Yeah nothing, Skyler2 asked about autumn and I told her she was your character
Oh, yea! Sweater girl
That’d be nice. The more, the merrier!
Hey guys
Sorry I wasn’t on all day
Life’s about to get pretty busy for a bit I’ll try to be on as much as I can tho
No worries. I know the feeling there
Don’t worry, love! Take your time
Ohhh I’d love to see how you guys see my character in osme of these charts, that’s really awesome
Grégorie would be in the last tier, lmao
I’m back! What I miss???
Okay, I’ve replied to @jaytastic - I assumed we were just gonna keep going until the moment caught up with the current time?
@Skyler2 and @Bluecookies I’m still waiting on your guys’ responses. I believe Sky our plan was to just jump to the end of lesson, if you want to do that? As for Blue its up to you if you want to clone and continue or have the time be lunchtime now? You could just say that the bell rang or something??
As for the other two I have reserved I will get those intros done. I believe it was Caoimhe for Petra @ethereal and Tassos for Mayer @Skyler2
I also still have Jack Cricket and Cinder if anyone wants to talk to them??? @CrazyCaliope you never did say if you wanted to rp with one of mine with the son of wicked witch???
Yep, that works great with me! I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get it done, I’m tryna focus on a couple of other things right now, and I wont be able to respond until Monday, so maybe you want Tassos to talk to someone else? As much as I hate the idea of that.
Pfft, nah you’re good, I take a while to reply myself due to how many other things I’m doing half the time XD Only reason I got time now is cus I’m currently at work and have a spare moment
Who’s Cinder the daughter of again? Personality?
Daughter of Lucifer. I linked to her signup here
Do you want a character of mine?
I think her and Dawn would be really interesting.
Oh? Who is Dawn??
Daughter of Black Annis. She’s sorta feral.
Want her info?
Yes please!