“Well, just know, I’m ready whenever you are.” kristi smirked, “Ok let me say it now. I d-d-don-” Kristi stuttered, Huh! Kristi never stuttered. How was she suppose to rule a kingdom and be queen regnant if she stuttered? She would never be taken seriously. “You know what, I will need a drink.” Kristi flicked her fingers and a small glass of water appeared, Kristi grabbed it. And drank, now she was ready, “Look smurf, dart frog, blueberry, blue icing or whatever nicknames i’ve given you. I do-do-do” Fck.
What was messing with her?
“I’m crushing on the devil himse- herself.” Aquilla locked eyes with her, "Not to mention, you could probably kill me with the snap of your finger. But I have a feeling your of kind of person to want to get your hands dirty. Kristi seriously wished she could kill people with the snap of her fingers, but she was at level 8.8, to do that you would have to be at level 10. Kristi had killed people, with her bare hands, but not snapping her fingers like it was nothing, no- that would require an amount of power she didn’t have. “Your dam right I could, but you’re wrong about the last part. I do like getting my hands dirty” She purred.
“Or at least draw it out. You wouldn’t want it to end to quickly, right?” Kristi smirked.
@eunoia - Quill it’s ok.
“Ouch, how’d you know? I’ve been working on that party trick lately.” Haldir arched an eyebrow, “Really? Try then. Sure me to trick and disappear from my eyes forever”
"Hey, mysterious stranger? I never got your name.” And you never will, Haldir thought. Not if he had his way with it. “and I’m persistent.” Haldir with a bored tone said “And i’m strong willed” He didn’t trust Wei, the way he was so persistent to annoy him to disturbed him greatly.
@eunoia - Wei