`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

Hall to Castleteria?

“I’m really sorry for rolling over your foot! Are you ok?”
Jara thought she’d have some time to relax, yet the universe seemed to disagree. Her foot getting trampled did not help her current emotional low point. It didn’t hurt at first, but after a second, the pain started to kick in. “I’m f-fine,” Jara said, along with a tiny whine of pain from her mouth. She lightly kicked the ground with her injured foot, trying to distract from the annoying type of pain. Though, Jara wasn’t upset at all with the person. She figured she deserved this after what she did to Ayla. “It’s not like you ran it over with spikey soles. It could have been worse. No need to apologize. I’ve done worse today, anyways.”

@Ouijaloveletters ~ Háo Tiān
@Skyler2 ~ Alya mentioned I saw people do these, Idk. Am I cool yet? Can I sit at the big kids table?