Freya glanced at her watch. Sh!t
“Uhm,” She spoke up, “I don’t know if your watch is slow or not, Nyana, but I think classes have started.” Freya wasn’t too bothered if they were late to first class, however it was probably best if she let the others know.
Her stomach grumbled slightly as the fruit came into view. Oh yea, I still haven’t eaten.
With all the rush that came with the first day back, Freya had honestly forgotten completely about breakfast. She didn’t usually eat land food, except when above water to bother Aesthi. However, the fruit and syrup on top looked absolutely delicious.
“Yes, Freya is right, come on, we should get to know each other more!”
Freya chuckled at this. “Ok, first question.” She said boldly, cursing herself halfway through for speaking up without consulting someone. That’s what you’re supposed to do, surely. Well, may as well continue. “Where are you from, Parvati?” She asked, smiling through the turmoil in her mind.
Keep a straight face. You do this all the time.
“[Anyways, we should get ready for class.]”
Meabh nodded, walking slowly to a free pair of seats near the middle of the class. This’ll do, they thought to themselves contentedly.
The teacher took that moment to walk, or rather roll into the classroom. Surprised, Meabh watched her as she spoke, unfortunately in English, before handing out some weird pass thingemies. Indicating with her head, Meabh turned to Aoife.
“[What are those for?]” She asked quietly. Whatever they were, the teacher’s tone was very much ‘no nonsense’. Poor teacher.
Colm paused as Brooks disappeared behind a door, and soon the sound of their crying emerged from it. Concerned, he shifted into a small bird, flying through the gap and landing on the other side, before switching back to his human form. Crouching, Colm tilted his head, keeping his expression open, but neutral.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. “I understand the song was personal to you, but seriously, is there anything you want to chat about?” Colm kept his tone gentle, although honestly they were unsure how to help Brooks. “Is there anything I can do? I won’t leave, but I can give you a bit of space if you really need it. I’ll just switch back into a little birdie and go over there.”
Colm indicated to a small alcove in a corner in the ceiling. They didn’t want to leave Brooks, purely because they weren’t sure that the kid wouldn’t do something that they’d later regret.
“Do you think he’d do that to me? Don’t worry, I’d never let that happen.”
Cameron chuckled. “He might, although if he does he’ll have trouble on his doorstep, from me.” This Kato fellow didn’t sound like good news for Bay, but it was her social life, not his. She could do what she liked, as long as it didn’t get her hurt.
“Thank you, Cam!!! You’re the best boyfriend ever!” Cameron couldn’t help but grin at this. She had gotten her way once again, and all Cameron could think was that she was so beautiful when she was happy.
“Well then, let’s finish this quickly and get to class,” Cameron said, glancing at his watch as he realised they were already late. “Looks like we might be the ‘bad kids’ in this story after all,” He said, chuckling. It didn’t really matter if they were late, although detention wasn’t quite Cameron’s goal for the day.
He swallowed the fish quickly, enjoying the flaky, fleshy feel of it as he did so. Delicious, as usual.
@ethereal - wait rlly? wow