Okay, this is a template in my story that I worked on for a long time. It uses a huge amount of characters which is why I listed the original and the script template you can use. The video below shows you how it works. You need a background similar to the one below to use this template. You are welcome to use this template. If you need to slow some of t down then I understand that.
Video of Template:
Original Script
music off
@transition fade out black 2
music music_rock_lp
@DAWN changes into DAWN_club
@LYNN 2 changes into LYNN 2_club
@LONAVYA changes into LONAVYA_club
@ROSE changes into ROSE_club
@overlay DRUM SET shifts to 84 157 in zone 2
@overlay DRUM SET scales to 0.500 0.500
@overlay DRUM SET to layer 3 and LYNN 2 moves to layer 4 and LONAVYA moves to layer 4 and ROSE moves to layer 4
&DAWN spot 0.514 217 349 in zone 2 and LYNN 2 spot 0.514 79 353 in zone 2 and LONAVYA spot 0.514 144 339 in zone 2 and ROSE spot 0.514 273 347 in zone 2
@DAWN starts play_drums_fast and LYNN 2 starts play_guitar_energetic_loop and LONAVYA starts sing_energetic_loop and ROSE starts play_bass_energetic_loop
&DARREN spot 0.514 212 300 and DARREN faces right and HACHI spot 0.514 272 300
&KC spot 0.511 108 269 and ELI spot 0.511 48 270 and ELI faces right
@KC starts dance_hands_up_loop and ELI starts dance_disco_loop
@LYNN moves to layer 3 and AMRITA moves to layer 3 and KC moves to layer 4 and ELI moves to layer 4
@ELI changes into ELI_club
@KC changes into KC_club
@DARREN changes into DARREN_club
@HACHI changes into HACHI_club
@LYNN changes into LYNN_club
@AMRITA changes into AMRITA_club
&AMRITA spot 0.462 86 398 and LYNN spot 0.462 43 398 and LYNN faces right
@AMRITA starts dance_whip_loop and LYNN starts dance_groove_loop
@DARREN starts nod_loop and HACHI starts talk_arms_crossed_loop
@pause for a beat
@speechbubble is 214 360 to 100%
The Neptune Club is a neutral ground for gangs to meet.
It's also a favorite place for the college students to hang out.
&AYAME spot 0.533 72 206 in zone 2 and AYAME starts head_bob_rear and AYAME faces left and KAI spot 0.533 132 206 in zone 2 and KAI starts head_bob_rear and KAI faces left and KELLY spot 0.533 265 206 in zone 2 and KELLY starts head_bob_rear and KELLY faces right and BRI spot 0.533 200 206 in zone 2 and BRI faces right and BRI starts head_bob_rear
@AYAME moves to layer 5 and KAI moves to layer 5 and KELLY moves to layer 5 and BRI moves to layer 5
@pan to zone 2
@speechbubble is 162 429 to 100%
@zoom on 507 0 to 123% in 2
| bold, shadow:black, color:maroon | Angels of Deception!
Popular new band.
@zoom on 380 363 to 387% in 2
@zoom on 452 333 to 387% in 1
@zoom on 522 323 to 483% in 1
@zoom on 603 333 to 387% in 1
@MYA changes into MYA_club
@SHADOW changes into SHADOW_club
@AMBER changes into AMBER_club
@SHAY changes into SHAY_club
@FINN changes into FINN_club
@ASHLEY changes into ASHLEY_club
@NINA changes into NINA_club
@CHANDLER changes into CHANDLER_club
&SHADOW spot 0.516 95 300 in zone 3 and SHADOW faces right and SHAY spot 0.514 150 300 in zone 3 and AMBER spot 0.462 282 398 in zone 3 and MYA spot 0.462 227 398 in zone 3 and MYA faces right
&SHADOW starts dance_groove_loop and SHAY starts dance_hands_up_loop and MYA starts dance_disco_loop and AMBER starts dance_whip_loop
&NINA spot 0.640 288 216 in zone 3 and ASHLEY spot 0.680 139 164 in zone 3 and CHANDLER spot 0.630 215 216 in zone 3 and CHANDLER faces right and FINN spot 0.680 47 164 in zone 3 and FINN faces right
@NINA starts dance_disco_loop and ASHLEY starts dance_whip_loop and CHANDLER starts dance_groove_loop and FINN starts dance_club_loop
@zoom reset
@pan to zone 3
@pause for a beat
@DARREN starts talk_arms_crossed_loop and HACHI starts think_loop
&JEREMY spot 0.640 -59 164 in zone 1 and JEREMY faces right and CAITY spot 0.640 -63 164 in zone 1 and CAITY faces right and KYLE spot 0.640 -75 164 in zone 1 and KYLE faces right and JILLIAN spot 0.640 -71 164 in zone 1 and JILLIAN faces right
@JEREMY moves to layer 5 and CAITY moves to layer 5 and JILLIAN moves to layer 5 and KYLE moves to layer 5
@pan to zone 1
@JEREMY walks to spot 0.680 79 164 in zone 1 in 2 and CAITY walks to spot 0.680 142 164 in zone 1 in 2 and KYLE walks to spot 0.680 270 164 in zone 1 in 2 and JILLIAN walks to spot 0.680 218 164 in zone 1 in 2
@KYLE faces left and JILLIAN faces left
@zoom on 300 302 to 512% in 2
@speechbubble is 107 167 to 100%
Night Club Script Template
music off
@transition fade out black 2
BACKGROUND with DRUM SET in zone 2
music music_rock_lp
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@overlay DRUM SET shifts to 84 157 in zone 2
@overlay DRUM SET scales to 0.500 0.500
@overlay DRUM SET to layer 3 and CHARACTER moves to layer 4 and CHARACTER moves to layer 4 and CHARACTER moves to layer 4
&CHARACTER spot 0.514 217 349 in zone 2 and CHARACTER spot 0.514 79 353 in zone 2 and CHARACTER spot 0.514 144 339 in zone 2 and CHARACTER spot 0.514 273 347 in zone 2
@CHARACTER starts play_drums_fast and CHARACTER starts play_guitar_energetic_loop and CHARACTER starts sing_energetic_loop and ROSE starts play_bass_energetic_loop
&CHARACTER spot 0.514 212 300 and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER spot 0.514 272 300
&CHARACTER spot 0.511 108 269 and CHARACTER spot 0.511 48 270 and CHARACTER faces right
@CHARACTER starts dance_hands_up_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_disco_loop
@CHARACTER moves to layer 3 and CHARACTER moves to layer 3 and CHARACTER moves to layer 4 and CHARACTER moves to layer 4
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
&CHARACTER spot 0.462 86 398 and CHARACTER spot 0.462 43 398 and LYNN faces right
@CHARACTER starts dance_whip_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_groove_loop
@CHARACTER starts nod_loop and CHARACTER starts talk_arms_crossed_loop
@pause for a beat
@speechbubble is 214 360 to 100%
Dialogue about Club or Location for background
&Character spot 0.533 72 206 in zone 2 and CHARACTER starts head_bob_rear and CHARACTER faces left and CHARACTER spot 0.533 132 206 in zone 2 and CHARACTER starts head_bob_rear and CHARACTER faces left and CHARACTER spot 0.533 265 206 in zone 2 and CHARACTER starts head_bob_rear and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER spot 0.533 200 206 in zone 2 and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER starts head_bob_rear
@CHARACTER moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER moves to layer 5
@pan to zone 2
@speechbubble is 162 429 to 100%
@zoom on 507 0 to 123% in 2
NARRATOR (You can use this coding or switch it out)
| bold, shadow:black, color:maroon | Angels of Deception!
Popular new band.
@zoom on 380 363 to 387% in 2
@zoom on 452 333 to 387% in 1
@zoom on 522 323 to 483% in 1
@zoom on 603 333 to 387% in 1
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
@CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT
&CHARACTER spot 0.516 95 300 in zone 3 and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER spot 0.514 150 300 in zone 3 and CHARACTER spot 0.462 282 398 in zone 3 and CHARACTER spot 0.462 227 398 in zone 3 and CHARACTER faces right
&CHARACTER starts dance_groove_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_hands_up_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_disco_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_whip_loop
&CHARACTER spot 0.640 288 216 in zone 3 and CHARACTER spot 0.680 139 164 in zone 3 and CHARACTER spot 0.630 215 216 in zone 3 and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER spot 0.680 47 164 in zone 3 and CHARACTER faces right
@CHARACTER starts dance_disco_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_whip_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_groove_loop and CHARACTER starts dance_club_loop
@zoom reset
@pan to zone 3
@pause for a beat
@CHARACTER starts talk_arms_crossed_loop and CHARACTER starts think_loop
&CHARACTER spot 0.640 -59 164 in zone 1 and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER spot 0.640 -63 164 in zone 1 and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER spot 0.640 -75 164 in zone 1 and CHARACTER faces right and CHARACTER spot 0.640 -71 164 in zone 1 and CHARACTER faces right
@CHARACTER moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER moves to layer 5
@pan to zone 1
@CHARCTER walks to spot 0.680 79 164 in zone 1 in 2 and CHARACTER walks to spot 0.680 142 164 in zone 1 in 2 and CHARACTER walks to spot 0.680 270 164 in zone 1 in 2 and CHARACTER walks to spot 0.680 218 164 in zone 1 in 2
@KYLE faces left and CHARACTER faces left
@zoom on 300 302 to 512% in 2
@speechbubble is 107 167 to 100%
Do you have any templates to share?