`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔


:butterfly: image >> literature, kace


He looked amused as she sang, and as she flushed, she couldn’t tell whether he thought she was ridiculous, or whether he thought she was talented. “My, my, my, no wonder your show’s been sold out everywhere-” Her embarrassment turned to excitement when she said this, but she let out a small shriek when she heard a thud against the window. Embarrassed again, she noticed it was a bird-they were drawn to her sometimes. She gave a small pout-poor thing… Kace shrugged and she realized she’d gone a moment without saying anything to him. “You are too kind. It’s just part of being a Charming princess, really.”

He was observing her… was her face a giveaway of what she was thinking? With how close Kace was standing to her, she felt as if she couldn’t control her emotions or expressions. “Rumor has it that this school has a pretty tall waterfall from here.” Her ice blue eyes widened-they were surrounded by forest, so the rumors were probably true. She said nothing, wanting to see where he was going with this. He grinned playfully and as he leaned impossibly closer, she turned an impossible shade of pink. “Class starts in a bit. Whoever jumps off that waterfall and makes it back here first…wins.” She studied him, trying to pay attention to what he was saying. A challenge? There was so much to process and it was getting hard to think with him so close. He had to be kidding…who in their right mind just jumped off a waterfall? “Whoever wins gets to make the person do something.” Kace stood up straight, and shrugged as if nothing had just happened-as if he dared princesses to jump off waterfalls all the time. “How 'bout it, Blondie? Or are you too Charming to play such games?” She bit her bottom lip at the emphasis on her last name. He obviously wasn’t joking… but this felt like a joke. How could she win this? How could anyone win this? But something inside her made her nod. Something inside her made her say, “Alright. You’re on.” Something inside her even added, “Prepare to lose.” She didn’t know how she would win. She didn’t even know where the waterfall was. But she didn’t want to chicken out. And if she won… Pushing Kace as hard as she could (which was not very hard) in the opposite direction of the door, she raced out the door, not bothering to appear ‘ladylike’. She needed the head start if she even wanted a sliver of a chance.

orp >> @jaytastic
