Good morning my dudes
Yesh, I hath returned.
character name: Dawn Black
child of: Black Annis
gender: Female
pronouns: She\Her
age: 17
sexual orientation: Unsure
romantic orientation: Unsure
best subject: Physical Education
personality: Dawn is wild, to say the least. She’s literally wild. She’s very curious, which can get her into some dangerous situations. She’s very sweet, but you’ll know if she doesn’t like you, as she’ll growl and go on the defense. She may not know much about the modern world, but she can tell if you have bad intentions and will react accordingly.
biography: Dawn grew up in Leicestershire, England with her mother Black Annis. Her upbringing was about as normal as possible…if normal means you grew up in a cave. Her name wasn’t originally Dawn, as she never had one. She and her mother communicated by growling, but she learned some English by watching the people in the nearby village. Dawn never had an education, so it was a huge shock when a letter arrived. Dawn had to venture to the nearby village and coerce a petrified villager to read her the letter. She returned to her mother, and they both decided to go check out this…school.
birthdate [ optional ]: November 25
I posted for sweater gurl!!!
Snazzy! Have you posted her recently or do you want me to just approach her somehow??
about Kellan and Alizar, did you want me to post first?
why do I feel like I’ve asked this before
@ethereal question, we pretending lunch hasn’t started or should my post be more the progression to lunch?
I posted for her, she was talking to someone else, but she left. She’s outside.
Are you sure? Ca you link me to the last post because I tried finding it and it looked like Tina had recently replied??
which character is interacting with yours? Grotto?
She did, but she gave permission to move on.
Yeah, he was talking to Atticus, unless you don’t want to continue that conversation??
Ah, thats fair then. I’ll see what I can come up with
Alright! Cinder’s hot-
Pfft, yea she is XD
Waits for the realization
Yes, Cinder=fire. Fire=devil.
Was I right?