Do you know anyone that writes stories on Wattpad as a full time job?

We have a thread about how much you do/can earn on Wattpad. Now I’m wondering of you know anyone who makes a living from writing on Wattpad. I guess that has to be a pretty famous writer :thinking:

Do you know anyone that writes stories on Wattpad as a full time job?

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I don’t really think it’s feasable to have writing on Wattpad as your only job
It’s too risky. It’d be like relying on an instagram art account to supply your daily wants and needs - unless you are hugely successful (which unfortunately is unlikely) - you’re gonna end up in huge debt


It might be possible in pay-to-read?
I know there are actually some people on apps like Dreame that make enough to live off through pay-to-read.


I wonder if those stories where you have to pay to read them make the writers enough money to have that as a full time job :thinking:

@WattpadWizards Does anyone know someone who writes on Wattpad as a full time job?

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