Eye health and eye sight

We already have a thread about eyes here but this thread is going to be far more in depth and talking about the actual health of our eyes and how important it is to keep them healthy.

I think we underestimate how much we use our eyes, they need to rest just as much as any part of our body. Treat them well, turn the light up in the room if you’re reading. Rest them an equal amount to how much you use them (this doesn’t mean sleep, it means if you do 3 hours of reading, do 3 hours of something which isn’t so intense on your eyes). Because otherwise you can develop eye strain (I did).

Also never leaving the house is bad for many reasons but it is also highly damaging to your eyes. It’s why I need to wear glasses.

It’s 2020 so try to keep your vision 20/20. :sunglasses: feel free to ask me eye advice I like to bug my optician.


Oops… :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:

I do need glasses- one eye is pretty bad, and the other is slightly meh- but I have PTSD from some stuff and glasses trigger me so badly. I cried in the opticians :eyes:

I tried contact lenses but I couldn’t even get them in :cry:


Big oof, there isn’t really anything I could suggest…


I neglected every possible recommendation it seems, using PC/laptop since I was 12, having a job that mostly done on laptop, and drawing/writing on PC in my spare time, and sitting mostly in darkness, but my eye sight is perfect. I think a lot depends on genetics.


Your eyes never switch off, even when you are sleeping. They just look at the back of ur eyelid


It’s less of a strain on them though

I’m not dumb I know you can’t turn your eyes off :sweat_smile:


Genetics and diet tbh

Niether of my parents need glasses for short sightedness but I do


I wear glasses.


Good tips.


My eyesight ain’t good, i wear glasses and i just loveee them sm, they have become part of me :star_struck: :nerd_face:


My eyesight is horrible, I didn’t do the tests last year cuz I forgot my glasses.


My eyes are quite good, I don’t need glasses. I’m on my phone/laptop most of the time and I don’t have the healthiest diet. :white_heart:


I wear glasses because I’m nearsighted, and because of my nearsightedness and my (intermittent) exotropia, I have to care for my eyes extra well. High brightness hurts my eyes, and I can’t see too far. I also have to regulate my font sizes.


I’ve been nearsighted since I was in 1st grade. I didn’t even realize that my sight had changed so much because I just thought that’s how I saw. Turns out, that I had slowly lost my sight over that year and it took a teacher noticing I was sitting on the carpet more often just to write down homework because I couldn’t see from my seat. I got glasses that year and I was surprised about how much I couldn’t see before. I eventually switched to contacts by the end of 5th grade. My eyes have progressed even more now since I moved into a group called progressing myopia’ s. It’s where the eyeball actually grows bigger causing the sight to be strained because the lens is being stretched out.


Imagine if you could, and they didn’t turn on again! :scream_cat::scream_cat::scream_cat:

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Kinda worried about my eyes tbh. Even tho they’re not that bad, I’m paranoid anyways lol. Is it normal for your vision to be much worse at night than it is at day?

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yeah, I mean, we’re not cats :joy:

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My life was a lie this whole time!


:joy: :joy: :joy:

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