`☼ fairytaled | chat thread `☼

Ah, what are you into then?

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Erm… novels, classics


neither am I … I like LoTR and Skyrim, but I hate the trope “Your imagination is the best thing ever, just imagine” I don’t know how to explain but … I hope you understand


Do you like John Stenbeck?

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Ohh noice, but not really my taste

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I see. I just decided to read more critically acclaimed fiction, so I can later make good movies based on them, lmao. And to be more culturally aware


I’ve only started reading classics, haha. For now, I am reading Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte books, and other ones I have around. I’ve only started getting into it. I used to read crime books…

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Omg, that’s so annoying when someone says that, right?!
Like, in the books I read, there were many a times where fights or whatever we’re going on, and I was like- what’s happening? 'Cause I don’t know how to imagine that kinda stuff.


Wowo lmao

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well I think you’ll like John, me and my father both like him and I believe his books are great

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Uh, I don’t know thread rules
But, is there like a book thread? Cause like I agree talking about books is fun, but I also remember that going off on tangents unrelated to the RP was or is looked at badly since it could be talked about in another place on the forums?
I mean I personally am not bothered, but I wouldn’t want you all to get in trouble or scolded xD since I know that sucks

(If I’m blind and this isnt a tangent unrelated then just ignore me xD)


I’ll check his books out then! Thank you

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Oh that … I meant those kid fantasy movies where people use the word “Imagination” for too many things and just … ugh…

But I also hate when I can’t imagine something. I have to think really hard to know how a person looks based on the descriptions. A grecian nose? A diamond shaped face? What is this? I can’t picture this?


His books are classic too.

He usually writes shorts like Red Pony

But also has good novels like The Grapes of Wrath

and tbh, prepare some tissues

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You’re right, I’m stopping here, you guys can move to a different chat if oyu want, but I have nothing more to add to the convo


You could also probably make a group PM if its more comfortable talking about books between each other ofc- though I would hope no one just goes into the book thread to say certain books suck XD And now we cover it up so no one knowsss

Anyone want some trading cards? I got Saga, I got Stirner, I got Joelene I think (Could’ve sold her off idk) and I got Valdis
… I could probably make like fake trading cards of my characters just for fun… I have photoshop XD
(Btw thats my weird way of offering characters to people who want them)

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How do you like…
Write smooth good-looking guys…
I need that ability in my life

I don’t know why but this made me laugh, lmao

I love how your write dialogues, they are so amazing, ahhhh

Oh my-my
I will remember that, yes


Oh, poor girl!

That’s… that’s a great idea!

And I really want to approach your characters during the next period, as I stated before, yes!

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Yep! I’m keeping that in my mind XD
Main point in me saying it (right now at least) is for people who have characters they want to use but haven’t asked or gotten anyone to use them with XD

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