PFFFFT this is me XD
Me too, honestly. Dawn’s a mood.
Is it a crown? Just wondering, because the majority of his studies was dedicated to Magical Artifacts: enchantments, types, uses throughout history, etc.
if you mean this bit:
It was probably an early version of the Crown of Immortality, depicted as a crown of stars.
If however you are asking what Atticus’ first enchantment was, nobody but Atticus and Lady A. Know
So, if he surmised from Atticus’s words that his first enchantment was a crown, would be be correct?
Nope. Also he never actually mentioned the crown, unless Grotto can read minds?
Nope, but he can read books, history books! I was just curious, because his father drills these kind of artifacts into his head, because one day, he’ll have artifacts of his own to protect.
Just curious, (hehe) Are Disney characters considered?
Yes, but not everything was noted in history books. The earliest things she was known to give were to Lancelot, they were a mix of things such as his white armour and several rings.
I want to say in my version the earliest thing she gave him that was noted down in history books was a shield for him to take to King Arthur’s court as a knight. But there are also tellings that she wore an amulet to seduce Merlin before that.
The thing with most history books around this kind of thing is that they all contradict each other and neither are entirely sure what’s fact.
Which is why I am Also taking a lot of artistic liberties with the whole enchantment thing XD
OMG! I’m sorry, I didn’t see your reply. Yes, it’s a given. Of course, I do, Tea! ALWAYS!
Awesome! Now just to work out which character to use Do you have any preferences??
YAY! … (sweat_smile) You are attempting to make me choose? You are cruel. I do not like these things called decisions. They are horrid things. Though I assure you that all your beans are marvellous and all would fantastic to RP with.
Ah ha! I got a new idea while eating an apple! There’s your hint on the child.
Damn it. He was real. Never mind.
Snow White?
There’s too many apple eaters!!
Johnny Appleseed!
Oh…lol! I wasn’t close!
Kind of reminds me of Uncle Ben from Sam Rami Spider-Man trilogy…