>> castleteria, hilda
Hilda giggled at Eun’s declaration, saying they might end up bringing her down with them. Eun grinned, “We’ll see. I’m pretty strong.” She jokingly flexed her arm while saying this. She nodded when Hilda thanked her for returning their tray. “No problem,” Eun smiled as she caught up. She was surprised to see Hilda leaving the Castleteria-but then remembered it was unlikely they kept the geese inside the actual castleteria. Since they did label all of their menu items as “fresh”, though, they probably collected them from a nearby farm or market. “Should we check the closest farm to the school?” She asked. If they went, they would probably miss first period-or at least be late. “Actually…we can always go later if you want. Or I can go by myself!” She said, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I wouldn’t want you to miss class or anything.” She added, trying not to look too disappointed.
orp >> @ouijaloveletters