`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

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image || Advanced Literature

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The first thing Robert Bisson did after strolling into the Advanced Literature Classroom was grab a cup of coffee. He had set up a pitcher of warm coffee on the back table. As it magically refilled itself, he took as much as he wanted before adding some sweetener and walking back to the front desk. He stood next to his desk, sipping his coffee and taking a look at the students-plenty of them he remembered from last year, and plenty were new as well. He smiled and gave a bit of a nod to a student he knew especially well-Noah Potts. As he set down his cup, he smacked his lips and then smiled widely at the class. “Hey, there, guys! How’s your morning?” He waited for the students to voice their response before speaking again. “Alright, good, good.” He said, which he would have said no matter if the students were doing well or terribly. “I do hope you’re enjoying your coffees.” He eyed several of the students who were holding and sipping from the cups he had left on the back table. “My name is Robert Bisson. You can call me ‘Mr. Bisson’, ‘Mr. Robert’, or just ‘Robert’ if you’d like. Anything goes.” Pacing around his desk a bit, he said, “We will have a few rules for our classroom. But, being our classroom, I’d like us to all work together to write the rules.” He smiled again at the students with raised brows. “I think that makes it a bit more fair, don’t you think?”

orp - @FTDFam [anyone who is in the advanced literature classroom]

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