`☼ fairytaled | chat thread `☼

Guys, I was bored so I made my favorite musical characters (meaning they’re all characters from one musical which happens to be my favorite, not a character from a bunch of musicals I call my favorites) and I took pictures of them in poses, do you guys wanna guess the musical?


Yes yes I do!! Also just so you know Asa is my very ADHD baby so he takes medication for that so he is going to ask Hrvoje what kind if drugs. Oh boy here we go.

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the illegal kind lol, like extasy and mary jane

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ectasy is illegal :sob: in the US I think

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Yes it is

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it was originally created to like help relieve anxiety and depression but then it became a club drug so

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It can cause some sick hallucinations if it’s made even a little wrong though

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Sorry i haven’t been on much these last couple days. Busy with other Rp’s.


Yeah, it got a little dangerous. Although the US is or was allowing it to be done in trials and see if it could benefit pyschotherapy. Either way, MDMA is (': dangerous just like any drug and even though it was made for pharmaceutical use and it’s just easily abused and addictive

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Okay here’s the leading lady and her man, who is English and cute AF. I picked the wrong background thought, because in this background he should be in his pajamas or underwear, and she should be in a dress that ahem “slips off easy”


hmm I don’t know im stumped. This is a musical?

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Yes, I’m sending more pictures, It’s really hard getting it on the first try lol

This pictures show off the less basic part of this musical

One is supposed to be a minishter (Hint: or at least dressed like one) and one is supposed to wear a jacket with an old school crest (or a fried egg on the pocket) … Notice the background ( :wink: )

And this is the jacket guy from the last photo dressed as a sailor and his love interest

This would never happen thought, because the first time they kiss she’s in a wedding dress and he’s dressed up as an asian (a racist portrayal of an asian character so that’s a hint for you too)


Man I hate to say it but you have really stumped me and Ive seen and been in quite a few musicals so its either really obvious and im overthinking it or it is one I don’t know

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Hint: This musical is older than your grandmother

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how old is your grandmother?

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I’m just gonna tell you the year because you’d really have to think waaay back to remeber this gem of a musical (thought racist nowadays) - 1934

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ok now I need to think. Is it considered well known?

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Yes … it’s still being done today

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hmm that knocks of what I was thinking then because I was thinking Conversation Piece by Noël Coward

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