Alright, sounds good! I can’t wait to see them, ayyyy!
Ahhh, thank youuuu! I am really happy you like them!
That oozes with sarcasm
Well, I have to say, that’s certainly interesting! The psychic part sounds kinda cool (my friend also tends to have realistic dreams, psychic-like). But the first part… oof… I am sorry. I guess, all the dreams, realistic or not, can be a pain
id lowkey rather have nonsense dreams because then i have something wildly funny to think about all day. the psychic part has happened a few times, it’s just odd sometimes.
ive had some dreams that are just so wildy hilarious that I start laughing in my dreams
Hmmm, that’s true, tho! Nonesense dreams can be quite funny… unless they are super scary nightmares
Ahhh, it’s best not to remember your dreams when you wake up ngl.
Wow, I’ve never experienced that! That’s kinda hilarious
Oh no, it’s okay! Looking back at them doesn’t make them as scary, thankfully!
JSJSJSJSK THANK YOU! I feel more confident after rewriting a bit
and OMGGG ofc you put so much effort into them and it shows- they’re so gorgeous I strive to be like that
Ya know, I was gonna say when I was gonna respond to Háo
But I’ma have that be a surprise
It wasn’t an arguemeeeeent… looks up definition of argument
Okay possibly some type of argument BUT mostly all the anger was because of Jara not knowing how social interactions work XD
Can’t tell if I should be concerned about that- Is Alya’s sanity gonna be safe? XD
I mean Noe and Kale haven’t even met yet, let alone to be certain they’ll be a thing, I just remeber planning with @/Ouijaloveletters to make them have a cottage together and since Kale is demisexual and Noe would be helping him, they’d make a bond first so Kale would fall for him and because he would feel closer to home with Noe he would like him even more, and after falling for him would only then be attracted to him (demisexual)
Exactly!! It’s super cute to think about and you’ll have to catch the vibes to see what their relationship will be like I support whatever you choose to do! Also for Phong I can def see the start of a dope friendship and we will see how that goes too >:D