She didn’t answer me, but instead she laughed. Oh my god, did she not think that? Does she think me thinking we were holding hands was funny. My face showed how horrified I was of that statement and how embarrased her laughter made me. “Sorry, didn’t think so either.” I turned my face away from her view as I said this. Through all of this I was just hoping she doesn’t laugh at me again.
Lav looked horrified after she laughed, and Hanako blinked. What was-oh. He thought she was laughing at him. “I didn’t mean it in a mean way! I was just amused. I-uh…oh boy.” Hanako sighed, stumbling over her words. Welp. She’d messed up. “It was cute! The way you asked was cute, ok? I didn’t mean it like that.”
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
I smiled, reassured by her words. I looked back at her, happy after her words. “Wait, so whenever I mess up like this, you don’t think it’s boring or childish to not know how to act around people, you think It’s cute?” I smiled a bit more and a bit of blood rushed to my face to make it blush. “That’s really reassuring. I’m beating myself up about things more than anybody would. Thank you, but you should know you’re cute too, but in a different way. You’re just beautiful that way.”
Hanako smiled when Lav asked if she thought it was cute. “Yep! Sure is. Hehe, you’re blushing!” Hanako chirped, grinning. She could just hug him, honestly. Ok, now it was her turn to blush. “Beautiful? I wouldn’t go that far. I’m average. Thank you, though. You’re sweet.”
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
“Well you are though. My logic is as follows, and please don’t laugh at it.” I smile, knowing she will probably laugh the moment I say something stupid, but if she does it will probably be a light-hearted laugh rather than a mocking one, so it didn’t bother me that much, I just thought it had to be said, just like in that one book where the man said he thought people have s3x from behind, like horses. I continued “I don’t get to see many beautiful people, even if the dead that come to my mother were beautiful in their lives, there is no way to tell form their souls what their bodies looked like. There were sometimes pictures in books, but there were few and I didn’t find anything special about their appearance. So, when it came to beauty it was a term to me, a lot like love is to most of you. I told myself when I meet a person I’d find beautiful, I’d know it or gradually come to know it and from the on know it. And that’s what happened to you. Of course I did find you somewhat good-looking before we started talking, but the more we interacted, the more I thought good-looking wasn’t enough to describe you. Can you argue with that logic?”
Hanako nodded at his logic. Yeah, it made sense. “Oh, it’s just souls? What do they look like?” She looked at him in interest, looking at him. Hanako was really interested now. She couldn’t argue with that. Hearing about Lav’s upbringing was something she was fascinated about.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
“They … don’t look like anything. My mother says they look like light, but I can’t see anything. I’m not death you see and when people die they tend to leave their bodies on Earth so they could rot and feed the Earth they used. But my mom says that the bodies need to be in graves or destroyed so they don’t turn into zombies, but I think that’s just a white lie she told people since I have never seen a zombie, except read about them. But if it’s true I can undestand why Antigone would be this angry. It’s not just about following the rule of Gods instead of a King’s rule, but could you imagine how hard it would be to be attacked by the zombie version of your own brother?” I looked at her “I’m babbling again, sorry.”
Hanako facepalmed when Lav said he couldn’t see the ghosts. She didn’t think of that. “Ohhhh. That makes sense. “Wait, Antigone? What about Progone? Hahaha…bad pun. Sorry.” Well, that was embarrassing.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
“Oh don’t worry about that.” I said as I noticed Hanako feel ebarrased for not getting whatever I babbled about. “It was my poor attemtp at a joke. The set up was way too long and confusing and the punchline wasn’t worth it.” Our eyes met and I said “Maybe you’ll teach me something about it. You seem funny. You know how to joke.”
“Ohhh, yeah. That joke flew right over my head.” Hanako said, facepalming. She smiled when Lav said she was funny. She tried, and was happy it was paying off. “It honestly just comes naturally. You can’t really force it.” She said, pulling him into the Castleteria. “What do you think you’ll get?”
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
“we did not hurt them.” Tatum’s arms went up, "that’s exactly what I’m talking about! Why do people fear what they don’t know?" Tate looked between Dawn and his sister. “Because not everyone is like you, Tay.”
“I am Black Annis.” The thing- obviously Black Annis now- spoke. Tate started the beginning of a blood curdling scream, when Tatum jumped over forcing her hands over his mouth. “Sorry about him.” Tatum said smiling. She turned away from them to face her brother, who had stopped screaming. She lowered her face, and whispered yelled at her brother. “Shut. Up.” She turned back to them. “Sorry.” Tatum slowly moved her hand from Tates face. Tate was still in shock. Tatum awkwardly rubbed her shoulders. “Don’t worry about him, he’ll recuperate soon. Anyways, I’m Tatum. Very nice to meet you.” Tatum said, offering her hand. Tate was finally on his feet again. “I’d like to apologize for um, the fright.” Tatum gave him a nudge with her foot. Sorry for, um, screaming… How I reacted." Tate said bowing his head, mainly to cover up the fat that he was blushing then for respect. Though, he’d never admit that.
@Ouijaloveletters - Dawn -
Dawn and Black Annis’s hands flew to their ears when they realized Tate was going to scream. When he didn’t, they slowly lowered them, relaxing. “Sensitive hearing.” Dawn explained. They nodded at the apology, accepting it. Black Annis stared at Tatum’s outstretched hand, slowly shaking her hand carefully. “Tatum. Hello.” Tate apologized for freaking out, and Dawn let out a giggle. “Used to it.” Both said in unison, before whipping their heads around to stare at each other. That hadn’t happened before.
@eunoia - Tate and Tatum
I just somehow made Black Annis kinda wholesome-
“Tatum. Hello.” Black Annis said, making Tatum smile from ear to ear. Tate apologized, as both daughter and mother replied to in unison. “Used to it.” Tatum chuckled as they looked between each other. “Not to break the moment, but it’s really a pleasure to meet you, Black Annis.” Tatum looked over to Dawn’s mother’s nails. “Do you also have iron nails? Also, if you don’t mind me asking, how does your skin have that pigment to it? Is it like cyanosis?” Tatum asked, generally curious. “Excuse me, Miss Annis, but you don’t have to answer her questions, if you’re not comfortable with them.” Tate said, nervously.
@Ouijaloveletters - Dawn
Kristi nodded and snapped her fingers, a glass of water appeared in the air and Kristi grabbed it. She gave it to smurf “There” Kristi couldn’t believe she was actually doing this for someone, using her powers to help someone who wasn’t her family or would have a benefit for her. But Quill , she was just so different. Kristi could actually say she liked her, as a friend/acquaintance of course
and didn’t have to pretend too just for the sake of benefits, sure Kristi teased Quill a lot. But she just liked the flustered emotions Quill would give her, at first Quill was just a mere annoyance to her and someone who eavesdropped on her but now? She was “Still Smurf” Kristi sighed, accidentally saying the last part out loud. She was growing too soft. She was the daughter of the great trickster! The one who influenced people to do bad and who would be his sole inheritor if she finds a way to cheat her brother out of it. She will promise to help him as the new lord (which she will keep)
“Don’t you have money? My money?” Kristi grinned “I do but I don’t want to waste it and I know you still have money” Kristi winked.
“Wanna get lunch darling? The bell it soon to ring, you know” Haldir ran a hand through his long hair, “No” he got up, preparing to leave. “It can be on me. I don’t just offer that to anyone, darling.” With a cold emotionless voice, Haldir said “Don’t worry, spend your money on something else, I have mine” And headed to the door. Haldir seriously wished he could kill him
@eunoia - Quill and Wei Ming
Wow. This was actually going really well. Black Annis awkwardly smiled back at Tatum when she said it was good to meet her. “You too. Good to meet humans that do not run at first sight of us.” Dawn nodded, agreeing. Black Annis raised her hand up for Tatum to inspect when she asked. “Yes.” She pressed her lips together, having to think about the skin question. “Hmmm…not sure.” Dawn shrugged, looking at them with an ‘I don’t know’ expression. “Who is your parent?” Dawn asked the two, tilting her head. “You related?”
@eunoia - Tate and Tatum
I barely noticed the hallways ended and we entered a room, so I was quite surprised when she asked me what I wanted to get. My mind would’ve gone somewhere nasty, surely, weren’t I quick enough to turn my head and notice the full cafeteria right in front of our eyes. Considering the fact this was my first time ever in here, I wasn’t quite introduced with the menu so I answered “I don’t suppose you know what’s good in here?” I turned to her “I haven’t really had a chance to try anything so I wouldn’t know.”
Lav asked her what was good for lunch, and she shrugged. “honestly, I’m just as clueless as you are. I ate breakfast in my dorm. We’re going to have to figure this out together.” She explained, looking around. “Look, there’s the line.” She said, pointing over at the food line. Everything smelled really good.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
I gave her one of those smiles you use when you’re both happy and find something funny or fun but not so funny you should laugh at it and I looked adorable if I do say so myself (but I speculate, there wasn’t a mirror or a reflective surface so I can’t actually tell what I looked like, but I felt adorable and that’s enough) “That’s not going to be a problem, Vixy. I’ve had my fair share of new experiences to not be frightened by this.” Well finally, I wasn’t afraid of something minor and/or common. I do hope she thinks more of me now that she knows I won’t be this frightened of everything always, and that I’ll grow out of it. I hope I don’t change to much for her liking though, now that would be really frightening. “Look there’s the line.” she pointed out and then literally pointed there. I thought it was rude to point, but I didn’t mind if some rules like these aren’t being followed like I previously though. Keeping a satisfied smile (which she probably thinks is becuase of the amazing fragrance of food) I gently took her hand like she previously took mine and slowly started walking towards the line. I say slowly because I was keeping it at the pace where it wouldn’t feel like she was forced to go with me, reassuring me it’s what she wants even though I decided to take the reigns for the moment. “I hope there’s a menu.” I muttered. Of course there’s a menu you idiot. I’m glad you only muttered it, maybe she didn’t hear you.
“There” Quill took the glass, and took a sip. Quill put a piece of hair behind her ear. Quill rather hated her blue hair. Quill handed the glass back to Kristi. Quill looked away, trying to find something to focus on other than Kristi. Lately, Kristi had been taking up a little to much of Quills head space. At least, more than Quill liked. “Still Smurf” Quill found herself looking back to Kristi, “Hmm?”
Grinning Kristi said, “I do but I don’t want to waste it and I know you still have money” She winked. Rolling her eyes, Aquila grabbed Kristi’s hand and pulled her to her feet. Quill awkwardly stood hand in hand with Kristi. She started to turn a light shade of pink, so she decided to take advantage of the situation. She started walking towards the school, still holding Kristi’s hand. “We should get to lunch.”
@Kristi - Kristi - okay, I totally god modded, let me when if I should change anything
“Don’t worry, spend your money on something else, I have mine” Wei Ming got up as the mysterious stranger did. “Come on, you might actually have fun. Give it a shot.” Wei Ming tried to keep up as the stranger made there way to the door. “Please? Just give it a try. I’ll be less annoying, I promise.” Wei Ming said, using a pleading voice.
Haldir - is this the end or should Wei Ming follow him around for a bit?
“You too. Good to meet humans that do not run at first sight of us.” Tatum thought that was a little strange, while Tate almost felt embarrassed that he was ready to book it. “Yes.” Black Annis raised her hand, and Tatum carefully inspected the iron nails. “Very interesting.” Tatum said, looking back to her brother who had been ghostly quiet lately. “Hmmm… not sure.” Dawn shrugged. “Who is your parent?” Dawn asked. “You related?” Tatum nodded, yeah, we are." Tate finally spoke up, “The Light princess. She was so light, she floated away in the wind. Unless she was swimming. That is, until our father risked his life for our mother. And they fell in love.” Tate loved the story, and often had to restrain from telling every little detail. Meanwhile, Tatum rolled her eyes. “Like any other cliche plot line.” Tatum perked up, “Wait a second. Black Annis, do you know what you are?”
@Ouijaloveletters - Dawn