`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔


Though Parvati couldn’t see the girls, she stepped closer and turned to face their direction by the sound of their voices. She smiled nicely as Nyana introduced herself. “It’s nice to meet you Nyana, you too Freya. And don’t worry about it, I accidentally way overslept this morning.” Parvati nodded slightly at Nyana’s wondering if there was something wrong with her eyesight. “Yes and no, you could say. I’m blind, but I have been since I was born, so it’s all I’ve known. Just make sure to not move stuff around on me here in the dorm so I can learn and know where everything is.” For Parvati personally, it didn’t bother her much that she couldn’t see. There were more ways to experience the world than just through sight. “I’m sure we’ll get along great Nyana, and I hope we can get along well too Freya.” If Freya was Nyana’s friend, it was only reasonable assume that Freya would be around more often, so Parvati hoped they could be friends too.

@Acorn06 - Freya
@Meekepeek - Nyana



Jayden watched Cara as her eyes widened with a nod, emphasizing how different homeschooling must have been to coming to this school. Jayden could only imagine. It was still insane for her to think about what this school really was. The school was full of royalty, people who weren’t even human, and some more like her, all somehow children of fairytale characters. “My dad encouraged me to come here, when I got that letter, so we’ll see. He’s probably right that coming here will be a good idea.” Jayden said with a slight shrug. Her dad always wanted the best for her, so she knew he meant well by pushing her so far out of her comfort zone. “Public school. Wow, I’ve never had to really describe what public school is like, so I’m not really sure how to. Well, there weren’t dorms because everyone lived in the same area. For me, I lived pretty close to school, so I usually took my bike there so I could head to my dad’s work after school, while my friends rode the school bus. The school overall wasn’t fancy like this place at all, and there weren’t any uniforms like there are here.” Jayden looked at the uniform Cara wore as she mentioned the uniforms. “Barely even any enforced dress code, just nothing too inappropriate. Everyone there’s just normal compared to here. Definitely nobody there ever would’ve thought there’d be a school where the kids of fairytale characters go.” Jayden laughed at Cara’s joking offer to pinch her. “At this point if I’m still dreaming I’m not waking up any time soon, even with pinching.”



*No don’t,” Kieran said, putting his hand Danko’s in a semi-firm grip to try to stop him before Danko put his hand on his own lap.
Danko was surprised. “He doesn’t want me to punish myself, but Quillian would want me to. So I’m sure I did the right thing,” he mutter quietly to himself.
"You didn’t pry, if you don’t ask questions how will you ever learn everything you want to know?”, he asked. "I just happen not to answer some questions.” Kieran half-shrugged. "A topic. … You’re new here, aren’t you?”
Danko wasn’t sure what was wanted from or expected of him. He tried to start anew but the boy he was talking kept shutting him down by not answering. Yet, when he believed he did wrong, he was told not to do what he was used to. Danko was confused. He took a deep, timid breath before turning in his chair to face the boy. “Yes, I’m new and I don’t know what I’m doing here. My father told me this is the perfect opportunity for me to find my feet and discover who I am, with his or Quillian’s influence. So I try and just get more confused with how. The second person I meet, you, is the perfect embodiment of Quillian…” He hesitated. “But different. So you see my dilemma?”

@CerealKiller - Kieran


Rory finalized name plat
Rory blushed hard hearing Kellan say he was adorable how he was. Rory knew that building confidence took a long time it had just never been something that Rory was good at. He nodded that confidence looked good on everyone it was definitely something that made Kellan stand out in his mind. “Absolutely I think that all sounds really fun. I mean I don’t know what all there is to do around here but Im sure there is plenty of fun stuff.” Rory smiled about the rugged guy comment. “I guess maybe but I bet when you see me out of uniform you are going to take that back. My sister tells me all the time I dress like a lumberjack dad.” Rory laughed as he looked around the room most people were not in there yet. It was still pretty empty. “Yeah Im good with wherever but I mean I prefer we don’t sit like front and center but if you pick there I will live so yeah you choose.” Rory nodded as Kellan found them two seats towards the middle of a row. “Yeah this is good with me.” Rory set the strap of his bag over the back of the chair. “Have you had this teacher before?”

Katsu had no idea where any of their classes were. They had gotten in so late last night they had no chance to scout things out. Katsu hated that he was so unprepared. Katsu knew that their friend Kellan went to school here and they had half a mind to text him and ask for help when cats head a girls voice as he turned around. “What” Im sorry its been a rough morning much worse than I would have liked." Katsu didn’t want to go into detail that he was so flustered because they had got in late last night and all the time change had messed with him as well as their trip to school taking longer than expected. Katsu was just a mess today and they really didn’t like it. “Im sorry where are my manners Im Katsu.” They said as they stuck their hand out towards the girl. Katsu didn’t know what was customary here or even to the girl so they were hoping the girl didn’t take offense to their offer of an introductory hand shake.

Brooks first name
As soon as Colm left Brooks pulled out the guitar and started to strum it making sure it was still in tune from last night. Brooks looked around to make sure Colm was really gone before they started to play a song the had written down in the notebook. They hummed along for a little bit before they softly started to sing. Closing their eyes the kept going. Brooks leaned back into the bench as they sat on the ground. Brooks had no idea what Colm was doing or how long it would take them but by this point Brooks had fallen into their own world and had completely forgotten where they were and the circumstances that Colm could be back any minute and hear them. Brooks rarely played for people let alone let them hear them singing so it was just as rare that they let their guard down as they both sang and played with someone else around and possible to come back at any time.

I knew that I didn’t know Hrvoje well at all but I felt close with him he was my brother after all. Though despite still knowing more than me about being a werewolf because of our mom he had nearly as many questions as me and that honestly concerned me. “Harvoje its fine I will be alright and I am sure between the two of us here we will learn and figure out plenty so just don’t worry about me.” I nodded as I smiled I wasn’t really happy the death of the man I had called my father for so many years still weighed heavy on me and I just needed some time. “Yeah I know it is safe to turn while we are here but I am not going to force myself to turn I mean I am pretty sure that is extremely dangerous not to mention reckless since neither of us have any recollection as to what happens while we are in that state.” I say as I take a deep breath and pull my notebook and a pen out. “It sucks we have to just try and figure out our questions on our own but at least now we really aren’t alone we have each other we can learn from each other too so there is options and a chance.” I giggled a little at Hrvoje’s vampire comment. “Yeah for sure but is that even true. I brush my teeth your the one with dog breath.” I tease as I smile at him so he knew it was all in good spirit.



Meabh listened to Aoife as she explained her mother’s fears, growing slightly confused as she did so. This is still very much like Neisha’s case, She thought to herself, but didn’t voice it. Apparently, Meabh’s sister had been scouring libraries for old, dark magic, all in a quest for power and control. It was there that she learned… whatever she learned. Meabh still doubted that Neisha was as ‘uncontrollable’ as Clíodhna had assumed, however. She was still a child, for gods’ sake.
“[…she didn’t fear me but she feared what would become of me with such an interest.]”
Meabh nodded, unsure how to explain to Aoife that she didn’t understand how people care so much for morality. Maybe that was just a side effect of screaming people into the afterlife on a regular basis, who knows.
"[…learn medieval torture methods voluntarily.]”
“[You’ll have to teach me those some day,]” Meabh replied, grinning. She was only half kidding, after all, things like that could come in useful.
“[You’ll forgive me if I don’t quite understand your mother,]” Meabh added, chuckling. “[We live in completely different worlds, and I don’t think any of my people, including me, quite have the same sympathy for humanity and fear of death as the rest of the world do.]”
Meabh didn’t mean this with any offense in mind of course, it was interesting to learn the morals of people outside of their own culture and people.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - ORP - I’m still pretty tired and finding it hard to mask rn, so I’m sorry if I’ve written this the wrong way/interpreted things wrong.


Thuc leaned back in his chair, glancing at the ceiling. He was very conscious of the dirt on his clothes, and made a mental note to change as soon as this d-mned class was over.
“Oh, thank you! It’s part of my heritage and family, I hate that they force a dress code, so I just decided to wear whatever I want whenever I want.”
Smirking, Thuc took a good look at the outfit. “Fair enough, although I hear they enforce dress codes here.” He didn’t quite care, but wanted to see just how daring this girl claimed to be. Her pride in the outfit was pleasing to see however; you should always be happy in your clothing choice and wear it with pride, even if the clothes weren’t quite fashionable. At least that way you can convince people they are. It’s what he was doing with the mud right now, after all.
“Oh, my are you ok? What happened? Do you need me to get the nurse?”
Surprised at this sudden act of care and sympathy, Thuc’s mind briefly flashed back to the fight, before he concentrated on the girl in front of him.
“Uh, I’m all good, thanks,” He said, before clearing his throat. “Got in a bit of a fight a few minutes ago, but it’s safe to say the other guy got off a lot worse than I did.”
Thuc hesitated for a moment, before stopping the girl in her attempts at wiping the dirt. “You’ll only smudge it and spread it around. I’ll be changing after this class anyways.”

@Bluecookies - Moon - ORP - I’m still pretty tired and finding it hard to mask rn, so I’m sorry if I’ve written this the wrong way/interpreted things wrong.


Freya smiled as Nyana introduced herself, before asking if Parvati needed any help. At least I’m not alone in wondering if this girl is blind, she thought to herself.
“Also, the girl I’m with is Freya, we met before and she kinds of pushed me into a pond, so we became friends, I would’ve asked you if you were okay that we hang out but I genuinely thought you had already left for breakfast and went to class,”
Freya chuckled at this. Yis, the pond was very funny.

“I’m sure we’ll get along great Nyana, and I hope we can get along well too Freya.”
This is where you introduce yourself, Freya told herself, taking a breath. “I’m sure we will,” She said in a friendly tone. Unsure what else to say, Freya fell silent for a moment. Say something, idiot! “Do you want to join us?” Freya added at last, hoping that was enough to not seem rude.

@Meekepeek - Nyana
ORP - I’m still pretty tired and finding it hard to mask rn, so I’m sorry that there’s not much dialogue from Freya rn


As Colm returned, wiping the last of the deer’s blood from his mouth, he paused as he heard Brooks’ singing. Shifting slightly, Colm changed his bone structure, allowing him to be lighter and walk almost silently. He would look slightly crooked if anyone was watching, not that Colm cared that much. As they got within sight of Brooks, Colm stopped, allowing his bones to shift back to a normal position. Leaning against a wall, Colm waited for them to finish, simply listening to the beautiful notes coming from them.
Ok, I definitely am not a music person, but this is bl00dy beautiful.

@bpalmer - Brooks


|| Literature ||🔮|| With Danko ||

Eventually, the boy finally turned to face Kieran and not stare at the table, which was already a positive change.
He answered his question, and started going about how his father, and someone named Quillian, which Kieran assumed to be the person he was trying to figure out earlier. He sat quietly and listened to him talk, until the sentence The second person I meet, you, is the perfect embodiment of Quillian… But different. So you see my dilemma?"*
Kieran did not know this Quillian he spoke of, but if there was one thing Kieran didn’t like, it was being compared to other people. He didn’t want to be similar to anyone, he wanted to be his own unique person, unlike others have seen before. So being the perfect embodiment of Quillian but different wasn’t exactly the ideal thing he wanted to hear. ”I’m not an embodiment of anyone” he said in response ”Especially not of a guy who would want you to beat yourself up for asking a question.” he added, shaking his head ”I am a person of my own, I don’t want to be an embodiment, so I’m not. Your father might be right, coming here might be a good chance for you to discover that without the help of your boyfriend,” he stated, making the assumption that this boy was his boyfriend on purpose, whether it was true or not, Danko was definitely very drawn and influenced by him, maybe even a bit too much for what he could see so far, and that was without even meeting said Quillian ”Or whoever Quillian is”



* ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ * ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ * ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

image ~~ Outside, Ervic

* ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ * ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ * ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

She made sure she held onto his hand a little tighter, but at the same time she didn’t want to seem like she didn’t care either. “Bit more practice and we’ll never have to walk anywhere again, unless, for some reason that’s our best method of escape." Noticing his look of disappointment she gave his hand a tiny squeeze.”And knowing you I’m sure you’ll get it down soon. I mean you’re really powerful.” Aw their eyes connected she couldn’t help but feel a hot, intense. feeling from him. Was he just doing this to show off some more of his powers? She didn’t know but she also didn’t want to ask in fear of losing this odd sensation from her stomach. “We were mentioned in a blog? Nothing good , I hope,” Coco smirked as she shook her head, making her curls bounce around slightly. Hopefully clearing the intense blushing she was doing.”Oh it definitely wasn’t good at all.” Pure evil sparked in her eyes at the thought of them being mentioned so soon. “I didn’t see it. Don’t have have a phone. After Pretty smashed the last one I took. I had a replacement lined up for school two days ago but the damn Winkie I was taking it from threw it too hard in all its fear.” After he finished talking she laughed.”Oh it’s always so funny when they start doing things outta fear.” Now at this point she was craving some evil acts with him. “Can’t say that Winkie lived long enough afterward to see what I did next.” Her face heated up, and her stomach did weird turns. This didn’t seem like it would be normal, but then again she’s not a normal person. All she knew is that she wanted to see him in the act. Gazing at his lips she remembered when they shared a kiss a perfect kiss might she say. Maybe it’s because all the people she pretends to like she ends up making them into a baked good. He snapped her out her train of thought with his next question. “What did it say?” Looking back at his eyes she felt annoyed that she couldn’t process her emotions like that. Guess that’s what happens when your mom baked children and died from it.”I can show you on my phone if you’d like. Basically how we got…close, and about how those people in the village we murdered are gone now apparently.” She smirked as she looked up at him. Pulling her phone from her pocket she held it up to him.”I must say we’re already making a name for ourselves. Definitely not good which I love, but still if someone’s watching we gotta be careful.”

orp ~ @CrazyCaliope

* ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ * ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ * ‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵


Brooks was lost in there own little world as they kept singing. It was a some they had written it meant a lot to them but it wasnt meant for others ears either. Brooks had completely forgotten that Colm could come back at any time. In Brooks’s mind it was just them and their music. Brooks nodded their head a little as they played and sang the lyrics. “Who were you to credit. Yourself with my accomplishments. How could you lack such common sense.” They sang as they kept their eyes closed lost in their own beautiful world of pain and music. As Brooks came to the end of the song they opened there eyes and freaked out almost throwing the Guitar as they saw Colm. “What the hell who said you could just stare at me?!?!” They asked extreamly angry as they put the guitar back in the case. “And how long have you even been there what are you like a stalker or something?” Brooks was panicking and sitting Colm out with his venomous words.



- - -image - - - Castleteria | Bertram


“It’s a tad more complicated than that,” Marc explained as they rounded a large column at the end of the hall, leading to -heaven forbid- yet another endless hall. “But you’re not entirely wrong. He doesn’t appreciate the way I behave, and vice-versa.” Marc paused momentarily, careful to keep his smile. “And then there were some… circumstances that caused us -him to resent me.”

The castleteria came into view, large and welcoming, and Marc lifted his chin a bit to look for the food trays. “You know, coming to this place is that new activity. I was hoping it would help us put what happened behind us. The problem is, César doesn’t see our attendance as anything more than obeying our father’s wish. In that sense, it’s impossible to really say we’re turning the page.”

Marc gave something between a sigh and a hum, seemingly focusing on the available food. There wasn’t anything called bacon on the menu, he noticed, his eyes sliding to a curious sort of flappy, golden bread that the cook had just flipped on a pan. In truth, however, his attention was still with Bertram, and with how visible his pain was. The other student had shifted the conversation to his father, but Marc still pondered over the previous statement.

“You know,” he started off gently, “when people ventured through Rold Skov, they did so for two things. Sometimes they were travelling, and sometimes they were looking for answers.” He paused, serene, before continuing: “Answers, specifically, about a missing loved one -if there could still hold out hope that they were alive.” Marc turned to face Bertram fully and placed a careful hand on his forearm. “I wasn’t born with the gift to kill, like my father. I was born with the gift to give those answers. But sometimes, people couldn’t accept passing, and came to me over and over again, asking the very same question, hoping I’d made a mistake. If you’d seen them back then, you’d realise it wasn’t healthy.” He spoke softly, making sure no one could pry on their conversation. “From what I have seen, the most difficult part of a passing is getting used to a loved one’s absence. You must give yourself time… but don’t expand your suffering by convincing yourself of something that unfortunately isn’t true… that they are still alive.”





Colm grinned as Brooks finihsed. That was beautiful. Their reaction to seeing them there was not so much.
“What the hell who said you could just stare at me?!?! And how long have you even been there what are you like a stalker or something?”
Colm walked over slowly as Brooks hurriedly put the guitar away, considering what to say to them. “I mean, your music is beautiful, if that’s any consolation,” He said, grinning. “And I promise I’m not a stalker, I just didn’t want to interrupt you.”
While Brooks’ reaction was slightly funny, Colm could see the undertones of fear in their expression, which stopped his own from retaining any humor. “Was I not supposed to hear?” He asked curiously. It definitely hadn’t been a happy song, so that could be the case.

@bpalmer - Brooks


Rustling leaves, young boys shouting, and the twinkling sounds of fairies using magic. That’s just another night for what Oliver Barrie hears whilst he sleeps, or at least that’s what he thought he heard before waking up the first night night in his dorm at.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Blue rolled over, pressing his face into the pillow to try to block out the sound of the alarm at 6:30am. WAIT! WHAT? Blue shuffled around onto his back and sat up, looking around. This wasn’t right. … No, wait, it was. He reached for his parents’ letter again, sitting against his ringing alarm his then switched off, and read it. Still the same, he put it back and got out of bed.
Yesterday after leaving his conversation with Everette (@Wingsoffire), Blue had managed to find the room he’d been placed in, where he got organised. He read the school handbook and learnt his schedule, Advanced mathematics first, and had an early night to try to get back to Neverland.

Blue got up, made his bed and began his usual routine of getting ready, or least tried to still do that usual routine that almost had changed. His side of the dorm room contained nearly everything that was either light or sky blue, including his normal onesie he’d worn the night before that made him look like a Blue teddy. I the small kitchenette, he clearly served himself a bowl of Cheerios with a quarter cup of milk. Then went about cleaning, brushing, dressing (in the uniform), and even packing a backpack for classes. Blue adjusted the aviators on his face.
Leaving the dorm was a scary thing, but Blue attempted to overcome that by counting the dorm doors. Then when they run out, the stairs, followed by the scraps on the corridor floor. Reaching the Advanced Mathematics class, he found an empty and took it, placing his pack on the seat beside him and took out his books.


Awake before the sun, Daniel Wood was on floor making a series of unflattering grunts and groans. His morning exercise routine, current that was sit-ups. He was in his signature red boxer shorts.
Once finished, he showered and dressed in his uniform, which had shrunk an inch since the last year and left for the castleteria before class. Ordering a big breakfast, he sat and ate before heading to Literature class. The school felt the same as he walked corridor but the students felt different, there were a lot more of them.
Rounding the corner and walking through the door to Literature class, he approached the first person he saw with a cocky grin upon his face, “Hey you, how’s it going?”


It had not been a good first day for Gregorio Wood. Gregorio wished he had woken up at home in his bedroom or even in his dorm room. Instead, it was the school’s medical bay.
For the last 20 minutes, he’s been laying on his back staring at the ceiling, thinking about how just after arriving at school he’d been knocked down by the girl and her horse, Atlanta (@katabasis) had been her name. He thought about getting up but didn’t want to get out of bed. But it was five minutes after seven this morning that the nurse entered to check him over and shoo him out the door.
Gregorio stood in the corridor holding the handle of his suitcase in both handle, still wearing yesterday‘s slightly mucky uniform with small patches of dirt from the accident. With students mulling around him before class, Gregorio let his case fall to his side with his right hand and looked at the back of right hand to where he had written his dorm. Quickly moving, so he wasn’t noticed, he headed up to it.

He was only up there long enough to dump his case and grab his schedule. Then straight to class since he’d already had breakfast in the hospital wing.

APPROACHABLE - entering Adv. Lit class

Kari Pillar would have stayed in the forest to sleep past the evening, if it wasn’t for Headmaster Grimm finding him. He took most of Kato’s cigarettes and paraphernalia off him, saying it was against laws and school rules to have them. Luckily not all of it was taken but he’d still have to use it sparingly.
So Kato had to awaken in the bed of the dorm that had been assigned to him, desperiately wanting to smoke but knowing that the morning in his dorm was not the best place to have the only one he’d allowed himself to have today. One a day, they was all he knew would last him until he could get more… somehow. Kato washed and get ready, throwing on his uniform trousers and jachet, no shirt, and tucking an emergency vape stick on his person. Just in case.

On the way out of his dorm and to his Literture class, he made himself a large and strong coffee to take with him. It was a feeble attempt to substitute his usual nicotine intake for caffeine instead. Arriving at class, Kato took up an empty seat in the middle of the room and had a swig of coffee.


@ethereal, I hope it’s okay that I said this about the Headmaster?

Already awake and out of the shower, Nita stood in front of the mirror in her tight black skinnies, green tank, and black leather jacket. She had just de-frizzed her hair and fixed it up in its usual high ponytail. Now she applied a bold, yet natural-looking makeup.

Walking through the school corridors, heading to the castleteria quickly before literature class, Nita hoped she wouldn’t meet any more morons like the bubbly Cora (@Kitastrophe) or the moderately better Katia (@Alex). Although she doubted she’d meet anyone she actually liked.

APPROACHABLE - at castleteria or Lit class

Valmia wasn’t ready for this, she wasn’t ready to get up out of bed and she definitely wasn’t ready to start her first day of classes. With a loud groan, she got out of bed and put her female uniform on, minus the shoes, of course. Shoes are a killer for someone with furry hindquarters and hooves. Valmia looked in the mirror, seeing her white freckles dotting her face and her long mane of frizzy hair, the way to sort of tame it was with the feather added in the little plaits through it. Sometimes she’d even wear a flower crown, but not today.
Today, she just turned to make breakfast; scrambled eggs is what she felt like, just not what she should have made. Considering she can’t cook, blackened eggs was not the nicest. After eating what she could of her burnt breakfast, she went to her Literature class and took up a seat.


Vic was technically not sleeping, nor needing to eat, sleep, or dress when they ‘got up’. They were plugged into an electrical socket to power themselves up and have a full battery. This was their way of sleeping and eating, though they hadn’t actually tried real human food yet. Only a decorative plastic banana, they were okay.
At 7:30am, being still in uniform, Vic unplugged and left the dorm room. Having already downloaded all the information about the school into their processor, and knew how to get to their Advanced Literure class. Heading straight there, no detours, Vic walked in through the door and stood at the edge of the room.



Brooks first name
“My music wasn’t meant to be heard.” They said still angry as they pulled their bag and the guitar case over their shoulder. Brooks was very shaken that Colm had heard their music. Brooks had put up so many walls since they were a young child and the only time they let themself be vulnerable was through music that is why it wasn’t meant to be heard by anyone in Brooks’s opinion. Vulnerability was not something they showed they played their cards close to their chest and pushed people away not laid their cards on the table and welcomed people whole heartedly. That wasn’t how Brooks worked. They were so annoyed and flustered with the situation they were trying harder than ever to push Colm away. Do anything to get them to just leave and never talk to Brooks again. “You should have interrupted me that wasn’t meant for you at all the was an intrusion!” Brooks yelled even more venom in their word they wanted Colm to get mad stomp off and leave for ever. Colm was the only person that had seen Brooks vulnerable in such a long time and they didn’t like that idea. Brooks could feel their hands shaking and the tears on the brink of not being able to be held back any more. Brooks ran off. “Just leave me alone!!!”
@Acorn06 they are just freaking out Colm can go to them or whatever you want.



Colm watched Brooks calmly as she continued freaking out, unsure quite what to do with them. Some people liked hugs in this kind of thing, although Colm had a feeling that would only freak Brooks out more. He walked closer, watching how their hands shook and voice cracked. He had seen this kind of thing before, but ever truly experienced it himself.
“You should have interrupted me that wasn’t meant for you at all the was an intrusion!”
“I’ll know for next time,” Colm replied smoothly, with a neutral face. Should I try telling them to calm down for a moment? No, when I did that to Olive she almost bit my head off. Literally.
They started as Brooks took off at a run. Sh!t. There was no point chasing them, although Colm would be damned if he let them just run off and be alone in that kind of emotional state. It’s better to just follow at a safe distance, he decided, setting off at a brisk walk after them. He lengthened his stride and his legs, allowing him to keep up pace with Brooks without visibly being seen to run.



Brooks first name
Brooks shook their head as they ran off. They dodged behind a door they wanted to be alone to cry. No one deserved to see all the cracks in the facade they put up. As soon as Brooks had closed the door to what happened to be a closet they sunk to the floor pulling their knees to their chest as they cried. Brooks wasn’t sure what else to do. They were really worried up because in their mind Colm had just walked in on a very private part of Brooks’s life. Their hands were still shaking as they pulled off their bag and guitar and pushed them away from themself. Brooks was pretty sure they would miss first hour but they didn’t care at all. They felt their whole body shaking with each sob. They just wanted to disappear fade away it wasn’t like most people would notice anyway but Brooks wasn’t sure how pushing people away would work here they didn’t seem phased by anything and that was a problem all its own in their mind.


Isaiah Westergaard Laurie, Hallway

He looked down. It wasn’t Laurie’s fault. He really had no way of knowing. “Don’t worry about it, really.” Isaiah didn’t like seeing Laurie look so upset. He felt bad. Like he had caused it. Isaiah smiled when he accepted his offer to do homework together. He didn’t know how had these classes might end up being and it would be nice to have some help, even if Laurie ended up not being able to offer much. “Sounds good.” Isaiah didn’t mention the fact that Laurie had helped him find his class. “Okay, well… I guess I’ll see you tonight,” Isaiah said only somewhat awkwardly.

@bpalmer - Laurie
ORP: Sorry it took me so long to reply. We can either end it here or continue for a little while, I’m fine with either.
@ethereal ORP: Look at me, I got Isaiah to class like a good lass. Also, Mei, Aodghan, and Calista are all in class too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Alicia Lidell Lav, Advanced Literature

Lav didn’t seem very happy with her answer, but he wasn’t disappointed either. That didn’t stop Alicia from looking down at the floor. Some of her hair fell over her shoulder and she brushed it back. “Yeah… he’s a great guy. How… How long have you been reading?” She kept her gaze to the floor, not wanting to make direct eye contact. Alicia was a little confused at his concern. If he liked reading, Advanced Literature would be a great place for him. “Even if you did make the mistake of choosing it, you’ll know for next year, right?”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
ORP: I am so sorry this took so long, I completely lost track of time and school got in the way and… ugh, I’ll try not to let it happen again.

Alya Cheshire Samantha, School Grounds

Alya listened as Samantha quoted what was apparently Shakespeare, though it was kind of lost on her. Her favorite class was not Literature, in fact. Her favorite class was Advanced Dark Magic, even though the teacher was terrifying. “Yeah… Shakespeare,” Alya tried to sound enthusiastic. She was a little worried at how Samantha would take the girlfriend thing, but she seemed to react… okay? “It’s kind of hard to explain. But you seem fine with it so it shouldn’t be a problem,” Alya said this in a nice tone, as she didn’t want to come across as rude. She raised her eyebrows at hearing where Samantha was from it was cold. She wasn’t great at human geography, but she had heard of Romans once or twice. Her brain made the connection between the two, though it wasn’t exactly right. “I thought Romania was warm. Like… crazy warm. Isn’t it somewhere near Greece or… something?” Just because she didn’t want to be rude, didn’t mean she couldn’t be curious.

@Bluecookies - Samantha


"I’m not an embodiment of anyone. Especially not of a guy who would want you to beat yourself up for asking a question. I am a person of my own, I don’t want to be an embodiment, so I’m not. Your father might be right, coming here might be a good chance for you to discover that without the help of your boyfriend,” Kieran stated. ”Or whoever Quillian is.”
When Kieran said he wasn’t an embodiment of anybody and was his own person, Danko’s head sunk down inbetween his shoulders. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, I just-” he muttered halfway through Kieran’s speech. When Kieran had finished speaking, Danko uttered a little louder, “He’s not my boyfriend, at least, he wouldn’t want to be. He has told me that, but then-” Danko stopped himself from spilling that fact that Quillian continued to then say and do stufff that then made it seem he want to be together. Maybe it was just Danko reading him wrong, probably likely. “Yeah, my father says that I’m like Quillian refection or shadow, always following him,” he said disappointedly.

@CerealKiller - Kieran


:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:

:sun_behind_small_cloud: image >> outside, dark

:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:

He heard Dark let out a dizzy sigh, and let out his own, softer sigh.Dark looked to be in pain when Dae stepped away from him-which did make Dae feel bad, but not bad enough to step forwards again. He didn’t fully trust the guy-and he didn’t fully trust himself around the guy. He eyed Dark’s eyepatch on the ground-was he going to put it back on? He wondered if he should hand it to Dark or if that would make him angry.

Dark raised a surprised eyebrow in return to Dae’s question- “Do you really think someone wants to come near me?” Dae looked away at this, saying nothing. If someone knew Dark could… become like this, they might not want to come near him. But as insensitive as he could be, even Dae knew not to say this. Dark let out a lonely laugh, shaking his head. “Nah, even if someone wanted to be friends with someone as unstable as me, I wouldn’t.” Dae’s downturned nose wrinkled at this- was he being indirectly rejected? “If I have a friend, sooner or later, I’ll just hurt them.” Dae wondered if he knew this from experience, but again, didn’t ask. “I see.” Was his cold response. “Have you ever tried taking your anger out some other way? I do sports and that can help. And some people journal and stuff.” He left out the part that ‘some people’ included him.

He slouched, looking defeated. “I know I hurt you in several ways, but if I had changed in that hallway, I wouldn’t have tried to scare you first and he would have attacked everyone who looks happier than me,” he tried to explain. By saying this, Dark had Dae’s full attention and he began to see things a bit differently. Did this make him a hero? On the first day of school? “Well, at least that didn’t happen.” Dae said, starting to feel proud of himself. To the rest of his explanation, he nodded.

orp >> @meekepeek yeeee i cannot really relate to losing control and killing everyone who is happier than me xD

:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:



I gave a little smile when Parvati and Freya were both so accepting. “I’ll make sure I keep everything tidy, it won’t be that difficult,” I say. “A little warning, the hallways can be very chaotic, Freya and I met that way. If you want, I can help you for the first few days until you get used to it a little bit” I suggest. “But you are still right on time, the lessons will only start in half an hour” I reassure her. “It may be too late to go all the way to the cafeteria, but I have good news,” I say and jump up. “Hope you like it sweet and juicy” I say and I walk to a fruit bowl that I always have. “I tend to eat little because I am quite a picky eater, those are my mother’s genes, although I am not so bad. But so I have standard fruit with me so I can eat something when I get hungry” I say and I cut a few pieces of fruit and add some syrup on it.

I then give her the fruit salad and set up a chair. “Yes, Freya is right, come on, we should get to know each other more!” I say enthusiastically.



I looked at him. He was a proud guy. Someone who was sure of his strength and who he was. “I am jealous of you” I say and I am sitting against the wall of the school. “you are so sure, so … you know who you are, what you are worth and where you stand” I say. “In the meantime, I am just all of someone else’s negative things,” I mumble.

I couldn’t help but laugh again while he asks if I’ve ever tried to express my anger in any other way. “That’s the problem” I say, looking at him before shaking my head slightly. “It’s not my anger” I just say. “It’s never my anger” I repeat in frustration. “Never my choice …”

“at least not this time” I said sadly before swallowing a lumb. am I really going to make myself that weak on my first day? … Yes. “I don’t want to hurt anyone” I say. “never again”.



“Never admit to there ever exsisting a dog breath. We come from fearless wolves, not household pets, and we don’t smell like them either. It’s them that smell like death and old blood, dirt and the lingering smell of something ageing. Isn’t that more gross?” I started it as a joke, but suddenly it turned into a rant against vampires. Turning back to the point reached before the jokes to avoid being called stereotipical and rude I say “Wait … Asa? When did you learn to turn yourself?” I asked because up to this point I could not volontarily turn. If he could volountarily turn, maybe remembering what we did while ‘under the influence’ could happen soon, and we could have control of our bodies.


I smiled when she said she didn’t understand my mother and I brushed it off with my hand. “[Don’t fret, I don’t understand her either. The facts I gave you before was what other people told me aobut my mother and why she was like she was. Apparently I’m blind to notice things like that around me and need other people to tell me why somebody is like they are. If only somebody could do the same for my mother, she might be able to understand me. But maybe those same people don’t quite understand me enough to find information like this without me telling them and that’s why they never told mom.]” I shrug it off and say “[Anyways, we should get ready for class.]”
