`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔


:butterfly: image >> outside, kace


He flashed her a grin, looking both surprised and pleased at the newfound confidence. This made Callie smile even wider, butterflies exploding in her stomach. She only got to see the grin for a moment, unfortunately, as she pushed him and ran as fast as she could. “Fine! I’ll allow such dirty tricks since I’m CLEARLY in a better position to win!” Callie knew she shouldn’t talk too much-or she might run out of breath. She needed to conserve her energy. Still, she couldn’t help but tease back, “Says who? And you never really specified any rules.” She didn’t even know if he could hear that, though she had yelled it pretty loudly.

Apparently, ‘as fast as she could’ was not very fast. It seemed like only a few seconds went by before she heard Kace’s boots on the tile-he was getting closer and closer. “How in the H-LL are you running with those?” She didn’t look behind her-that would certainly mess her up. She was already slow enough in heels-though she’d be even slower without them-bare feet and the sharp rocks near the cliffs didn’t mix well. She found that landing on her toes helped slightly, though not much. “Charm school!” She yelled over her shoulder. “I could ask the same to you! Those boots were made for walking-not running!” Her hair was flying behind her, and getting in her face. She hoped it wouldn’t get too tangled. Maybe she shouldn’t have rolled up her skirt so high-running with a short skirt was a bit…risky.

orp >> @jaytastic



Rory finalized name plat
Rory blushed at his pick up line and smiled. “Well then mission accomplished they are a very pretty soft brown.” Rory smiled as he flirted back with Kellan he knew he wasn’t as smooth as Kellan with it but he was trying. “Cool then we should be good on stuff to do for a while before I start to wander around town.” Rory liked looking down on Kellan not in a mean way but because he got to take him all in a little better from his heightened vantage point. Rory kept looking at all the people coming in as he panicked a little more. This was a massive class at least in his mind. “Are all classes pretty big my classes before this were like two people max so this is really a lot.” Rory started to play with his septum ring again all nervous. “Im not sure im ready for that many friends.” Rory mumbled as he tried to calm down a little. “Don’t be embarrassed I am just freaking out sorry but I guess then I should generally be ok.”


╔═══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :blue_book: ๑ஓ════════════════════════════╗

image || Literature Classroom

═══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :blue_book: ๑ஓ════════════════════════════

Sapphire Lim rolled into the classroom-her wheelchair was enchanted and she didn’t have to use her hands. Her dark brown curls were neatly styled atop her head, she wore a bit of earth-colored makeup, and she wore a white blazer over a soil-colored dress. On her face was a small, simple smile as she stopped next to her desk at the front of the room. She took a long moment to glance over the students that were there. She recognized plenty of them from last year, and there were plenty she didn’t recognize. She kept the same calm smile on her face as she nodded ever so slightly. “Good morning, class.” She said, hands in her lap. “I hope you are all doing well.” Shifting a bit in her wheelchair, she continued, “My name, for those who have not yet met me, is Sapphire Lim. But I would prefer for you to address me as Ms. Lim. Please do not call me by my first name.” As she spoke, her name appeared on the board, Ms. Sapphire Lim, written neatly with thin white chalk. “The rules in my classroom are very basic-raise your hand to speak and don’t interrupt, turn in your work-completed and on time, and be respectful towards each other, me, and yourselves.” Rolling over to her desk, she took out several stacks of yellowed paper, each held together by a rubber band. Snapping off the bands, she began to count them out. Every time she counted five passes, the passes floated over to a student. “These are restroom passes. You shouldn’t need to use the bathroom during my class-especially since it is your first. Five is more than enough.”

orp - @FTDFam [anyone who is in the literature classroom]

╚═══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :blue_book:๑ஓ════════════════════════════╝


╔═══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :scroll: ๑ஓ═══════════════════════════╗

image || Advanced Literature

════════════════════════════ஓ๑ :scroll: ๑ஓ════════════════════════════

The first thing Robert Bisson did after strolling into the Advanced Literature Classroom was grab a cup of coffee. He had set up a pitcher of warm coffee on the back table. As it magically refilled itself, he took as much as he wanted before adding some sweetener and walking back to the front desk. He stood next to his desk, sipping his coffee and taking a look at the students-plenty of them he remembered from last year, and plenty were new as well. He smiled and gave a bit of a nod to a student he knew especially well-Noah Potts. As he set down his cup, he smacked his lips and then smiled widely at the class. “Hey, there, guys! How’s your morning?” He waited for the students to voice their response before speaking again. “Alright, good, good.” He said, which he would have said no matter if the students were doing well or terribly. “I do hope you’re enjoying your coffees.” He eyed several of the students who were holding and sipping from the cups he had left on the back table. “My name is Robert Bisson. You can call me ‘Mr. Bisson’, ‘Mr. Robert’, or just ‘Robert’ if you’d like. Anything goes.” Pacing around his desk a bit, he said, “We will have a few rules for our classroom. But, being our classroom, I’d like us to all work together to write the rules.” He smiled again at the students with raised brows. “I think that makes it a bit more fair, don’t you think?”

orp - @FTDFam [anyone who is in the advanced literature classroom]

╚═══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :scroll: ๑ஓ═══════════════════════════╝


╔══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :heavy_multiplication_x: ๑ஓ══════════════════════════╗

image|| Mathematics Classroom

═══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :heavy_multiplication_x: ๑ஓ═══════════════════════════

Galarza Rossum walked into the classroom, holding a large grey binder as well as a grey book and grey leather pouch. Her black hair was pulled into a neat low bun, and there was a bored expression on her round face. She wore a grey, buttoned-up blazer and matching pencil skirt. She set down her items on the front desk before taking a long moment to organize them, putting everything in its rightful place. When she finished, she looked up at the class for a moment, a deep frown appearing on her thin lips when she noticed most of them were talking, slouching, or not wearing the right uniform. She cleared her throat to get their attention. “Good morning. My name is Ms. Galarza Rossum, and you will address me as ‘Ms. Rossum’.” She wrote her name on the board. “You are not to use the bathroom during my class. There is plenty of time to use it before class, especially since each dorm has one. No excuses.” Her tone was sharp and strict as she turned to face the students once again. “You are all old enough to know the rules of a classroom. I expect you all to pay attention and turn things in neatly as well as on time. Late work will not be accepted. Raise your hand if you want to speak, and do not forget your textbook, notebooks, and stationary.” She looked at the class expectantly, waiting for them to nod.

orp - @FTDFam [anyone who is in the Mathematics Classroom]

╚══════════════════════════ஓ๑ :heavy_multiplication_x: ๑ஓ══════════════════════════╝



image || Advanced Mathematics Classroom


3arl walked into the classroom. Their walking was a bit jerky and stiff-after all, they were a robot. When they reached their desk, they took a seat. Their mechanical face shifted slightly, resembling a smile. “Hello, students. I am 3arl.” They pronounced their name ‘Earl’, even though it included the digit three. “Please just call me 3arl.” Their head turned slightly so they could get a better look at their students. They remembered some of them from the previous year. Last year, 3arl had been the teacher’s assistant to Ms. Galarza Rossum, and had met some of her students. 3arl hadn’t said much, often helped silently. Now they had a classroom of their own… “How are you today, students?” 3arl asked, still looking about. Were they supposed to ask that? “Are you ready to learn some advanced mathematics?”

orp - @FTDFam [anyone who is in the mathematics classroom]




Kamuzu watched as the girl set her pen down, placing her hands on her lap as she looked up at him, feeling more nervous in the seconds leading up to her response. Though, her words telling him that he could sit there, brought a smile to his face. “Thanks, I just didn’t want to bother you or anyone else by taking the seat.” He sat down, running a hand through his hair, and looked at the girl as she introduced herself as Eden Poppins. “It’s nice to meet you Eden, and I’m Kamuzu, but feel free to just call me Kam.”

@CrazyCaliope - Eden Poppins


after saying the words about his self-image, I saw him physically a bit tougher, but there was a gleam of uncertainty in his eyes. then to my surprise, he squats down and seems to be speaking sincerely for a moment. “Perfection doesn’t necessarily mean flawless. Some people are perfect because of their flaws” I said softly when he suddenly told me I was a ‘really cool dude’ and chuckled softly but genuinely. “is that an actual compliment coming from you?” I ask with a small grin.

“My creator” I just answered his question about who’s anger I was holding. “I guess that’s the best way to call him. Anything else sounds to warm for what he was” I added and then he asked the thing I wasn’t able to answer so I shook my head. “I don’t know” I answered.



Freya glanced at her watch. Sh!t
“Uhm,” She spoke up, “I don’t know if your watch is slow or not, Nyana, but I think classes have started.” Freya wasn’t too bothered if they were late to first class, however it was probably best if she let the others know.
Her stomach grumbled slightly as the fruit came into view. Oh yea, I still haven’t eaten.
With all the rush that came with the first day back, Freya had honestly forgotten completely about breakfast. She didn’t usually eat land food, except when above water to bother Aesthi. However, the fruit and syrup on top looked absolutely delicious.
“Yes, Freya is right, come on, we should get to know each other more!”
Freya chuckled at this. “Ok, first question.” She said boldly, cursing herself halfway through for speaking up without consulting someone. That’s what you’re supposed to do, surely. Well, may as well continue. “Where are you from, Parvati?” She asked, smiling through the turmoil in her mind.
Keep a straight face. You do this all the time.



“[Anyways, we should get ready for class.]”
Meabh nodded, walking slowly to a free pair of seats near the middle of the class. This’ll do, they thought to themselves contentedly.
The teacher took that moment to walk, or rather roll into the classroom. Surprised, Meabh watched her as she spoke, unfortunately in English, before handing out some weird pass thingemies. Indicating with her head, Meabh turned to Aoife.
“[What are those for?]” She asked quietly. Whatever they were, the teacher’s tone was very much ‘no nonsense’. Poor teacher.



Colm paused as Brooks disappeared behind a door, and soon the sound of their crying emerged from it. Concerned, he shifted into a small bird, flying through the gap and landing on the other side, before switching back to his human form. Crouching, Colm tilted his head, keeping his expression open, but neutral.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. “I understand the song was personal to you, but seriously, is there anything you want to chat about?” Colm kept his tone gentle, although honestly they were unsure how to help Brooks. “Is there anything I can do? I won’t leave, but I can give you a bit of space if you really need it. I’ll just switch back into a little birdie and go over there.”
Colm indicated to a small alcove in a corner in the ceiling. They didn’t want to leave Brooks, purely because they weren’t sure that the kid wouldn’t do something that they’d later regret.



“Do you think he’d do that to me? Don’t worry, I’d never let that happen.”
Cameron chuckled. “He might, although if he does he’ll have trouble on his doorstep, from me.” This Kato fellow didn’t sound like good news for Bay, but it was her social life, not his. She could do what she liked, as long as it didn’t get her hurt.
“Thank you, Cam!!! You’re the best boyfriend ever!” Cameron couldn’t help but grin at this. She had gotten her way once again, and all Cameron could think was that she was so beautiful when she was happy.
“Well then, let’s finish this quickly and get to class,” Cameron said, glancing at his watch as he realised they were already late. “Looks like we might be the ‘bad kids’ in this story after all,” He said, chuckling. It didn’t really matter if they were late, although detention wasn’t quite Cameron’s goal for the day.
He swallowed the fish quickly, enjoying the flaky, fleshy feel of it as he did so. Delicious, as usual.

@ethereal - wait rlly? wow


Brooks first name
Part of Brooks knew that Colm would find him no matter where they went but part of him was still mad that he had found them. Brooks hid their face and tried to ignore Colm. Even considered picking up their stuck and running off again maybe actually loosing them this time.
“I don’t want to talk about! I said to leave me alone!” Brooks tried to sound angry but with their crying everything just sounded sad. “Just go please and leave me alone I don’t need you to council me. Stop trying to fix me Im past the point of fixable.” Brooks pulled their knees to their chest and hid their tear stained face by laying it on top of their knees. Brooks was trying so hard to not cry but it wasn’t working. “I don’t know what you can do ok!” Brooks ended up yelling even though it was the one thing they weren’t mad about. It was more of a cry for help though they would never admit that.



"Im past the point of fixable.”
Colm paused at this. after all, it was an almost direct quote of what Olive had told him, and he to her, countless times in the past, when things got bad. They had healed, eventually, with the help of each other. Brooks had no one, which was probably half the reason their healing was taking so long.
“No one is past that point.” Colm said, grinning. “Not until you’re dead you’re not.”
He stayed seated, cross legged, as Brooks tried to curl up into an ever tighter ball.
“I don’t know what you can do ok!”
Colm considered for a moment. “Well, we can sit here for a while. There’s no people because classes are occupying them all, so we have all the time we want to figure out how to help you.”
Colm wasn’t really a councelling kind of person. Wasn’t in their nature. However, when it came to a person like Brooks, it all changed. After all, there was no way he’d let anyone hurt like he did. Not alone, anyways.



Brooks had never broken down like this in front of anyone. Things had always been bad for Brooks or at least for really long time. And they had been alone since their mother’s death. Brooks kept quiet as they cried a little more. They thought this empty feeling was a constant and it was hard to believe Colm cared at all. “Are you sure I feel like I’m not only past that point but I might as well be dead.” They mumbled as they tried to stop crying. Brooks rubbed their eyes trying to regain their composure some and looked up all teary and red eyed at Colm. “You sure you want to stay here with me after I yelled at you?” They asked softly as they reached for their book bag and started to look for something in it. “Im sorry for getting so mad at you.” They mumbled as they wiped their eyes. Sorry was not something they often say. And Brooks was used to being alone and not having anyone to support them.



“Are you sure I feel like I’m not only past that point but I might as well be dead.”
Colm chuckled lightly at this. “I can assure you that as long as your heart is beating, it is healing. It’s what bodies do, and minds do the same thing - the process is a bit complex but not all that different in the end.”
They could hear their heartbeat begin to slow slightly as they calmed. Ok, well, I can’t have done that badly then.
Colm watched as they went to reach for their book bag, rummaging through it.
“You sure you want to stay here with me after I yelled at you?”
“Yup.” He replied, grinning. “I can take a bit of raised voices, don’t worry.”
“Im sorry for getting so mad at you.”
“You’re all good,” Colm said. “Like I said; a bit of yelling every now and then doesn’t hurt anyone, as long as it isn’t in cruelty.” Brooks’s outburst had most certainly not been cruel, just fearful. Fear, Colm could help with just fine.



Brooks wiped there eyes and pulled their inhaler out of their bag. “I’m pretty broken so it’s not going to be soon at all Colm.” Brooks tried taking a deep breath but wound up coughing. They used their inhaler to calm the asthma attack they knew had been set off by the crying. “I dont have many friends I never have but as things got worse I moved enough I pushed people away and…I dont know how to keep friends its easier to push people away then let them see how much of a mess I am.” Brooks nodded trying hard to let Colm in instead of shutting him out it wasn’t something common for Brooks so it was hard to get their guard down that much.



“I’m pretty broken so it’s not going to be soon at all Colm.”
“It’s never soon, but it’s always sooner if you start now.” Colm himself was only just able to say that he had recovered from the pain of being abandoned. “Trust me, it takes a while, but once you see the end of the tunnel you’ll realise that healing was worth it.” It would never be easy, but hey, the less alone you are, the less difficult it has to be.
he watched carefully as Brooks pulled a small plastic thing out of their bag. Now this was something he hadn’t seen before. Brooks coughed a bit while breathing through it, but it seemed to calm and soothe their ragged breathing. Huh.
“I dont have many friends I never have but as things got worse I moved enough I pushed people away and…I dont know how to keep friends its easier to push people away then let them see how much of a mess I am.”
Colm shrugged. “So what if you’re a mess. We all end up being messes at some point or other, and eventually you have to gather yourself together and un-mess yourself. Vulnerability is the hardest thing to do, because it requires trusting people; however if you can learn to trust, then friendships and all that will come much more easily.”
He kept his tone casual, giving Brooks a grin. This was all progress, after all. If they could end up trusting him before the day was done, well, it’d make helping them, and hopefully befriending them, a lot easier.

@bpalmer - Brooks


|| Mathematics || :ocean: || With Camilla ||

“Wow. that’s so cool I also want to try” Maya responded, she had done many things in her life but flying just wasn’t one of them, but it was definitely on her to do list.
“Yes! And since I’m a dolphin, we can live together!”
Maya chuckled in response “That does sound like a fun plan I’ll tell you that” she said

“I have no idea! You’ve already met the better sibling!”
“Thought so” she said with a playful smirk “Need to see how much less awesome the less awesome sibling is” she added, and nodded as Camilla told her she’d introduce them “Cool” she said.
“Yes! Let’s make it happen!”
“One hundred percent” she said, and her attention was shifted as the teacher walked into the classroom, her aura as gray as her outfit.
“Oof she doesn’t seem fun” maya whispered to her friend with a subtle frown

@ethereal Camilla


Coco gripped his hand a little firmer and he looked down at their intertwined hands, unsure of what he felt, then back up at her still with a smirk upon his face. As if to reciprocate, Ervic gave her hand a slight squeeze back though not entirely sure what he was doing.
“And knowing you I’m sure you’ll get it down soon. I mean you’re really powerful.”
Ervic stood a little taller and looking a little smugger, raising both eyebrows confidently to show that had piqued his interest. “Is that so? I’m glad to see you noticed.”

She spoke about the blog, “Oh it definitely wasn’t good at all,” and shook her head to what he semi-asked, her curls bouncing as she did. He watched them bounce around her head. Responding to his phone explanation, she said, "Oh it’s always so funny when they start doing things outta fear.”
He scoffed, shaking his head, “I wasn’t laughing, I was p!ssed. I was hoping to get a phone to take a phone here and it’s not any fun to buy one. Not many OZ-ites have phones.”
Ervic noticed that Coco moved her eyes. She was still looking at him, just not into his eyes, but he couldn’t work out where. Then they were locked together again when she started to speak, "I can show you on my phone if you’d like. Basically how we got… close, and about how those people in the village we murdered are gone now apparently.” She pulled her phone from her pocket and held it up to him.
“How we got close?”, he queried, leaning in closer to skim through the article.
*"I must say we’re already making a name for ourselves. Definitely not good, which I love, but still if someone’s watching we gotta be careful.”
Once he had read it, he pulled himself back. His lips were pursed, and after a minute or so, the corner of his curved upwards. Good, a similar reputation to Oz. “Can’t quit now then. Let’s walk. Find the next victims.”

@Chocolate_Mama - Coco




>> literature, rory


Rory blushed at the line despite it’s awfulness. “Well then, mission accomplished, they are a very pretty soft brown.” Rory noted, which made Kellan blush as well. “Why, thank you. Glad you noticed,” Kellan replied, a somewhat goofy grin on his round face. “Cool, then we should be good on stuff to do for a while before I start to wander around town.” Rory was looking down at him from the desk-which was hot, Kellan wasn’t going to lie. He stared up at Rory as well, grinning playfully. “I’m not going to let you wander away from me.” Rory looked away from Kellan, seeming concerned. “Are all classes pretty big?” Kellan nodded, cringing. He didn’t want to lie, though he knew this probably wouldn’t make Rory feel any better. “Yeah, a lot of them.” He said honestly. “Two people max?” He exclaimed, a bit confused. “I’m not sure I’m ready for that many friends.” Rory mumbled. Kellan patted his knee gently-“Hey, you don’t have to make them all at once!” He tried to assure Rory as he fiddled with his septum ring again. It was cute, though Kellan felt bad he was so nervous. Rory told Kellan not to be embarrassed and apologized. “Hey, don’t apologize, that makes a lot of sense. But you’ll be amazing, alright?” He watched as Ms. Lim rolled into the classroom in a white blazer and brown dress-“Omg queen!! You look amazing!” Kellan cried to her, to which Ms. Lim gave a gentle-and slightly unsure-smile.

orp >> @bpalmer


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:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:

:sun_behind_small_cloud: image >> outside, dark

:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:

He looked surprised. “Perfection doesn’t necessarily mean flawless. Some people are perfect because of their flaws.” Dae looked confused for a moment, but then said, “Yeah, maybe. But we can’t all be those people.” He chuckled softly when Dae complimented him-“Is that an actual compliment coming from you?” He seemed to be cheering up-good. Dae jerked back a bit in mock-offense-“Hey, I give compliments!” Then leaning back to his original spot, he laughed, too. “But yeah, it is.”

“My creator.” Was Dark’s answer, which made Dae’s nose scrunch up-so a parent of some sort? Why would anyone do that-create something only to hold your anger? “Well, your creator’s a d-ck.” Dae said simply. “I don’t know.” Dae tilted his head-“Figures.” Why would he know what happened if he wasn’t really conscious during the whole ‘evil murderous creature’ thing?

orp >> @meekepeek

:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:



~~~ image~~~ Mathematics classroom | Jakob


César froze on the spot as the threats rolled off Jakob’s tongue. He stared into the two opals that were the other’s eyes, momentarily not comprehending if this was another joke. Jakob’s dark smirk told him otherwise. It was a stark contrast to how carelessly flirty he’d been just a moment ago. César’s slowly held his arms against his chest, betraying a degree of unease.

“Evidently you won’t leave me alone,” he said contemptuously, completely forgetting Jakob’s question about his age. The rest of his thoughts, however, were interrupted as an older woman marched into the classroom, causing César to frown. Visibly, she was the teacher. But he’d never seen anyone so immaculately groomed despite a dull colour choice. And then he came to a realisation. This most certainly was not Mr Robert Bisson.

Gracefully collecting his belongings, César gave a respectful nod, silently signalling the teacher that he was in the wrong classroom, and leaned towards Jakob a bit. “Another time, then,” he whispered in a honeyed voice, certainly happy to escape the rascal’s plans. But as he turned on his heels to leave the room, César looked over his shoulder, eyes betraying a great interest. Perhaps he had no objection to freckles and leather jackets, in the end.

@ethereal - Jakob | I thought César would probably realise he was in the wrong classroom by then, so I adapted it a bit ~ Feel free to follow for the prank :sparkles:
