>> cove, cameron
He chuckled, admitting Kato might indeed ‘bite her head off’. “Although if he does, he’ll have trouble on his doorstep from me.” Bae grinned at this, seeming to feel a lot better. Of course Cam would protect her-he was always there for her in almost every regard. “He should know better than to mess with you!” Kato genuinely seemed like a good guy-she was sure that after her and Cameron helped him, he would be grateful. And maybe him and Cam could be friends, too! Cam grinned at her compliment, and she continued to smile at him-of course, if he had told her ‘no’, or to stop hanging out with Kato altogether, she would’ve. He was really good to her.
“Well, let’s finish this quickly and get to class.” Cam said after checking his watch. Her eyes widened as she ate-were they going to be late?! “Looks like we might be the ‘bad kids’ in this story after all,” Cam joked. After swallowing, she nodded, giggling a bit. “No, we can get a pass from the nurse, maybe? For your leg? A lot of people are late on their first day.” She spoke quickly, then shoved more fish in her mouth. “This is soooo good!” She squealed, covering her mouth to be more polite.
I was gonna continue my conversation with my friend here, but the teacher came in in a wheelchair, except something was wrong with it … was it moving on it’s own? Never mind. I need to focus now. I know literature is a real subject even though I picked it as my first one instead of math because it’s simpler to deal with books than math as the first period of every single day from now on. I sighed and opened my notebook hoping I won’t need to learn much.
When she said good mroning to the class I knew I needed to respon, but didn’t want to seem eager because I wasn’t that happy to be there, so I said a “Goodmorning” timidly, so it just looked like I opened my mouth but my voice was low so people don’t hear me, but it’s not as if I didn’t say it so people think I think I’m better than them or something. She awarded us five bathroom passes which is weird, I didn’t know if this was normal or not or something that gets done in school. I just turned to my friend and asked [“Do you understand any English? Because if you don’t I think you need to be vocal about that.]”
“I mean I did say overly excited before so logically yes. I meant the drugs that make you extremely excited not just the ones that are hallucogenic. That meaning shrooms, heroin, extasy and … well I don’t know any other drugs or their effects but we can just drink or eat anything from caffeine and energy drinks, to shrooms and find out how they affect us. Maybe we’ll find a way to turn ourselves, or keep ourselves from turning. That could be done.” As I said this I noticed the teacher was already there and passing along some pieces of papaer. I took it and shut up to notice what the teacher says, while also being ready to talk about this with my brother. I do want to talk to my brother, but I also need to know what the theacher is talking about so if she catches me talking to Asa, I could say back what she just said so neither I nor Asa get in trouble for something like this. I mean we are learning and expermimenting, as we should, just not about literature.

“Me?” Lav asked as if it was the first time somebody asked him about himself so he answered awkwardly, considering it was his first time with such an encounter “I … I think I always read. I mean I had to, I had nothing and nobody else … well I can’t exactly say tha… I just had a lot of time on my hands until now and didn’t have anything better to do with my time, so it became an interest of mine. But I wasn’t introduced to many things like I am getting introduced to now. People too … introduced to people.” Lav noticed the teacher walking in so he thought to himself ‘Oh thank god, now you have a reason to shut up.’ Lav was silent of course, but he kept looking at Alicia wondering if what he said turned her away … it was pretty filled with stuttering and … he never encountered stuttering in books and thought conversations always ran smoothly, so she didn’t realise that a conversation not running smoothly with long words and perfect setences wasn’t a failure that would turn most people away. He instead, tried to read by her face if she hated it or not because he heard body language is a thing, and wanted to learn this language knowing he’ll need it to converse in future.
>> mathematics, maya-rue
“Wow. That’s so cool, I also want to try.” Camilla grinned, clapping her hands excitedly. “You can! I’m sure he’d be happy to-” She stopped, the excitement draining from her face a bit. Ryuu wasn’t going to do her any favors. “We will find our own way to make you fly.” Camilla eventually said cheerfully. “That does sound like a fun plan, I’ll tell you that.” Camilla grinned, nodding, “Ocean-roommates! It’s settled, then.” She said, beaming. Maya smirked-“Thought so.” She said, when Camilla told her she was the best sibling. She flushed at the compliment, glad Maya would agree with that. “Need to see how much less awesome the less awesome sibling is.” Camilla nodded as if she were satisfied with this answer. “I can assure you it is a very large amount.” Jason wasn’t a terrible brother, but he was much more uptight than Camilla. And he was a hypocrite. “One hundred percent.” Maya said, before turning her attention to the front of the room. She noticed her last year’s mathematics teacher-Ms. Rossum- had entered the classroom, looking stern and gray as ever. “Oof, she doesn’t seem fun.” Maya whispered to Camilla with a frown. Camilla nodded gravely-“She’s not. She’s reeeeallyyyy mean. Meaner than Caela.” She whispered.
Cameron shook his head at Bay’s suggestion of getting a pass from a nurse. “There’s no proof that I actually did hurt my leg anymore, other than a small scar from the burning.” That would never be enough to persuade a school nurse to give a hall pass, ,even she would know far better than to believe that - otherwise every student would be racing to get out of class, using old scars as excuses.
“This is soooo good!”
“I’m glad you liked it,” Cameron grinned, wiping his hands on a piece of kitchen roll. “We should get going,” he said, after swallowing the final bite. “May as well get to school before first hour ends,” He added with a chuckle. Standing, Cameron wondered how on earth they had managed to keep the uniforms dry in the mornings last year. He honestly couldn’t remember. Honestly, they probably hadn’t, or at least Cameron hadn’t. He didn’t really care of course, going to school soaked through. He usually managed to dry off in an hour or so. Bay, of course, didn’t need to worry at all - her uniform conveniently disappeared and reappeared when she switched forms, making it easy for her to emerge from the water bone dry.
@ethereal - Bay - 0-0, you need to try it it’s great
[“Do you understand any English? Because if you don’t I think you need to be vocal about that.]”
Meabh grimaced. This could end up being quite embarrassing.
“[Yea, I know a little. Not enough for school, though]” Exhalling slowly, Meabh considered. They could always try to just go through the lesson without drawing attention to themselves and avoid being asked anything, but that plan was unlikely to last forever. Sooner or later Meabh would be forced to admit that because of their stubborness, they had refused to learn any more English than was subconsciously picked up over the years until now. Let’s just get this over with.
“Ms Lim,” Meabh called out, having twigged that that was her name. She breathed slowly, doing her best to translate her next statement as fast as she could before the teacher acknowledged her. As she did, Meabh spoke as fast as she could manage (which was still quite slow) without messing up pronunciations.
“I speak Irish, only bit of English.” She managed, smiling at the end before her expression fell to neutrality, and Meabh drew back in on herself, hoping she had not attracted too much unwanted attention. The embarrassment at having to do that coursed briefly through her veins, momentarily fracturing her human disguise, revealing an unearthly glow of her true form underneath. Meabh hurriedly reformed, not wanting to create any further spectacles.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Aoife
@ethereal - Ms Lim
⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆*
Outside the Castleteria // Theodosia
⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆*
Clementine screamed. Clementine didn’t particularly care about the plant who he had named ‘Vivian’, it was a plant after all – why would he care for it. But, he screamed anyways. “You-are-just-a-little-boy-” Clementine stopped his screaming abruptly, tilting his head to the side he blinked at the blonde in front of him. And again. He could almost feel his mania, his eyes twitched and his hands clenched and unclenched his fingers. Suddenly, he wasn’t very fond of this pretty robot-human girl. “I’m the friggin’ queen of Crete. Is a little respect and decency too much to ask for?!” His lips tilted upwards at that and moved his head to a normal position after rolling it for a moment. He sighed before picking up the book, he didn’t want to lapse into an episode so early this morning. People were so annoying… He squeezed the book in his hands until it turned smaller and smaller and… then it disappeared. “You’re not the Queen of Crete,” he sniffed. Either the girl thought he was stupid or was stupid. Perhaps both. He glowered at the leaves in the hand as he sulked in the corner, between the pot and the wall. “The King of Crete is back there,” his eyes absorbed the person before him before lighting up. "You must be his sister, the princess. If even. " He finished snidely as he picked up his food, nearly trampled by the large feet of the giant, he moved the plate away and set it on the window behind him. “Who are you anyway? Shouldn’t you be headed to-I don’t know- a class for babies or something?” Clementine picked out the leaves from the back of pot and began to reattach them to the stem of the plant. Pressing the ripped apart of the leaf against it’s counterpart and like magic it sewed itself back together. He continued doing this, almost like a jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes he’d put the leaf back in the wrong place and it would turn yellow until he changed it to it’s correct spot. Soon the flowering plant looked as it had before. “My name is Clem.” He sighed. “Shouldn’t you be at a finishing school or something.” He replied in a mocking tone. He puffed his chest up before speaking, “And for your information I am thir-teen,” he informed the girl drawing out his words. “I’m not a baby. I just look young.” He sniffed. “And I’m the teaching assistant for the magic teachers.” He patted the plants stem and as if to demonstrate, the plant began to blossom red and purple roses. As they blossomed, the plant’s stem browned as did it’s leaves as it began to shrivel up on itself. Petals fell from the medium-sized roses as those two withered, underneath Clementine’s touch. The thorns, however grew a little larger than normal. Clementine’s hands ran around the plant’s stems, carefully avoiding the thorns until the entire plant was dead and a single rose with purple and red petals blossomed in the center of the decay, almost swaying from side to side towards the girl. “Anyways,” he rubbed his hands on his pants. “You’re royalty, yes? Well, thanks to you my food’s cold… buy me more.” His last statement was a mix of a command and a pout. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the castleteria, moving quickly. “Oh… and I guess you can buy yourself something too.”
⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆* ๑♡՞⋰˚☆*
-* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧
>> mathematics, césar
-* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧
Jakob’s threat was not in vain-as he started to speak, César seemed to freeze immediately. His blue eyes bored into Jakob’s, as if he were trying to read his mind to see if he was being serious. Jakob tilted his head slightly, in a challenging way-to show he was dead serious. As César folded his arms against his chest protectively, Jakob’s dark smirk turned into more of an amused smile-waiting for his prey to give in. “Evidently you won’t leave me alone.” César said, ignoring Jakob’s question. Jakob decided to just leave it. Instead, he gave César a smug look- “Evidently.” He repeated. He did turn to see Ms. Rossum walk into the room-dressed in grey as per usual. He sighed audibly-not her again. She absolutely despised Jakob-slobby, childish, and… yeah, maybe he’d pranked her constantly last year. “Aw, sh-t.” Jakob muttered.
By the look on César’s face, he was not exactly happy to see her either and began to pack his things. He nodded at the teacher and then turned back to Jakob. “Another time, then.” He said sweetly. Jakob frowned-“Sorry, bud, but I don’t exactly trust you to keep promises.” He said to César’s uniformed back. But suddenly, César turned back around to see him-his eyes shining with something Jakob had never seen in him before. What was it? Whatever it was… it didn’t give Jakob the chills or the negative feeling César’s looks usually did. Jakob offered him a toothy grin-“C’mon, César. You, me. Right now.” He said, no meanness in his voice. His expression was a bit hopeful as he raised a suggestive eyebrow towards César.
orp >> @edelgard AWWWWW OMG THAT WAS SO CUTE- and thank you you did an amazing job! Aye aye, I’m following ;)
-* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧
I looked around me and saw all eyes on me. I’ve never felt like this before … It’s like they’re judging me, but … But I’m sure they’re not judging me, that must be just the shock making me think this. I said “Yes I can talk … But there’s not much more I can do.” I said and looked down as I’ve seen people signify they’re embarrased by also looking down hoping this would translate well and be understood by humans. “I also don’t have hands so I don’t know how I could write.”
@Venus @FTDFam [Anyone in Mathematics]

Fern sat down in a desk when the teacher walked in. She looked quite strict, which worried Fern, but she’d just stay quiet. She grimaced when the teacher turned on Saffron, worried for her friend. What would happen? Fern sent a reassuring look over to Saffron, not sure if she’d seen it.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Saffron
@ethereal - Mrs. Rossom
I looked at him briefly. It almost sounded like deep down he didn’t think he was perfect. “Your behaviour and words are contradictory,” I remark. “Oh, I don’t doubt that the only person you could give them to was yourself” I point out but gave him a little grin to show I was joking. “Thanks, I guess,” I said even though I didn’t really believe there was any honesty behind his words after my actions.
I let out a chuckle when he called Olaf a d-ck. “Yep, you’re right about that,” I say. “well I know roughly what happened but have no memories of it. But it’s something I’ll never allow to happen again” I say but don’t go into the details. It’s very difficult to say it out loud. “It’s the reason I’m here and why I want to change,” I explain.
>> cove, cameron
He shook his head at her suggestion. “There’s no proof that I actually did hurt my leg anymore, other than a small scar from the burning.” Bay sighed lightly-it wasn’t the best idea anyways-and she was glad it was only a small scar at least. “Well, like I said, then, a lot of people will be late. It’s the first day.” She reasoned, giving Cam a reassuring smile. They’d probably be okay… Although they did have the same first class and they’d both show up late together…which might further any of the teacher’s suspicions.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Like Cam, Bay wiped her hands and grinned. “How are you such a good cook?! That was amazing oh hmy gosh… the flavor, the texture…the…” She shoved her last bite into her mouth and then licked the plate clean for good measure. “May as well get to school before first hour ends.” Bay nodded after letting out a long sigh- “True, true.” She set down her plate and got to her feet. As her and Cam dove back into the water, she smiled, but her head swiveled protectively-her hair forming orange swirls around her face. She wanted to make sure that no other sea creatures came after her boyfriend. As she reached the shallow parts of the beach, she crawled onto the sand, looking over her shoulder. Slowly, her legs began to form and her uniform reappeared. “Hey, Cam! I wanna show you something!” She called eagerly.
orp >> @acorn06 aaaa maybe i donut eat seafood tho
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They walked to the castleteria. Though Bertram was listening to Marc speak of his brother, giving him his full attention, he was still taking in the school in his peripheral vision. It was lavish and expansive. He had only once been somewhere with this much space and decadence, and that was just for a visit. Here though, he was living here for a year. Bertram only ordered a pot of herbal tea. Not 'cause he couldn’t afford more, but he didn’t want Marc paying, nor did it feel right to spend the large sum his father had given him. It never did.
“Maybe coming here still can help,” Bertram offered. “It is only the second day after all. Try not to give up just yet.”
Marc put a hand to his arm and spoke of death. How Bertram and others should just accept it, not hide it, and how people would often come to him ask questions. Did he know? Did Marc know that his mother had passed away, did he have some kind of power that helped him to sense this? Bertram wasn’t sure what to say and how he was supposed to answer this.
Later, after an awkward breakfast from the lack of conversation, the pair made their way to class. Bertram arrived at the class before it started, sitting nearer the back, thinking about the conversation he’d just had. As well as thinking of his mother. A tear came to his eye as he did.
@Edelgard - Marc Erlion - I guess we’re separating now since Marc has Maths second?
>> mathematics, aidene
He kept his eyes on her as she paused-intent on hearing her answer. Eventually, Aidene shrugged. “Sometimes.” She then added teasingly, “Although I probably would find it void of anything.” Ivan laughed at this-genuinely, but then remarked sarcastically-“Ha ha, very funny.” He smirked at her, tapping his forehead with one finger. “I can assure you, there is plenty going on in here.”
“You will,” Aidene teased in sing-song, bringing on yet another scowl. “Or I could just give you another problem to solve and then you could prove me wrong.” Ivan sighed lazily-“I think I’m good.” He looked at her cockily-“Though if you want proof, just look at me. Do I look like the kind of guy who sucks -ss at math, Princess?” He raised his brows smugly and expectantly. She clicked her tongue-“I’m not too terrible at a lot of things.” Ivan stared at her, his tongue skimming over his top lip suggestively. “I’m sure you aren’t.” He flirted. She pointed her pen at him. “You on the other hand…” Ivan gasped mockingly. “Rude.” Overconfident smile returning to his face, he said, “I think we’ve established I’m good at plenty of things. Fighting. Languages.” He glanced around before pursing his lips. “Kissing.” He added. She chuckled at Ivan’s comment-“I’m sure you wouldn’t.” He only scoffed at this. And right after this… there she was. Stern and mean looking, perfectly neat. He felt a shudder travel down his spine…she reminded him a bit of the instructors at the agency. She looked like she wouldn’t take his sh-t. His sh-t being that he was going to flunk her class. He rolled his eyes as she spoke to them sharply-even though it put him a bit on edge. No bathrooms? “Strict, aren’t we?” Aidene asked, raising a brow. At the same time her brown eyes flicked to him, his flicked to hers. “Indeed.” Was his short reply. Imitating her, he leaned back in his chair, though not too far. “Well she’s fun. Isn’t she?” Aidene muttered quietly. “That’s the last word I would use.” Ivan murmured just as quietly. He knew she was being sarcastic. “This class is going to be h-ll.”
“You didn’t offend me, but don’t do that again,” he scolded him coldly. Danko nodded, eyes down, biting his bottom lip to avoid letting out a whimper. Kieran waited for Danko to talk about Quillian and seemed to be listen to him, before replying, “So don’t. There’s so much out there, where’s the fun in being a shadow?”
Taking a second, Danko thought about what Kieran had said. “It’s not that I want to… well, it is, I want to only because I care about him. I want to make him happy. I lo-” Too strong. How did he feel about Quillian? Danko wasn’t completely sure. “-he’s my best friend. I-” Danko faltered, his attention focused on the presence wheeling her way to the front of the room. She was the teacher, Ms Sapphire Lim as she introduced herself. Ms Lim continued and Danko lowered his voice, “I don’t think I’m a shadow at all. I’m justvery loyal, but actions are reciprocated.”
@CerealKiller - Kieran
@ethereal - Ms Sapphire Lim mentioned
>> advanced literature, arielle
Arielle chuckled, then nodded understandingly. “Not a morning person?” She asked, meeting his eyes. He shook his head, laughing a bit. “No, I am.” He replied. Although he didn’t mind sleeping in, he’d rather be productive. There was always something to do that would be more productive than a few extra hours of rest. “What about you?” She hesitated before saying brightly, “I am… doing amazing.” He grinned at her, showing all of his perfect, white teeth. “I’m really glad to hear that.” He remembered her disappointment when he had told her the school was just okay-hinting it was boring. He hoped that her experiences so far would prove him wrong. “It’s the first day! Exciting, if you ask me.” Before she’d come along, Jason hadn’t felt too excited-going back to school after a long break was always tough. But, her excitement was contagious-“I agree.” He told her, his tone gentle, but excited as well. “Anything particularly exciting this morning? You seem to be in a great mood.”
She beamed widely at him, although she didn’t reply. His mood didn’t seem to be dampened as he continued to walk by her side. “That’s great!” Jason grinned at her-she was like a ray of sunshine. Just talking to her made him want to smile and keep up the same energy. Although, he wasn’t sure that was possible. “And I’m assuming she was safe and sound, Like I said?” Jason shrugged, then nodded-she had a bit of a stomachache, but seemed physically fine. She did seem a bit down-well, a lot down, actually, about something, though. “Yeah, she was fine, thank goodness.” Jason told Arielle. “She’s lucky to have someone like you looking out for her, though.” Arielle remarked, a bit of curiosity in her tone. Jason’s eyes widened and he shook his head a bit, “Oh, no, it’s just my responsibility.” He said quickly. Then, in case she was curious, he added, “Little sister.” He smiled at the thought of Camilla-she was just as sunny as Arielle. He observed Arielle semi-subtly… maybe she would make a good friend for his sister. Time would tell.
“It’s nothing. Anyone else would’ve done the same.” Arielle insisted. Jason’s face clouded with doubt for a moment-he wasn’t so sure about that. Not a lot of the people he’d met last year had been especially kind or helpful-though he had kept to himself. Blythe would’ve. A small voice inside his head whispered. He looked away from Arielle for the first time, a frown pulling on his lips. Yes, she would’ve. Arielle raised her head, “I’m just glad she’s fine.” Jason let out a sigh-“Yeah, me too. If you couldn’t tell, I was really worried yesterday.” He laughed a bit sheepishly. “N-no, you didn’t! It was my first day and it’s not like I had any time to waste.” She assured him. Jason smiled with relief at this-but Arielle looked concerned, biting her bottom lip. She tried to backpedal and correct herself, but Jason hadn’t taken it that way. “No, no, don’t worry!” He assured her. He reached out to touch her shoulder-but quickly retracted it when he remembered she didn’t want him to carry her bad. She probably didn’t want him to touch her shoulder, either. “I didn’t take it that way. I’m just glad I didn’t waste your time.”
“You are helping me find my first class, consider it even.” Arielle said, smiling. Jason smiled-“Like I said, it’s no problem at all.” He enjoyed helping people. He held the door for Arielle-they had finally reached the Advanced Literature classroom. He noticed many of the students had already arrived and found seats, and Mr. Bisson was already at the front. Jason inhaled through his nostrils-coffee. He nodded towards the table. “Want anything?” He asked. “Save me a seat, I can bring us some.” He suggested.

About five minutes after Tsuru had sat down, more students began to file into the room. A couple minutes after that, the door opened and a woman wheeled into the classroom. Tsuru briefly glanced at the woman’s wheelchair, before snapping their head up to meet the woman’s eyes. They knew staring was rude, but they were just curious. The woman introduced herself as Saphire Lim, instructing to call her Mrs. Lim. Right, not sensei. they thought. Tsuru watched in amazement as the bathroom passes floated over to their desk, and they reached up, grabbing them in midair. That was really cool.