Episode Cover Dimenions

Since I’m doing Episode Art at the moment and it’s a little soul-destroying so I’m gonna stick this here for future reference and for anyone else who may be interested!

So the actual dimensions recommended for the small Episode Covers are 420x580 pixels, while the large covers are 966x642 pixels.

But the quality kinda sucks if you try to actually draw at that resolution, in my experience. So I’ll stick the dimensions I use while drawing Episode Covers \o/

Small Cover: 1260x1740 pixels
Large Cover: 2998x1926 pixels


aww poor Callum :joy::white_heart:


As big as possible! :smiling_imp: but remember that they do have a limit to the file size, so you may need to do some compression with something like TinyPNG if you make it too big!


I really struggle with sizing of people, like I can draw very good heads but I’m not good at attaching them to bodies, much less putting them on a background

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