Rustling leaves, young boys shouting, and the twinkling sounds of fairies using magic. That’s just another night for what Oliver Barrie hears whilst he sleeps, or at least that’s what he thought he heard before waking up the first night night in his dorm at.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Blue rolled over, pressing his face into the pillow to try to block out the sound of the alarm at 6:30am. WAIT! WHAT? Blue shuffled around onto his back and sat up, looking around. This wasn’t right. … No, wait, it was. He reached for his parents’ letter again, sitting against his ringing alarm his then switched off, and read it. Still the same, he put it back and got out of bed.
Yesterday after leaving his conversation with Everette (@Wingsoffire), Blue had managed to find the room he’d been placed in, where he got organised. He read the school handbook and learnt his schedule, Advanced mathematics first, and had an early night to try to get back to Neverland.
Blue got up, made his bed and began his usual routine of getting ready, or least tried to still do that usual routine that almost had changed. His side of the dorm room contained nearly everything that was either light or sky blue, including his normal onesie he’d worn the night before that made him look like a Blue teddy. I the small kitchenette, he clearly served himself a bowl of Cheerios with a quarter cup of milk. Then went about cleaning, brushing, dressing (in the uniform), and even packing a backpack for classes. Blue adjusted the aviators on his face.
Leaving the dorm was a scary thing, but Blue attempted to overcome that by counting the dorm doors. Then when they run out, the stairs, followed by the scraps on the corridor floor. Reaching the Advanced Mathematics class, he found an empty and took it, placing his pack on the seat beside him and took out his books.
Awake before the sun, Daniel Wood was on floor making a series of unflattering grunts and groans. His morning exercise routine, current that was sit-ups. He was in his signature red boxer shorts.
Once finished, he showered and dressed in his uniform, which had shrunk an inch since the last year and left for the castleteria before class. Ordering a big breakfast, he sat and ate before heading to Literature class. The school felt the same as he walked corridor but the students felt different, there were a lot more of them.
Rounding the corner and walking through the door to Literature class, he approached the first person he saw with a cocky grin upon his face, “Hey you, how’s it going?”
It had not been a good first day for Gregorio Wood. Gregorio wished he had woken up at home in his bedroom or even in his dorm room. Instead, it was the school’s medical bay.
For the last 20 minutes, he’s been laying on his back staring at the ceiling, thinking about how just after arriving at school he’d been knocked down by the girl and her horse, Atlanta (@katabasis) had been her name. He thought about getting up but didn’t want to get out of bed. But it was five minutes after seven this morning that the nurse entered to check him over and shoo him out the door.
Gregorio stood in the corridor holding the handle of his suitcase in both handle, still wearing yesterday‘s slightly mucky uniform with small patches of dirt from the accident. With students mulling around him before class, Gregorio let his case fall to his side with his right hand and looked at the back of right hand to where he had written his dorm. Quickly moving, so he wasn’t noticed, he headed up to it.
He was only up there long enough to dump his case and grab his schedule. Then straight to class since he’d already had breakfast in the hospital wing.
APPROACHABLE - entering Adv. Lit class
Kari Pillar would have stayed in the forest to sleep past the evening, if it wasn’t for Headmaster Grimm finding him. He took most of Kato’s cigarettes and paraphernalia off him, saying it was against laws and school rules to have them. Luckily not all of it was taken but he’d still have to use it sparingly.
So Kato had to awaken in the bed of the dorm that had been assigned to him, desperiately wanting to smoke but knowing that the morning in his dorm was not the best place to have the only one he’d allowed himself to have today. One a day, they was all he knew would last him until he could get more… somehow. Kato washed and get ready, throwing on his uniform trousers and jachet, no shirt, and tucking an emergency vape stick on his person. Just in case.
On the way out of his dorm and to his Literture class, he made himself a large and strong coffee to take with him. It was a feeble attempt to substitute his usual nicotine intake for caffeine instead. Arriving at class, Kato took up an empty seat in the middle of the room and had a swig of coffee.
@ethereal, I hope it’s okay that I said this about the Headmaster?
Already awake and out of the shower, Nita stood in front of the mirror in her tight black skinnies, green tank, and black leather jacket. She had just de-frizzed her hair and fixed it up in its usual high ponytail. Now she applied a bold, yet natural-looking makeup.
Walking through the school corridors, heading to the castleteria quickly before literature class, Nita hoped she wouldn’t meet any more morons like the bubbly Cora (@Kitastrophe) or the moderately better Katia (@Alex). Although she doubted she’d meet anyone she actually liked.
APPROACHABLE - at castleteria or Lit class
Valmia wasn’t ready for this, she wasn’t ready to get up out of bed and she definitely wasn’t ready to start her first day of classes. With a loud groan, she got out of bed and put her female uniform on, minus the shoes, of course. Shoes are a killer for someone with furry hindquarters and hooves. Valmia looked in the mirror, seeing her white freckles dotting her face and her long mane of frizzy hair, the way to sort of tame it was with the feather added in the little plaits through it. Sometimes she’d even wear a flower crown, but not today.
Today, she just turned to make breakfast; scrambled eggs is what she felt like, just not what she should have made. Considering she can’t cook, blackened eggs was not the nicest. After eating what she could of her burnt breakfast, she went to her Literature class and took up a seat.
Vic was technically not sleeping, nor needing to eat, sleep, or dress when they ‘got up’. They were plugged into an electrical socket to power themselves up and have a full battery. This was their way of sleeping and eating, though they hadn’t actually tried real human food yet. Only a decorative plastic banana, they were okay.
At 7:30am, being still in uniform, Vic unplugged and left the dorm room. Having already downloaded all the information about the school into their processor, and knew how to get to their Advanced Literure class. Heading straight there, no detours, Vic walked in through the door and stood at the edge of the room.