`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

Amius’ grimace only got more defined when the girl laughed and said that making out with her significant other was a more energising breakfast. He didn’t even bother to hide the distaste he felt for what she had told him, he hated that there were so many couples at this school. Absolutely despised it, to the point where he actually put the half-consumed packet of chips on the desk. Then the girl stood, coming nearer, and questioned his total and utter displeasure with physical romance. When she basically asked if he were jealous, her voice went up a couple octaves and it made him studder at the irritatingly high noise.
Amius snorted at the suggestion, spraying a few saliva-covered chip crumps onto the desk from his partially-open mouth. “The day that I let someone else’s DNA and bacteria plague my mouth and lips, will be the day that I take a trip to the underworld to buy a holiday home there. How’s that s-"

They were interrupted by a girl pushing past the brunette beauty to get to Amius, only to offer him chocolates and asking him to watch the fireflies tonight. Amius looked more irritated by the invitation than he did about the brunette’s earlier suggestion. Snapping his chair forward so that all four legs were on the ground, he snatched the box of chocolates from her hands. Bringing it to his knee, Amius bent the box in the middle, a couple chocolates slipping out of the now partly open lid and onto the floor. He then frisbee’d the box over heads, across the room.
“Hope you’re as heartbroken as that box now. The answer’s no, I don’t wanna be seen standing near you, let alone dating you.” He leaned the chair back against the wall again. “There’s your answer, so f^ck off now,” he told the girl uncaringly.

@jaytastic - Arissa