Does reading books make you intelligent?

So, I’ve always heard that kids who read more books are usually smarter. But is that always true? :thinking:

I loved reading as a kid- mostly fantasy and supernatural, but sometimes medical books and realistic fiction as well. I guess I’m considered smart by school standards, but I don’t find myself very smart :joy: If anything, it’s just given me a wider vocabulary to flex on people with.

What do you guys think?


I like reading but I’m still dumb.


Press X to doubt :eyes:


Yes :star_struck: when I read I can feel my brain cells expanding :star_struck:

it does help you learn, so yeah, I think it does.

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But I am dum and I read at like age 3 so that’s saying a lot

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Brain cells:


:joy: omg

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Depends of what you read… :eyes:


puts phone screen down Uhhhhh…



Yeah… never gonna use this info


What’re you re- gasps


mumbles X reader fanfiction and Quotev quizzes…

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Drarry fanfic and Buzzfeed quizzes

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Yes and no technically because it depends on what you are reading. Now, when you read you pick up lessons from them regardless of what type of book. Also, reading strengthens your brain. Reading is keeps the mind sharp which can add a precaution from getting dimentia in later life. You absorb reading books in different ways. It’s why people urge others to pick up a hobby like reading or writing.


Idk i never read :sunglasses:

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Reading (generally) is a good way to strength train your brain, like puzzles or picking up an instrument or learning a new language. I’d say kids should read, at least a bit outside of what they already read in school, but it’s probably more important for adults since we don’t legally have to participate in things like school that consistently make us learn new things in different ways everyday. I’d also say that most people stay in the same place for their whole lives and reading is good way to be exposed to new ideas and form opinions on things you wouldn’t necessarily encounter in your everyday life or immerse yourself in new perspectives you wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to.


I’m going to say, I do think it does. Cuz when you read, your vocabulary expands. You will come across new words that you may learn from the context it’s used in. Books can set you in different perspectives and allow you to understand certain things more clearly. Some books are educational, moving, emotional, or even even help you set a creative mindset. I want to read more books, but I’m broke and lazy to go to the library and I prefer buying books cuz I always forget to return them


I feel like you become more exposed to new knowledge, yes. If it’s fictional, your emotional intelligence is exposed to room for improvement. In science/history/ subjected books that are nonfiction you can open your mind to new facts and room for intelligence in general, maybe deepen your philosophical self. It only depends on how the reader takes in this information.

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Reading can help you become more analytical and can expand your mind more through imaginations, so yes it does make you more intelligent. It can also help you expose more information as well. It will allow you to understand more about other people’s perspectives Personally, I barely read cuz I’m really lazy and there are certain things that can make me interested but I can like read 100 pages in one day if I’m really interested in the book cuz that happened last year.

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