this. It’s hard to break the habit.
I either do it 1 week before or forget about it till the marking period is nearly over
Nope, I always do it at the last minute
never. there’s still some homework that i haven’t completed, and the school year has already ended.
i just don’t understand how my teachers can give me a crap ton of assignments to do every day and expect me to complete them all by the following friday.
Never. I just sit around on the computer thinking about the due date but not doing it.
definitely what i do!
I either do it the night before or in some cases at school. I’ve tried doing it at least a day before, but I didn’t succeed
I try to do my homework the day it’s assigned so I don’t have to worry about it anymore. But if it’s a subject I hate, I’ll procrastinate on it until the deadline
Well, depends. Sometimes I do it the day it’s assigned, sometimes the day before it’s due, sometimes in the middle… Usually when it’s exercises and that stuff, I do it early and when it’s an essay, the day before lol
I’ve tried to do that, but I tend to fail spectacularly
I tend to do mine weeks before the due date but as of recent I haven’t been able to keep up with that so I just do it and submit it. If I give up entirely on the homework, well the teacher is going to get it whenever I’m ready to turn it in.
Well if you count my 77 overdue tasks… nope - i’m always on top of it!
Not at all, oops
When I was in high school we didn’t really have homework
Oh, we only had maths “homework” but only so we can practice things and I never did it because I never understood anything.
Pretty much always before online school became a thing, now I’m struggling!