You’re welcome!! Procrastinator tips from me haha
Hey guys, sorry to just reply to you, Levi. But this chat is about books. Whereas this thread is for FTD chat and the forums would greatly appreciate lively chat in other sections too. I really am pleading with all of our amazing RPers to liven the rest of the forums up too. PLEASE?! (Pleading_face)
We stopped talking about them long ago. Nothing to worry about. We’re sorry for spamming the chat, but Cad had already told us about it.
Yes, thank you for saying this. Though, just so you know. If off-topic posts continue away from FTD then we suggest you use the flag button. If a user has posted more than three off-topic posts on a thread a day, then flagging then continuing posts is advised.
Ot may sound harsh, but we prefer a flag that’s anonymous and mods deal to it than users showing annoyance toward other users. (wink)
I saw. But the reason I mention it is that it makes me happy and sad. Don’t get me wrong, I love how active the RP community is, that’s why I’m happy. However, I’m sad ‘cause the several hundred posts a day are many from the specific RP chat threads when the rest of forums is so quiet. RPers aren’t even using the specific RP threads that get made to discuss RP stuff and are just doing it all in the (name) RP chats. That’s all I was trying to say.
Hey @CrazyCaliope I understand, but I’ve got a question for you.
I believe you’re introduced with the general, simple polot of Blue Royalty, right?
Well I’m thinking of making a character but I don’t know what it’s about, the intro to the new forums doesn’t specify so I’d just like to know, briefly, the plot behind it.
Uh… I know the basic outline it. Though perhaps going to the Blue Royalty chat thread and asking the BR RPers there. As any of them can help. (wink)
Yeah but the chat was closed and archived yesterday. I remeber because somebody used the FTD tag and said “Blue Royalty is the better RP” and then closed the RP and archived it moments later.
So I can’t ask in the chat because there is no chat
Oh, nah, that was the old BR RP, the sequel is called New Blood. It’s chat is here:
Oh it’s just called New Blood, I see, thank you
Ah, sorry about that
I thought that since this was a chat thread, we could talk about anything-
I’ll merge the posts to another thread
No worries now. I’m just really trying to share RP community’s activeness with the rest of the forums too.
OMGG wowowow so much chattt
How are you guys?
I’m great … I’m just looking for FCs for Blue Royalty
Oh cool
Glad you’re good!
I am unmotivated but I want to create one character today, and FINALLY finish Arthur’s biography. And then I will have to write another NPC and… one more memory, and that’s it, yay!
what fairytale are you going with?
Oh, it’s an NPC, so none
And for my 1x1 RP with Ethie.