Shovelling another handful of chips into into his already full mouth, Amius watched as a flawless brunette beauty walked in. Arms crossed, looking as if she were determined to cause trouble. Amius knew that look, many would say he had a similar one. Though he didn’t know her personally, he knew of her from his previous year at OUAH. He just couldn’t remember if he’d seen her dating anyone or not.
The brunette sat down on a chair near him and he watched her, seemingly get more and more bored, that was entertaining to watch. Amius kicked his legs up on the desk in front of him and tilted the chair back against the wall as he watched.
Then she glanced over at him and said, “Watch it hot stuff; You’re taking the whole ‘full and complete breakfast’ to a completely different level.”
“What, you jealous? You want some?”, Amius asked, offering her the packet. Then pulled it back just as quickly and shoved his hand in there. “No, you probably don’t. Not hungry, right? I’m guessing you woke early to meet with your significant other and have a good feed of them.” He had asked rhortically with discust in his voice and spraying a few chewed and broke chip pieces from his mouth.
@jaytastic - Arissa