“Hm, that actually sounds gross. What’s the point? You didn’t eat them, right?” Bay asked. Ariadne shook her head no. “Nope. Not these ones.” She thought about real cones that big. “You think so? I wonder who… I really wanna try one now.” Ariadne thought about who could possibly sell them. The it popped into her head. “Elliot likes to cook and stuff. I’m sure I could get him to make some one day.” Ariadne offered up her brother.
Giggling, Bay said, “All good down here! This is kinda a body puzzle- I’ve never been one of those before!” Ariadne to lifted herself of Bay. "Almost ther- Ariadne lifted herself fully off of Bay. “There!” Ariadne said, feeling rather accomplished.
@ethereal - Bay Meri Meng : are we ending or continuing?
“Hmm?”fck she had said the last part out loud. “Nothing, blueberry” Kristi winked, she didn’t want to answer the question of what she said. Because then unless she finds a perfect believable lie, she would have to tell Quill about her thoughts. Kristi didn’t want that. Kristi stared at Quill’s blue eyes, she had never liked blue eyes as she it reminded her of a dead frozen fish and usually people with blue eyes talk a lot ‘in the night my eyes turn a little bit grey? but also purple ?’ which made Kristi snort, like ok who cares? No but for real, did she ask? Anyways, smurf’s eyes was different. It didn’t make her think of frozen dead fish or of someone who is annoying (though she is slightly annoying, but who isn’t?) it made her think of the skies when they’re blue.
Smurf grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. They stood awkwardly hand in hand as they made their way to the school “We should get to lunch.” Kristi nodded, “We should” and so they made their way to the school. Finally inside they walked to the lunchroom. Kristi saw some teachers selling tickets, she turned to Quill still holding hands with her “What are they selling?” She asked.
“Come on, you might actually have fun. Give it a shot.” Haldir glared at the ground, “Fun is a waste of time.” Haldir didn’t have ‘fun’ except with his younger sister and his aunt, the last remaining of his relatives. He didn’t want to loose them and so spent time with them making them happy, but Haldir has never truly had ‘fun’ he studied hard and trained to grow more powerful. Even when she was alive, he still behaved like that. “Please? Just give it a try. I’ll be less annoying, I promise.” Haldir seriously doubt that. He exited the class and made his way to the lunchroom.
Alawa began to list all the counties she’d visited with her grandmother-a LOT more than Garçon had ever set foot in. He stared at her with admiration and wanderlust in his dark eyes. Alawa described her grandmother as he best person ever, sweet, kind, a role model. A frown graced her smooth, pretty face as she continued to say her grandmother seemed to pick favorites amongst her and her siblings. Yet another thing Garçon could relate to. Garçon, despite his overconfident-at-times nature, would never call himself smarter or more talented than his siblings. Despite the fact that he more than excelled in all of his subjects, he’d never have the emotional intellect of his brother, who could calm any child and comfort anyone, or paint something so real it indeed did look real like his sister. They had so many talents Garçon couldn’t ever dream of possessing. Which he was okay with. He didn’t compare himself to his siblings, but they did. A large chunk of the family budget was poured into Garçon‘s studies. He was given tutors, extracurriculars, trips, supplies, everything he needed to be on top. His siblings got things too but not as many things…
He didn’t realize he now wore a frown on his chiseled face. He switched it to a more light smile before responding, “Wow. That’s incredible. I’d love to go to all of those places someday. That’s so cool.” He’d only been in three countries-if you counted France, his birth country. “I…can definitely understand that. I was a bit of a favorite child to my parents as well-can you blame them…” He grinned both jokingly and smugly at Alawa, waiting for her to giggle in her light, adorable way. She gasped, ”Never, senior!” she assured him with wide doe-like eyes. ”After all, I knew you first.” She smiled charmingly at him, and his heart skipped a teeny beat. She seemed to have opened up to him. He leaned in closer. “Good. I’m glad to hear it.” Winking, he continued… “I’d be happy to introduce you two in that case…”
The shared moment faded away when the backpack rustles seemingly by itself. In response, Alawa sacrificed to it another carrot. He couldn’t control himself, he craned his neck to try to look over her shoulder and into the cavern that was her book bag “I have got to know what that is.” He tried to return her puppy-dog eyes and succeeded. “Please. I’m no tattletale.”
@Kristi - alawa : Ayy sorry this is a teeny bit late…
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”- Hellen Keller
Alawa noticed Garcon’s frown and whimpered, had she done something wrong? Was it her fault? Did he hate her, the thoughts clouded her mind. “Senior? is there anything wrong?” She asked, her voice soft and angelic. She shifted one of the stands of her hair that escaped . Garcon then switched his frown to a light smile and Alawa lips curved into a smile and her eyes crinkled. Yeah! He wasn’t mad at her, Alawa would have been down if he was. She hated making people mad, it affected their life force. "Wow. That’s incredible. I’d love to go to all of those places someday. That’s so cool.” Alawa gave a light smile, “Maybe we can go together, someday” She would love to travel with him and all her other friends.
“I…can definitely understand that. I was a bit of a favorite child to my parents as well-can you blame them…” Big doe eyes stared at Garcon’s dark brown one’s, “Guess we have a lot in common” She giggled. Garcon leaned in closer, they were a little too close and their nose were almost; Almost touching. Alawa blushed and her heart began to pound a little. “Good. I’m glad to hear it.” He winked, which didn’t really help her blush. “I’d be happy to introduce you two in that case…” As if forgetting about their closeness, Alawa leaned in even more “REALLY?” She was so excited to meet new people, and meet new friends. She had made two friends in total today, “Would he like me?” Alawa asked, her cherry red lips shaking a little as she awaited his answer.
“I have got to know what that is.” Alawa looked away from her bag and at Garcon. He gave her a puppy dug eyes, and told her he was no tattletale. Alawa pouted, “The puppy doe eyes are so unfair” But she nodded and brought her bag, she showed him what was inside “It’s just Ja-ja” she smiled, “My friend”
“Nothing, blueberry” Kristi then winked. “Umm, okay?” Quill said shrugging. She wished she said something more, just to keep the conversation flow. But Quill had to much pride. She wanted to say she hated this crush, but it actually made her feel better. She had been busy mourning and plotting a murder for the past few years, but this took her attention away from it. And she was secretly enamored with it. Sorry, mommy.
“What are they selling?” Kristi asked. Quill rolled her eyes. “Did you not go to class at all today? This stupi-” Quill stopped herself from mixing her personal opinions. “This dance formal thing. I- you wanna go? It’s on me.”Sh°t did I was just offer my money up again? She looked to Kristi again. “You um… Don’t feel pressured or whatever. Just umm, I can pay or whatever. If you want. And-” Quill cut herself off again, as someone with “Sh°t, Eudora.”
@Kristi (also @ethereal Eudora mentioned) - Kristi - idk how this should work, but maybe Quill and Kristi get tickets, then go look for Eudora?
“Fun is a waste of time.” Wei Ming stopped what he was doing. “Wait, what?” He was thoroughly unimpressed by the mysterious strangers answer.
He followed Mister Slim Shady hair through the door -still not seeing there face- and tried to catch up to be walking side by side with them. “That doesn’t seem exactly healthy, darling. You know, stress hormones, cortisol, is reduced by being cheery andhappy. Plus, who doesn’t love a little serotonin running through there veins?” Wei Ming finally got side by side with the stranger, but stopped as another student was in his way.
@Kristi - Haldir - how tall is Haldir? I imagine him pretty tall
“Did you not go to class at all today? " Kristi shook her head “Nope. Maybe next period I might, don’t count on it though because it’s still to early for school. Maybe tomorrow I will actually go to class.” Kristi listened to Smurf almost calling the ‘thing’ stupid but stopped herself. "This dance formal thing. I- you wanna go? It’s on me.” Kristi could feel heat rise from her cheeks, go with her? Kristi wasn’t even sure about her feelings- if she even had for blueberry. She looked down at their hands that were still together and then at Quill’s eyes “Sure” She shrugged like it was nothing but secretly she was excited and nervous, you could see that from the way she was tapping her foot. “You um… Don’t feel pressured or whatever. Just umm, I can pay or whatever. If you want. And-” Before Krisit could answer
Quill said something “Sh°t, Eudora.” Eudora? That sounded like a person’s name “Eudroa?” Kristi growled “Who is this person you speak of?” She asked, Kristi couldn’t really explain the emotion she was feeling right now. Kristi knew what jealousy was, she had felt it a lot of times when near her brother and mother. Mother favored her brother a lot, it was honestly disgusting. But she had never felt jealousy do to romantic feelings.
“Wait, what?” Haldir rolled his eyes at the unimpressed tone Wei Ming had.
“That doesn’t seem exactly healthy, darling. You know, stress hormones, cortisol, is reduced by being cheery andhappy" Haldir stared blankly at the caterferia entrance door “I have other ways of keeping me calm and stress free” He entered the cafeteria " Plus, who doesn’t love a little serotonin running through there veins?” Haldir pointed at himself, “Well it seems like it might be me”
Háo Tiān was rolling towards the Castleteria for lunch, when suddenly BUMP! he rolled over something…probably someone’s foot. He had a bad habit of doing that. He quickly turned around to apologize, seeing a redheaded girl standing there. “I’m really sorry for rolling over your foot! Are you ok?” he asked worriedly, looking up at her. @Cadborosa - Jara
He could tell the options he’d presented didn’t please her in the slightest, and it amused him. He took his hand from hers and for a moment, the two stood there. Then, in just mere seconds, he watched Callie frantically begin adjusting her makeup and hair.
Kace let out a laugh through his nose as he stepped out of the water, peeling away his shirt and wringing out the water with his hands. Just as quickly as she’d faced the water to get a view of her reflection, she turned around and faced Kace once again, her blonde hair tousled around her face. The messy look was definitely a good look on her, and he didn’t bother hiding his approval as he gave an smirk more to himself than to her. Slipping his shirt back on, he raked his fingers through his dampened hair and made his way over to the stressed-out princess. He grabbed the finger she’d been holding out and leaned forward, a cocksure grin still painting his lips. "A date. Tonight. That’s my request.
@ethereal - sorry this took forever! Thank you for the beautiful posts, as always
Hanako smiled when Lav said he wasn’t worried about the new food experience. “Well, that’s good.” He took her hand and walked to the line, looking for the menu. Ah, there it was. Oohh! Chicken nuggets! Yes, she liked chicken. Not just because she was a fox. Ok, maybe that had something to do with it. @LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
“Hanako?” I whispered and waited for her to ask me what or say hmm. “I have to tell you something.” I continued speaking in the hushed voice I was speaking with earlier and said “I was in this cafeteria before and ordered salmon. There’s also burgers but they’re tiny.” I felt a little embarrased saying this, but I felt like it needed to be said “To be honest the first time here I didn’t even realise it was a cafeteria. What with the atmosphere, the food and the abundance of people at any given time I thought this was a hangout spot where people sat down for coffies and lunches.” I blushed “I’m feeling stupid again. Surely by now you think I am stupid to think that?”
@Ouijaloveletters - I could have Lav mention being in here with Theodore Bell (a girl he’ll likely describe as cute because she looks slavic enough) and have Hanako be a tidly wink jealous
“I’m really sorry for rolling over your foot! Are you ok?”
Jara thought she’d have some time to relax, yet the universe seemed to disagree. Her foot getting trampled did not help her current emotional low point. It didn’t hurt at first, but after a second, the pain started to kick in. “I’m f-fine,” Jara said, along with a tiny whine of pain from her mouth. She lightly kicked the ground with her injured foot, trying to distract from the annoying type of pain. Though, Jara wasn’t upset at all with the person. She figured she deserved this after what she did to Ayla. “It’s not like you ran it over with spikey soles. It could have been worse. No need to apologize. I’ve done worse today, anyways.”
@Ouijaloveletters ~ Háo Tiān @Skyler2 ~ Alya mentioned I saw people do these, Idk. Am I cool yet? Can I sit at the big kids table?
After her little date with Valen, they said their goodbyes and moved on to their classes. Ahnvi made sure to exchange numbers before parting ways. Looks like I have lunch right now — she thought as she checked her timetable on her phone. She didn’t know they had spent so much time together. Ahnvi smiled as she recalled her pleasant time with Valen. He was such a sweet guy. They had gone to a cafe, looked around a few shops, and overall had a great time. She didn’t eat much there, just a little strawberry pastry and some blueberries. Ahnvi wasn’t hungry, but she decided to go to the castleteria, anyway.
As she walked through the hallways, she noticed that it was busy as always. Some guys were flexing their muscles — Ugh, showoffs — she rolled her eyes and continued walking. Just as she was about to enter the castleteria, a pale, young boy with curly, brunette hair dashed into her. “Eek!” she let out a shriek and backed away. “Um, I- I’m very sorry…! But, um, I’m in a hurry- shut up, Fleur!” the boy shouted at the rat on his head. “Did you- did you just-” Ahnvi’s eyes widened. “I have to go now! Sorry!” he awkwardly smiled and ran off behind a guy. Did he… talk to that rat? — she stared at him in disbelief. No, it can’t be. He must be crazy.
Trying to take her mind off of what had happened, she ordered a glass of chocolate milkshake and two protein bars and got them on a tray. Ahnvi looked around for a vacant seat and found one in the corner. She walked to her table with her tray and sat down to eat. She took sips of her milkshake. Ah, it was so good! As she was savouring her drink, a tall, hairy spider sat down beside her. She almost spat out the milkshake, but she managed to gulp it down. She gawked at it for a solid second. It- it was the scariest thing she had ever seen! But, at the same time, it was also the most beautiful spider she had seen. “Whoa…” she gasped, staring at its glistening green eyes. “You have beautiful eyes,” Ahnvi complimented it.
After a few hours of just sitting alone and silent during the lessons I craved some food. Maybe I’ll get to talk to somebody, considering I didn’t until now … But I wasn’t exactly paying attention. I checked my phone to see if I got any notifications from Instagram after posting the last photo. Guess nobody cares about programming on instagram, better post this to youtube, people search for it there. As I was walking with my phone in hand in the corner of my eye I noticed something scary. I look up and see it! A Dementor! “Ahh” I shouted only to realise it was a janitor’s black coat hung on the door dancing in the wind which made it look alive. I come up to the nearest person to try and save face now that everybody was looking at me, wondering what the actual f*** and I say “Did you see that?” I lied to not be so embarrased “The biggest bug I’ve ever seen!”
The girl squeaked out a tiny “I’m fine!”, kicking her injured foot. “Can you walk?” He asked worriedly. “If you can’t, you can hop on the back of my wheelchair. Are you going to the Castleteria?” He just wanted to make up for hurting her. He felt pretty bad. @Cadborosa - Jara
“Hanako?” Lav whispered. She turned, wondering why he was whispering. “Yeah?” she whispered back. Now, why was she whispering? Lav explained he’d been there already, and she nodded. “That sounds good. Who’d you go with?” @LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
“Well nobody … just this girl.” I turned back to Hanako “Yeah she’s probably the reason why I can just waltz into here, unlike before when I was afraid of every tree dying. But then we were walking form another building, while we are in the same building, so I don’t know if it counts or not. But yeah, her name is Theodore and she is deaf. We communicated through her notebook which was pretty cute. She was also sweet and nice. You two should meet.” I said as we came closer to the end of the line.
ORP: WHere did you get the menu for anything other than the breakfast menu? @Ouijaloveletters
Autumn shook her head, “I don’t think I’ve ever played it, but I could give it a try!” She said a little more upbeat with a shrug. She rolled the die and moved her piece. “Aw, he’s kind of cute! What does the gingerbread space do?” She asked inquisitively, she really wanted to know more about and enjoy Sonny’s favorite board game.
The game was almost over but the oven timer dinged and informed the pair that pie they had baked, was now perfection. Sonny had gotten up and offered a hand to help her up; Autumn took it and with a gentle squeeze pulled herself up with Sonny’s assistance. Autumn then moved away from Sonny towards the kitchen, as her hand slowly left Sonny’s she felt their hand tense. Autumn remembered that the two of them were making this pie, together. She wasn’t on her own anymore, she finally had a companion after so long…in baking this one. Autumn, not wanting the girl to feel left out, swiftly moved back to Sonny’s side and took their hand in hers once more. “I am, shall we go together?” She asked, a soft smile beamed across her face, her apple red lip gloss softly gleamed from corner to corner in the kitchen lighting, the color seemed spread through to match her now rosy cheeks, apple red with a touch of excitement and embarrassment at almost leaving out her new friend.
Destrian looked up with surprise at the tall female, “A giantess? What manner of siege be this?” He asked upon being assaulted with items he didn’t recognize. The tall woman immediately apologized and got down on their knees to clean him off. A giantess who speaks the King’s English and has manners? Perhaps not a giantess at all… Destrian thought. He immediately knelt and bowed his head for a moment, “Forgive me, fair maiden, for I have not seen a lady of thou stature.” After a full five minutes, Destrian finally stood up and looked around, “Does thou know of þe way to Camelot?”
Lav said he’d gone with another girl, and she quickly crushed the jealousy blossoming in her mind. He could hang out with whoever. This surprised her. She wasn’t really the jealous type. “She’s deaf? That’s interesting. It’s good that she has a notebook. I don’t know sign language.” She nodded when Lav said they should meet. She liked that idea. “Yeah, that sounds great!” @LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
The boy called them a giantess, and Emerson nodded. “Pretty much. I hope I didn’t scare you too much. I’m Emerson. What’s your name?” They were then very confused when the boy knelt and bowed. They cringed when he called them a lady. He probably didn’t know what non-binary was. Well, he’d learn something new. “Um…actually, I’m not a girl. I go by they\them pronouns. Thanks for being so nice, though.” @Bluecookies - Destrian