As Kieran spoke, Danko appologised for offending him, and even though he did hear it, he chose to ignore that, because being offended wasn’t the issue. Kieran wasn’t offended, words have no power on him, or at least that’s what he reflects on the outside. He just hated being compared to other people, mostly because of the amount of times people around have compared him to his father, and he hated the idea (and his father), telling himself they were nothing alike, when they were a lot more similar than he realised. “You didn’t offend me, but don’t do that again” he stated coldly.
Kieran nodded as the boy told him about Quillian, who was not his boyfriend but was basically just toying with him, which was also legit.
“Yeah, my father says that I’m like Quillian refection or shadow, always following him,”
“So don’t” he stated, short and to the point “There’s so much out there, where’s the fun in being a shadow?”
“I don’t I was just teasing you so don’t worry about it ok.” I roll my eyes a little as he goes on a vampire rant. I never met a vampire before. But honestly how bad could they be there were just as misunderstanding stood as anyone else weren’t they? “Hrvoje stop it have you ever even met a vampire to know what the smell like or what not. I mean I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t know one form most of the other kids here.” I was caught off guard a bit when Hrvoje asked if I could turn myself. “I thought you could force yourself to turn too… but um… I guess a few years ago. I did it by accident it was the second time I knew I turned. I wanted to know what I was so I forced myself to turn I got really sick after coming back to human form though and I could only remember the first few seconds anyway.” I honestly thought Hrvoje could voluntarily turn I could but it made me feel like I was dying for days after wards and that one time was enough for me there wasn’t enough gain for me to try it again.
I got shocked at first, but then realized what he meant. He meant to say he forced it to happen, and it didn’t happen instantly. “Well I could also turn myself if I tried to make myself angry or way way too excited, but I never tried turning myself on purpose knowing wherever I turn nobody around will be safe and with the strenght and speed I gain from it nobody is safe and I would never try turning on purpose. I have night terrors whenever I turn just from imagining all the terrible things I could’ve done while in the form, so no, I never took the time to learn if I can turn by myself.” I looked away saddened, but a thought occured to me and I mutter to myself “overly excited” as those words heavily influenced my train of thought and suddenly, only a bit excited I turned to Asa “Brother, do you think consuming drugs would make us turn quicker? Maybe if we take drugs in a safe enviorment we could see the effect of it on us, plus learn a lot more about ourselves.”
“I didn’t make myself angry or excited I just kind of pushed myself mentally to change. I guess that is probably the same though.” I hugged him when I could tell he got upset. “I got really sick when I did it I hated it but I knew generally I was in a safe place and I did some precautions before I did it to myself. I felt like I was dying for days after words I was sick as could be.” I heard what he muttered and looked at him confused as I tried to get on the same wavelength as him. “I mean I take ADHD drugs and have every day for like years now but those are meant to slow stuff down so I guess you mean some other kind of drugs.”
>> cove, cameron
He sighed, which made Bay give him a sad look-was she tiring him out? She supposed he had just woken up and maybe his leg still hurt as well. He talked for a while, probably being thorough so she would actually understand. “Everyone believes they are the center of the universe.” She smiled nervously and ducked her head at this-she was definitely guilty of that at times. Cam was definitely right-though sometimes everyone was a bit full of themselves-right? She frowned deeply as he talked about the people who smoked because they were hurt. The people who didn’t care about hurting themselves. “So…which kind do you think he is?” Bay asked when Cameron had finished talking. Then, looking a bit embarrassed-as he probably wouldn’t know, she said, “Wait-never mind.”
She wondered why cigarettes even existed when they caused so much pain-but she didn’t ask any more questions. He laughed at her, “I’m piety sure he can read, Bay.” She frowned, “Hmm, I don’t know…” She believed she knew more about Kato than Cam, but she also believed Cam knew more than her. Her eyes glinted and she looked at him somewhat playfully-though she was still a bit sad. “Wanna bet?” He frowned at her, looking confused. He smiled wryly at her suggestion. “Bay, he would bite my head off and call me a ‘goodie two-shoes’ is what would happen if I did that.” Cam said. She looked scared-“Do you think he’d do that to me? Don’t worry, I’d never let that happen.” She assured him nervously. “But if you truly insist on telling him, I’ll come with you and help.” Her entire face lit up and she squeezed him right once again, happy she had gotten her way. Kind of. “Thank you, Cam!!! You’re the best boyfriend ever!”
She didn’t watch him take the fish out of the oven in case he burnt himself. But as soon as he spoke again, she turned to see. He put the fish onto a plate, cutting it in halves. It smelled absolutely amazing-and Bay showed this by sucking in a large amount of air through her nostrils and licking her lips eagerly. “Oki doki, breakfast is served.” She followed him to their coffee table and sat down behind her plate. “Thank you Cam!” She bubbled very excitedly and very quickly. She waited until he had sat down (which was very hard) and took a HUGE bite. Her eyes boggled-it was amazing.
orp >> @acorn06 sorry this is so late! also i’ve never eaten fish so idk how to describe it!
-* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧
>> mathematics, césar
-* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧
“How horrible.” The snob said to Jakob’s comment about cousin Joe. Who wasn’t even a real person, Jakob had been lying kidding. Jakob sighed-“I mean, I wouldn’t say he’s horrible, but he’s definitely not as attractive as me.” He replied, grinning at César cockily. César seemed to loosen his grip on his scarf, and Jakob snorted a light laugh-Like I’d want to steal that. He didn’t reply at first, just looked Jakob up and down, scowling-which Jakob was sort of used to by now. “How about we agree there is nothing wrong with us?” He snapped, and Jakob jerked back a bit, his green eyes widening with surprise and alarm. He was used to the snarkiness and sarcasm-but this was new. Still, he nodded simply. “Yeah, alright, you’re the boss.” He said light-heartedly. “It’s this room-so hideous and unwelcoming.” César admitted grouchily. Jakob tilted his head-it was a classroom, so he was inclined to agree. “Well, if you’d finally follow through with your promise, we wouldn’t be here anymore.” Jakob told him matter-of-factly.
He took a deep breath, looking away from Jakob and to the chairs. Jakob stared at him, not looking away. When César seemed to regain his composure, he glared at Jakob. “I’m your age.” Jakob looked at him again, smiling devilishly and raising a challenging brow. “And how old is that?” César told Jakob he was the one wasting pranking time. “I am not getting involved.” He insisted again. Jakob sighed, rolling his eyes. They were both wasting time, and he hadn’t wanted it to come to this. He got right up in César’s face, smirking at him. “You are too getting involved, César. You know why?” He pressed his lips together before continuing to speak. “Because if you go back on your word, you will never see the end of me. It’s easy to find out where you live-the roommates list is posted right outside this room. Every surface you pass by will be covered in pixie dust. You will eat, sleep, and breathe this stuff if you don’t help me.” He patted his pocket after he finished his threat.
orp >> @edelgard aha donut worry, i plan to <-< and sorry this is late :((
-* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧
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>> location, person
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He pointed to the fallen tear. “You’re raining again, what is the emotion behind these raindrops or tears?” Caspian ducked xer head, feeling a bit embarrassed about it now-maybe Syrus did think it was ‘awesome’. Though xe was still a bit confused, xe didn’t want to admit to sadness and seem unreasonable. “Nervous for class to start.” Was xer short reply. Syrus did not seem unhappy with the idea of having his own canoe. “I will have to come then if I am to be so spoilt to receive such gifts. Though I may need help to…drive it, as not even Charon lets me drive his ferry.” Caspian frowned-xe always frowned, but xe wasn’t sure ‘drive’ was the correct word. Still, xe didn’t want to correct Syrus and make him angry or awkward. “Never fairies are very hospitable. If you visit, you’ll receive lots of gifts.” Xe promised. “And I can teach you how to drive it.” Xe also promised, using the incorrect word. Was it strange the son of Charon had never ferried?
When he nodded, xe nodded also. “Yes. It is quite something. But, is perfection everything, especially when one has not experienced the orgin from which it was based?” Caspian blinked at the deep question-what was the right answer? Yes? No? “No.” Xe finally answered, hoping this was right. Xe looked away shyly. “But I’d like to experience it anyways.”
orp >> @crazycaliope I DOOOO and me too they’re so cool together! and i agree with that as well~~
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✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> hallways, jayden
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“My dad encouraged me to come here when I got that letter, so we’ll see. He’s probably right that coming here will be a good idea.” As Jayden shrugged, Cara felt a tiny pang-what was it like to have a parent that supportive? Plus, she didn’t really have a dad-or at least not one that cared about her like Jayden’s. But, she didn’t let her expression waver, instead, smiling widely. “I’m glad he let you come! Once Upon a High is a great school.” Jayden seemed to think out loud for a moment-saying no one really asked her to explain public school before. Cara knew it was a bit of an odd question, but she was quite curious, leaning in as Jayden began to describe her experience. “Well, there weren’t dorms, because everyone lived in the same area.” Cara nodded as she listened-she’d never had a dorm or a roommate until a year ago. “For me, I lived pretty close to school, so I usually took my bike there so I could head to my Dad’s work after school, while my friends rode the school bus.” Another pang. Friends. She wondered where Jayden’s dad worked, but decided to ask later so Jayden wouldn’t be overwhelmed. “The school wasn’t fancy like this place at all, and there weren’t any uniforms.” Jayden seemed to stare at Cara’s perfectly-ironed uniform as she spoke and Cara wondered why she wasn’t wearing it. Did she think it was ugly? She felt a bit insecure as she listened to Jayden talk about the dress code. She rolled her eyes slightly, she often despised dress codes, they were much too restricting-you couldn’t wear anything cool-or so she’d heard from other people. At home, she could wear whatever she wanted. “Well, that’s nice,” she noted. Jayden finished by describing public school as well as the people there as “normal”. Cara nodded-while people in Cherry Hills definitely knew she was Cruella’s daughter-they likely never knew she’d be going to a school for fairytale children. “That sounds like a really cool experience! Especially being able to bike to and from school!” Jayden laughed at Cara’s offer-“At this point, if I’m still dreaming, I’m not waking up any time soon, even with pinching.” Cara giggled at this-“I guess time will tell,” she joked back.
orp >> @littlefeets sorry this is really late </3
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Rory’s face turned extremely red at Kellan’s compliment-Kellan wondered if this meant he liked him-or if he just wasn’t used to compliments. Rory nodded in agreement, which made Kellan flash him an enthusiastic smile-he loved how he and Rory could agree on so much. “Absolutely, I think that all sounds really fun.” Kellan bounced on his toes excitedly. “I mean, I don’t know what all there is to do around here, but I’m sure there is plenty of fun stuff.” Kellan nodded-“Don’t worry, you’ve got me! And as someone who’s been living here for a year, there is definitely ‘plenty of fun stuff’.” He smiled at Kellan’s compliment, though he told Kellan he would soon take it back-as according to Lilliana, he dressed like a ‘lumberjack dad’. Kellan sucked in air between his teeth, “Well, I’ll believe that when I see it! Anyways, it’s not that bad,” Kellan told Rory optimistically. Kellan laughed when Rory said he’d live no matter where Kellan chose. “Alright, if you really insist.” Kellan hoped Rory genuinely liked the seats he had chose. “Okay!” Rory slung his bag over the back of his chair, while Kellan kept his in his lap. “Have you had this teacher before?” He asked. Kellan thought for a moment, and then nodded-“Yeah, Ms. Lim? I have, she’s like SO gorgeous. And her fashion-” He sighed dramatically. “She’s a literal goddess.” Then, remembering they were at a school with literal goddesses, he corrected himself- “Well, she’a a human-but you get it, right?”
orp >> @bpalmer
Hilda giggled, blushing when Eun flexed. “Well, at least I’m light. Verrryyy skinny.” They joked, poking at their bony arm. As they left, Eun asked if they should check the nearest farm, and Hilda nodded. “Good idea. Yeah, we should probably do this at lunch. Sound good?” Hilda asked when Eun mentioned it. “No, I’ll definitely come with you. I suggested we do this, and I’m seeing it through. Let’s meet back up in the Castleteria for lunch. Sound good?” Hilda asked.
@ethereal - Eun
>> location, person
Dark seemed to observe him before saying, “I am jealous of you.” This made Dae smile slightly-he wanted to say, ‘Who isn’t?’ But refrained, this was supposed to be an…emotional moment, no? Instead, his black eyes focused on Dark curiously. “You are so sure, so…you know who you are, what you are worth, and where you stand.” Dae stared at him, not knowing whether he was correct. Sure, he was prideful, and confident, bold, and flirtatious. But… even he wasn’t perfect. He was a bully, an -sshole to his family… and he might not even be straight. Of course he would never admit this to anyone-including Dark. “In the meantime, I am just all of someone else’s negative things.” Dae knelt down nearer to him, though he was careful not to let grass stains get on his mostly-white outfit. “No one’s perfect.” He told Dark. “Everyone has their moments. And…” He ran his fingers through shiny orange hair. “You seem like a really cool guy, okay?” Dark really was a kind guy, it wasn’t his fault he… yeah.
“That’s the problem.” Dark said, beginning to sound frustrated instead of exasperated. “It’s not my anger. It’s never my anger. Never my choice…” Dae held up his hands. “Okay, okay. Whose is it then?” He asked. “At least not this time.” Dae frowned, as Dark continued to speak, implying something much worse had happened in the past. “…You won’t.” Dae tried to assure him. “What happened?”
orp >> @meekepeek
𝓣𝓪𝓹 𝓜𝓮
Callie began singing and the corner of Kace’s mouth lifted up into an amused grin. He crossed his arms and followed the motion with a low whistle from his lips. “My my my, no wonder your show’s been sold out everywhere-” Kace flinched when he heard a smack against the classroom window. He furrowed his brows and turned his head to the side curiously only to see some dumb bird had rammed itself into it. He shrugged and didn’t pay it anymore attention. (Ya see where I’m going with this )
Her eyes met his and Kace noted something cautious within them. Maybe not caution but perhaps…nervousness? The girl had guys licking her feet. He wondered what she could possibly be nervous about. But then again, he was playing a completely different character than from the day before. “Rumor has it that this school has a pretty tall waterfall not far from here.” It felt good to be back in the playing field, and he was getting riskier by the second. He allowed her to see his playful grin before he leaned in even closer and lifted his brows a couple times playfully before flicking his head over at her. “Class starts in a bit. Whoever jumps off that waterfall and makes it back here first…wins.” He stood back up straight again and shrugged nonchalantly. “Whoever wins gets to make the person do something. How 'bout it Blondie? Or are you too Charming to play such games?”
𝓣𝓪𝓹 𝓜𝓮
She laughed against a closed mouth as he pulled the bag of chips away and began stuffing his mouth again.
“What can I say?” She stated as she crossed her legs. “I do prefer a more energizing breakfast in the morning,”
He seemed disgusted at the idea which only made Arissa’s lips twitched into an amused smile.
Adonis would no doubt chastise her for getting distracted from finding lover boy, but a little play time couldn’t hurt.
“What?” She stated, standing up from her seat and making her way over. “Is the idea of two people locking lips that sickening?” She made it to the front of his desk and pushed his feet aside to the floor, allowing herself to take the spot where they had been instead. “Or are you just upset no one woke up early enough to give you a true loves kiss to start the day?” She said the last sentence in a high-pitched voice, batting her lashes mockingly before placing her palms on the desk and leaning forward with a lazy smirk. “Would you like me to fix that for you darling?”
She was interrupted when a shy and timid girl was pushed forward by two of her friends towards their desks. Arissa gave a very annoyed look as the girl held out a heart filled with…chocolates?
“I-uh…I uhm…”
Arissa looked from her to the boy and impatiently tapped her fingernail against the desk.
“I don’t know if you remember me but I uhm…We had potions class together last year and I uh-”
Arissa let out a very audible sigh and the girl shut her mouth immediately. She pushed herself away from the desk and rolled her eyes as she began walking back to the desk she had been at.
“Amius, wo-would you like to watch the fireflies with me tonight?”
Arissa stopped in her tracks at the name.
“Bingo,” She muttered under her breath, taking her seat. She definitely wanted to observe the scene before she interrupted.
𝓣𝓪𝓹 𝓜𝓮
Anyone else would have been beguiled or softened from anger at the sweet and seemingly innocent little boy in front of Thea. Except, of course, for Thea. She’d dealt with much too many snakes and liars and cheats of all shapes and sizes to really care about the charade he was putting up. Yet she was aware that she had to be more…kind. Blegh. The words were distasteful to her mind. She was about to hand the book back and walk away until he started giggling. And giggling. And giggling.
“It was Vivian.”
Thea furrowed her brows and looked at the still-standing plant next to him.
“Oh cut the crap-”
before she could finish her statement, she let out a startled gasp as the leaves from the plant smacked her across the cheek.
Theadosia was always trained to maintain her composure in public and to calm her impulsive and rash decisions. But after the phone call she’d just had and the emotions already stirring when she entered this stupid school…well. She could allow he reputation to be placed on the sacrificial altar just this once.
“Seriously?” She seethed, dropping the book right next to him with a loud thud. “Seriously?”
Her next action was a tad bit excessive, but she could care less how and with what she took her frustrations out on at this point. She began grabbing at the plants leaves and plucking them off as if she were preparing a chicken to be eaten. “You-are-just-a-little-boy-” She stated in between grabbing tufts. “I’m the friggin’ queen of Crete. Is a little respect and decency too much to ask for?!” She stood there with a handful of leaves in her palms. She paused, eyes blinking when she realized just how stupidly far she’d gone over a boy playing simple gaming tricks. Her mechanical hand whirred as she willed it to unclench and she cleared her throat as she attempted to stick the leaves back onto the plant like an innocent alien who’d never dealt with green things that grew from the ground before.
“Who are you anyway?” She asked, finally giving up and fixing her mess and sweeping the leaves as close as she could to the back of the pot. “Shouldn’t you be headed to-I don’t know- a class for babies or something?” Her last comment wasn’t meant to be offensive. She was genuinely curious why the school allowed such young students inside their walls.
>> hallway, hilda
Hilda blushed before saying, “Well, at least I’m light. Verrryyy skinny.” They poked at their own arm, which was just as pale, but much less muscular than Eun’s. Eun clapped, laughing, “Skinny legend!” Hilda nodded. “Good idea. Yeah, we should probably do this at lunch. Sound good?” Eun nodded quickly, a bit embarrassed she had thought of ditching in the first place-what was wrong with her?! “No, I’ll definitely come with you. I suggested we do this, and I’m seeing it through. Let’s meet back up in the Castleteria for lunch. Sound good?” Eun nodded when Hilda asked if it sounded good again. She was glad Hilda seemed like the type of person to keep their word. “Yes!” She said, very excitedly. “I can’t wait!” She was not only excited to venture to the farm, she was also excited to see Hilda again."
orp >> @ouijaloveletters
Rory had been a bit flustered by the compliment but I was worse because it was from a cutie like Kellan. Rory thought it was so cute how Kellan bounced on his toes when he got all excited. “Im glad you have been here longer than me and you know your way around a little at least. I mean as long as you know stuff to do I think we should be good.” Rory nodded as he sat on the top of his desk instead of in the seat and looked over the room it seemed really big especially because Rory had been homeschooled up to this point so it was just him or him and Lilliana. “Good choice in seats its a really big class though.” He was a little nervous about the sheer size. “Ok so she is pretty but what is she like as a teacher is she hard should I worry kind of thing? Im already kind of freaked about getting lost in a class this size.”
>> literature, kace
He looked amused as she sang, and as she flushed, she couldn’t tell whether he thought she was ridiculous, or whether he thought she was talented. “My, my, my, no wonder your show’s been sold out everywhere-” Her embarrassment turned to excitement when she said this, but she let out a small shriek when she heard a thud against the window. Embarrassed again, she noticed it was a bird-they were drawn to her sometimes. She gave a small pout-poor thing… Kace shrugged and she realized she’d gone a moment without saying anything to him. “You are too kind. It’s just part of being a Charming princess, really.”
He was observing her… was her face a giveaway of what she was thinking? With how close Kace was standing to her, she felt as if she couldn’t control her emotions or expressions. “Rumor has it that this school has a pretty tall waterfall from here.” Her ice blue eyes widened-they were surrounded by forest, so the rumors were probably true. She said nothing, wanting to see where he was going with this. He grinned playfully and as he leaned impossibly closer, she turned an impossible shade of pink. “Class starts in a bit. Whoever jumps off that waterfall and makes it back here first…wins.” She studied him, trying to pay attention to what he was saying. A challenge? There was so much to process and it was getting hard to think with him so close. He had to be kidding…who in their right mind just jumped off a waterfall? “Whoever wins gets to make the person do something.” Kace stood up straight, and shrugged as if nothing had just happened-as if he dared princesses to jump off waterfalls all the time. “How 'bout it, Blondie? Or are you too Charming to play such games?” She bit her bottom lip at the emphasis on her last name. He obviously wasn’t joking… but this felt like a joke. How could she win this? How could anyone win this? But something inside her made her nod. Something inside her made her say, “Alright. You’re on.” Something inside her even added, “Prepare to lose.” She didn’t know how she would win. She didn’t even know where the waterfall was. But she didn’t want to chicken out. And if she won… Pushing Kace as hard as she could (which was not very hard) in the opposite direction of the door, she raced out the door, not bothering to appear ‘ladylike’. She needed the head start if she even wanted a sliver of a chance.
orp >> @jaytastic
“Well this is your class and I better get to mine classes will be starting soon. Here though if you need me just text me ok.” he said as he handed Isaiah a piece of paper with his number on it. “Ill see you at lunch or latter when we get back and do homework together.” I smile as I nod and head off towards my Classe. I felt bad just leaving him lake that but I had to get to class or I would be late and I didn’t want to be late for the first class on the first day.
Hilda laughed when Eun called them a skinny legend, not exactly sure what she was talking about. “I may be skinny, but I’m no legend. Legend? More like infamous nightmare.” They joked, laughing at their self deprecating comment. Eun nodded when Hilda suggested they meet back at lunch, seemingly very excited at the idea of going on an adventure…to a farm. That wasn’t really Hilda’s idea of spending a lunch period, but oh well. They checked the clock, bidding goodbye to Eun. “We should head to class. I’ll see you at lunch.” They said, waving and heading to their first class.
@ethereal - Eun
𝓣𝓪𝓹 𝓜𝓮
The next determined and confident phrases she spoke were actually a surprise to Kace. Not than he hadn’t expected her to accept it was just…he couldn’t help but grin at the new-found cockyness from the girl who seemed a bit timid just moments before. She pushed Kace just enough to make him stumble to the side.
“Fine! I’ll allow such dirty tricks since I’m Clearly in a better position to win!”
Before he made a dash for the door, he looked over at Namen with a cocksure grin. He looked like he was imitating a monkey as he hopped side to side and pretended he was holding jangly jewlery in between his fingers. Namen scoffed and even pointed a finger at him. “You got her to run away from you Kace! I need the *opposite!”
He rolled his eyes and ran out the door, shockingly smiling from the thrill. He spotted Callie barging out the schools doors and he followed suit, speeding up the pace. “How in the HELL are you running with those?” He yelled out to her as he got even closer.
>> hallway, hilda
Hilda laughed, though it sounded a bit nervois. “I may be skinny, but I’m no legend. Legend? More like infamous nightmare.” Eun shook her head, “It’s slang,” she explained kindly, “But you’re not infamous nor a nightmare!” Though Hilda did laugh at their own comment, Eun didn’t like seeing people-especially cool people like Hilda put themselves down. Hilda checked the clock. “We should head to class. I’ll see you at lunch.” Eun nodded firmly. “Right. See you!” She smiled and waved back. After Hilda had left, Eun headed for class as well-she didn’t want to be late!
orp >> @ouijaloveletters
“I’m glad you have been here longer than me and you know your way around a little at least.” Rory told Kellan. “Of course! The only place I want you to get lost in is in my eyes.” Kellan delivered yet another awful pickup line, though his delivery was rather confident. “I mean as long as you know stuff to do, I think we should be good.” Kellan nodded, “Oh, for sure!! There will be plenty to do.” Kellan assured him. In fact, there would be so much to do, they probably couldn’t finish it all in one day. Rory sat on top of his desk-adorable. Kellan smiled up at him, as now Rory was a lot taller than he was. “Good choice in seats, it’s a really bug class though.” He noted nervously. Kellan nodded, looking around. Even though not everyone had shown up yet-there were SO many people. A lot more than last year. “Yep! But don’t worry, that just means more friends!” "Okay, so she is pretty, but what is she like as a teacher, is she hard, should I worry kind of thing? I’m already kind of freaked about getting lost in a class this size.” Kellan looked embarrassed-he hadn’t meant to say the only thing interesting about Ms. Lim was that she was pretty. “Oh! Well, she’s a very nice and understanding person, though I guess she can be a bit strict.” He smiled gently, “But if you follow the rules and are nice and whatever, you’ll be fine.”
orp >> @bpalmer