Before even speaking up about my idea to my brother, I knew it was risky, but as he kept talking I realised just why it was one of the worst ideas I’ve ever had. Most people who are like us, like everybody here, usually avoid telling ordinary people who they are because they know they would either be socially isolated and hated or hunted, or they would be tested in labs their whole lives … but my idea is esentially the same as being tested our whole lives … But how else would I find out things about myself? I was conflicted between the two until Asa gave me his blessing to do this myself while he can be the one on the other side, the one to controll it, to keep me safe and to notice what happens. This few thoughts made me lose focus of what the teacher was saying, and I knew if I talked to Asa I would risk being heard and called on, but this time around I didn’t have an answer to fall back on since I lost focus of what the teacher was saying. So, instead I took out a piece of paper and wrote. “It’s a deal then, braco (this could be his nickname for his brother), if you want to assist me, I’ll try turning by myself and I will try consuming or doing anything that I think will turn me or help me turn, and you’ll monitor and make it a safe expermient. Is this what you want?”
- - - - - - Advanced Literature | APPROACHABLE
To drink or not to drink?
Marc eyed the cup he’d been holding for over fifteen minutes now, seriously rethinking his past choices in the castleteria; more precisely, making a mental note never to opt for pancakes, bacon and, worst of all, coffee again. At least Bertram hadn’t seemed to notice how much he’d been straining to finish the first two.
Marc focused on that reassuring thought as he sat in the Advanced Literature classroom, gradually realising no coffee lover was going to appear out of nowhere and save him from his grim fate. And so he took a deep breath, blocked it -this was going to taste so, so bad- and finished the entire cup in one go.
HOLY SH!T. HOLY SH!T. HOLY SH!T. The curses multiplied in Marc’s head as he only smiled serenely, desperately trying to focus on the only positive fact that it was warm. His eyes must have betrayed how he felt when he looked at the teacher, although the latter didn’t seem to take notice of it.
“Yes… I like the idea,” he articulated slowly, careful to hide how much he was straining to stay poised.
@ethereal - Robert
@CrazyCaliope - Bertram [mentioned]
~~~ ~~~ Hallway | Jakob
“Do your parents agree with all of this?” asked César dismissively, for his attention was being pried away by the twinkle in Jakob’s eyes as the latter swanned into the corridor.
Without really waiting for an answer, he gracefully turned on his heels and swept up between the line of classrooms and towards the entryway. The cold was still nagging him, and he had no hope that it would get any better even with movement. But maybe it would with potential food. Then again, that truly depended on the food -even though his mood had lightened enough to give the castleteria a second try.
That, and the fact that César needed a moment to think about his current situation. He’d never spent more than a minute with someone as unpredictable as Jakob. And he strongly suspected that if he did not abide by the latter’s plans quickly, he would be finding himself flying into the air again before he knew it.
“You know, you did not give me much of a choice,” he remarked with his usual haughty airs, carefully holding the railing as they headed down. “But you will be pleased to know that in the half a second it took you to leave class, I did see a girl heading to the entryway,” he wrinkled his nose, “in her pajamas.” César shook his head, visibly affected by the fact that someone could even do that.
@ethereal - Jakob | I hope this is good ~
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Ilona [mentioned]
@Littlefeets - Damien | On our way ~
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|| Mathematics Classroom
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The large creature seemed fearful under Galarza’s stern gaze… possibly because they had drawn attention to themselves. It wasn’t great-being different from your classmates in that way. She didn’t say anything comforting or soften her gaze. She just left. And a few minutes later, she returned with a few canvases, a paintbrush, and a bottle of black paint. With very neat, thin letters, Galarza wrote out the alphabet as while as the numbers zero through one. She then set the materials on Saffron’s desk. “You can use your mouth to write.” She instructed, setting the paintbrush in front of the creature. “Try to copy what I write on the board as well.”
orp - lunaticlevithesecond [saffron] + @FTDFam [anyone who is in the Mathematics Classroom]
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Watching her duck her head when he pointed out the tear, Syrus’ spirits even drooped lower, if that were even possible. His speech was definitely not something to fluctuate in tone, but the was a little change in it. Though it was almost impossible to notice. *“Nervous for class to start,” Caspian replied quickly. Syrus didn’t reply and they just continued with their reply, “Never fairies are very hospitable. If you visit, you’ll receive lots of gifts. And I can teach you how to drive it.”
“Thank you,” Syrus replied with a usual gloomy nod. “Indeed the fairies of Neverland are very hospitable if they treat all newcomers this way.” Then she said that she would like to experience something and Syrus’ response got unintentionally dark, “Maybe you will. You look to have plenty more years left amongst the living, you can experience many more things here.”
@ethereal - Caspian - Yeah, very cool.
“I appreciate it Nyana, and a little help these first few days would be very helpful.” Parvati knew everything there was to know for how to take care of herself as necessary when she was home, but if she wanted to experience the world firsthand and keep trying new things, she would certainly need a bit of help. It was one thing to figure out being at a new school, but it was a whole other level when you couldn’t see. “What is it that do you like to eat?” Parvati asked in reference to Nyana’s mention of being a picky eater. “I’ll eat just about anything. I like to take every opportunity for trying something new, helps me experience more of what there is in the world. What about you Freya? Are you more of a picky eater too? And thank you again.” Parvati was glad for her roommate to have set up some food for her to eat for breakfast, and for both girls to welcome her to sit down so they could get to know each other. Though just as Parvati began to eat, Freya had found the time. Class was starting, and none of them were there. “We should all really get to class then. I just want to eat some really quick first.” Parvati said, keeping the bowl slightly distanced from her so that someone else could have a bite as well if they wanted. As Parvati ate, Freya asked where she was from. Pausing between bites she responded, “India. Where are you, both of you, from? What’s it like there?” Parvati was always one to ask questions. Asking questions was the simplest way to know more about the world.
@Meekepeek - Nyana
@Acorn06 - Freya
Amius’ grimace only got more defined when the girl laughed and said that making out with her significant other was a more energising breakfast. He didn’t even bother to hide the distaste he felt for what she had told him, he hated that there were so many couples at this school. Absolutely despised it, to the point where he actually put the half-consumed packet of chips on the desk. Then the girl stood, coming nearer, and questioned his total and utter displeasure with physical romance. When she basically asked if he were jealous, her voice went up a couple octaves and it made him studder at the irritatingly high noise.
Amius snorted at the suggestion, spraying a few saliva-covered chip crumps onto the desk from his partially-open mouth. “The day that I let someone else’s DNA and bacteria plague my mouth and lips, will be the day that I take a trip to the underworld to buy a holiday home there. How’s that s-"
They were interrupted by a girl pushing past the brunette beauty to get to Amius, only to offer him chocolates and asking him to watch the fireflies tonight. Amius looked more irritated by the invitation than he did about the brunette’s earlier suggestion. Snapping his chair forward so that all four legs were on the ground, he snatched the box of chocolates from her hands. Bringing it to his knee, Amius bent the box in the middle, a couple chocolates slipping out of the now partly open lid and onto the floor. He then frisbee’d the box over heads, across the room.
“Hope you’re as heartbroken as that box now. The answer’s no, I don’t wanna be seen standing near you, let alone dating you.” He leaned the chair back against the wall again. “There’s your answer, so f^ck off now,” he told the girl uncaringly.
@jaytastic - Arissa
>> outside, dark
He rolled his blue eyes-“Yes, they are.” He insisted. “You seem so confident, and to a large extent you believe it, but just a moment ago, it seemed like you didn’t think you were perfect when you sometimes say you are.” Dae was upset Dark had picked up on this-and pointed it out. “I don’t need a therapist.” Dae told him, not meanly, he wanted to keep the conversation lighthearted. “I don’t expect you to be perfect, or at least different from what you are now.” Dae stared at him. “Although it wouldn’t hurt to show this side of yourself every now and then.” Dae frowned at this-what was wrong with him the way he was? “I think if you behave more naturally as you do now, people will like you more.” Dae grinned at him cockily- “I told you, people love me.” He assured Dark. “And how do you know that’s my ‘real’ self? Maybe I was faking a moment ago?” He asked.
He pointed to Dae, grinning. “Not true.” Dae’s looked cross-eyed as he stared at Dark’s finger. “And from now on, every time you’re wrong, I’ll make it very clear.” Dae chuckled at this-“Alright, but there will be no ‘every time’,” He insisted, smiling at the boy opposite him. Some might’ve been annoyed at the idea, but this reminded him of the way he’d joke with his friends. “You and me both.” Dark gave Dae a smile-a genuine smile. Dae smiled back at him, and after a bit of a pause, Dark asked Dae what he had said when he was ‘out of control’. Dae tried to seem nonchalant with his answer. “Well, that I was worthless and your ‘toy’…” He cringed. “But don’t worry, I didn’t believe any of it.”
orp >> @meekpeeke AHH sorry I have really bad writer’s block rnnn
Aithne checked the clock, realizing she had to get to class. She said goodbye to Peck, saying she’d see her later. She hurried to her first class, basic literature. Aithne was quite excited, because she loved reading. She made it to the classroom with time to spare, sitting down next to a girl with white hair. “Hello.” Aithne said politely, turning to the girl with a smile.
@Littlefeets - Icelyn
“She is kind of intimidating.” Rory said, nodding as he listened to the teacher’s rules. Kellan nodded slightly-though he liked Ms. Lim, she did have a sort of intimidating aura. “She can be. But I think that makes her even more of a queen.” Rory explained that he and his sister had been taught by their father, and that it could be lonely at times. “Wow! That must be really cool.” Kellan said. “Sucks that it got lonely, though. Didn’t you have any friends where you grew up? What made you decide to go this year?” Kellan tilted his head, sad a cool person like Rory hadn’t had many people. Rory spoke quietly, as he pulled a notebook out of his backpack along with a glittery pen. Kellan’s eyes shone-“OMG, I love your pen!” He squealed. Then, remembering how quiet Rory had been, he lowered his voice. “Good idea!” He complimented, flushing slightly. It felt nice to know Rory wanted to keep talking, and passing notes was so… He felt a rush of butterflies in his stomach-romantic. “Don’t worry,” he assured Rory. “I won’t let you fall behind.” Kellan wasn’t amazing at school, but he decided then and there he would to his best to pay attention so he could help Rory. Rory giggled, tapping the pen on his desk. “I really appreciate that.” Kellan smiled-again very excited at the idea of Rory meeting his friends. “Oh, they’re going to love you!”
orp >> @bpalmer
>> beach, cameron
He smirked at her kiss, and she smiled sheepishly. He chuckled, shaking his head. “I can, if you want, but I think you’d get all wet.” He joked. Her uniform was mostly dry-except the parts where Cam had held her-those were a slightly darker shade of maroon. Well, I have a solution for that… Bay thought to herself, brimming with excitement. She didn’t say anything yet-she was excited to show him her spell. Her eyes closed, she didn’t yet see his confusion as she dramatically cast the drying spell. However, as she uttered the last few words, she let her eyes flutter open. He looked like he was beginning to understand, the uniform peeling from his skin and becoming as dry as it had been in the cove-probably even dryer. “Wow… when did you learn that?” He asked, laughing as he looked down at his uniform. Bay grinned, showing all of her teeth as she jumped up and down excitedly. “I paid a bit of attention last year,” She teased. She wasn’t amazing or anything, but she knew a lot more about magic than she used to. He gave her a hug-although they’d hugged so many times that morning, Cam’s hugs never got old. She snuggled into his now-dry chest-he smelled sort of like the ocean. “Well, now I can carry you in. Would you like that?” His dark eyes shone with mischef, which made Bay even more excited. It was a bit of a long trip, and she didn’t want his arms to hurt-not that she was very heavy. “Can you?!” She exclaimed, grinning hopefully. “That would be quite the enterance-”
orp >> @acorn06 ooo is that so?
maybe somedayyy~~ and i had to let him carry her lol it was too cute to resist!
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|| Advanced Literature
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As he scanned the classroom, listening to the answers his students gave, he noticed one student in particular had a strange look on his face-though he smiled calmy, his eyes showed…agitation? “Yes…I like the idea.” The student said very slowly. Although far away, Robert was able to hear him. “I am glad to hear that!” He said, walking a bit closer to the boy. “Any ideas for our very first class rule?”
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He looked at her with a guilty smile. He probably shouldn’t have been talking nearly as much as he was. His loose lips were really starting to be a problem. Seriously, the only thing he hadn’t said was that he was practically publicly humiliated by his smart@ss younger brother. The guilty smile remained as she begun to ask if he had ever been with one of his servants. Porcelain immediately took it back so he looked away, blushing. “So basically I’m the furthest thing from a servant,” Tristan paused for a moment. “Ehhhh,” she was ditching school, after all. “I guess that means that you’d make a great queen, then.” He didn’t look at her as he slyly complimented her. He looked at her in disbelief when she brushed away the idea of marriage. “I am not nearly as repulsive as you’re making me out to be. You’d be surprised at how charming I can be.”
He didn’t look to see her reaction at his grades, he didn’t need to look to know that she was most likely surprised. As much as Tristan hated school, and learning, and studying, he knew deep down that he could have been trying harder. That his father was expecting him to try harder, be better. He just… didn’t want to. He didn’t want to so badly. He didn’t even want to be King that much - he just wanted to be better than Isaiah. “Nah, respect is over-rated anyways,” he said this despite the attitude he had towards his superiority in age. He caught the tree branch before it hit his face and Tristan sighed, “It was worth a shot,” he shrugged. His game was off today, not like he was trying that hard anyways.
She glared at his suggestion, “Fine, fine. Breakfast first, I guess.” Tristan could tell that she really didn’t care about gratitude. Neither did he - but he preferred to presume he was perfect. She seemed a little happier at the idea of him buying her some clothes. He was genuinely surprised when she suggested him being her sugar daddy. He might’ve taken it as an insult if he wasn’t so infatuated with her looks. “There are worse things to be,” he said casually. He put his hands in his pockets as he looked around the town. It was nothing compared to the North Islands, but it was something. It appeared as though she was letting him choose where to go first, “Might as well show up in style.” He winked as he started walking towards the first clothing store he could see, pushing open the door and looking around. When Porcelain came in, he pulled out two leather jackets, “Hey, look! We could match!”
@ethereal - Porcelain
ORP: Don’t mind Tristan
Lav seemed almost confused when Alicia asked him how long he had been reading and started going on a spiral - much like hers - when he answered. She was used to stuttering, seeing as she did it in almost every conversation. “What do you mean you were…” her sentence trailed off as Mr. Bisson came in. He was always her favorite teacher - to be fair, he was most people’s favorite teacher. She took out a notebook from her bag and tried to focus on what he was saying but Lav kept… looking at her. It almost reminded her of that scene in Twilight, except Lav wasn’t a vampire. Or maybe he was and that’s why he was alone. She glanced at him to look for fangs, which were obviously none existent.
In doing so, she met his gaze. Alicia turned back quickly to look at the teacher, unsure of what to do. She didn’t want to talk in class but she felt awkward leaving it there. She crossed her arms and legs, almost as though she was trying to turn into a little ball. She felt nervous when people watched her, like she’d mess up no matter what she did. She took a deep breath and wrote on her notepad, “I’m sorry that you were alone,” and slid it to where he would be able to see. Alicia had also been alone, in a way. With her dad being gone and her moving searching for fame… well Alicia just never fit into the picture.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
ORP: Didn’t know if you wanted a reply or not. You don’t have to respond if you don’t want to - it’s up to you
Alya wasn’t exactly surprised by Samantha’s answer. She was happy by it, though. She showed this with a signature Cheshire grin, something that had been coined by her dad and now something that she had coined. Thievery wasn’t normally well received in Wonderland, but surely her father wouldn’t be too mad. It’s not like she had stolen the Madhatter’s hat, or the Queen’s staff. She missed the place… despite how batsh!t crazy everyone was. Alya was a little confused when Samantha started talking about what seemed like five different places called Rome. “Wow, humans love making everything way more complex than necessary. Oh, I’m from Wonderland. You may or may not have heard of it, it’s a bit obscure. Some guy named Lewis Carroll wrote a book on it- I think.”
She swore as she heard the bell ring. “I knew it. I knew I was going to be late. Oh well, might as well do this then.” Alya took off her cape/cloak/weird thing they were required to wear and gave it to Samantha. “We’re getting detention anyways, might as well see if this works. K, now we really gotta go now. And I’m guessing you can’t turn invisible and teleport so we’re going to have to this the old fashioned way.” Alya started walking, barely waiting for Samantha.
@Bluecookies - Samantha
ORP: Omg, I’m so proud that I did this. Also loved your reply, as always.
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>> hallway, césar
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“Do your parents agree with all of this?” César asked Jakob as he strolled into the hallways. Jakob grinned as he thought of his father-“Oh, dad? For sure. I tell him about all my pranks.” He bragged, teeth showing as he smiled. “Though I’ll keep this one a secret.” He added, remembering what he had promised César. “You probably know him-he’s Peter Pan.” Jakob gloated, eyes wide and shiny. If it hadn’t been obvious by now-red hair, pixie dust, confident… Jakob was very similar to his father. “And what would your dad think?” He smirked at César-to finish the sentence-what would your dad think of me?
As Jakob bragged, César whirled on his heels and began to walk towards some of the other classrooms. Jakob followed as he spoke-surely, he wasn’t trying to escape again? “You know, you did not give me much of a choice.” César said snobbily. Jakob only smiled innocently-“I know.” He held onto the stairway railing and began to head down the steps-in a very graceful fashion. Jakob waited until he reached the bottom before lightly floating up to sit on the railway, then sliding down-he couldn’t resist. “But you will be pleased to know that in the half-a-second it took you to leave class, I did see a girl heading to the entryway.” Jakob’s eyes lit up as he looked at César-yes, he was definitely pleased to hear this information. “In her pajamas.” Jakob’s nose wrinkled at the same time César’s did-in her pajamas?! As César shook his head, Jakob smirked-“Her, then.” The girl sounded like she didn’t take good care of herself-so it wasn’t like he was ruining his chances with a potential partner. “Good job.” He told César, as if they were agents on a mission. He then took off his leather jacket, revealing moderately toned arms. “I’ll let you pick. We have plenty to work with.” He pulled out a wiggling rubber snake, a handful of robotic spiders and cockroaches, and, of course, a whoopee cushion. “And, of course, pixie dust.” He patted his pocket, but didn’t take it out yet-there was a chance César-or someone else could steal it.
orp >> @edelgard ackkk hope i am doing this right! your post was amazing! + @lunaticlevithesecond [ ilona ] + @littlefeets [ damian ]
-* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . * . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧
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>> location, person
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As she wasn’t looking at Syrus-she didn’t notice his face droop along with his spirits. He did not reply to her lie-did he suspect her?! Or did he believe her? Caspian squinted at her lap-trying to analyze what had just happened. “Thank you.” He nodded gloomily at her offer. “Indeed, the fairies of Neverland are very hospitable if they treat all newcomers that way.” Caspian nodded, agreeing with him-the fairies loved to give gifts and share their favorite activities with others. Though they didn’t always treat humans well-they saw humans as threats. But was Syrus even a human? Oh well, if he used a shrinking potion, he’d probably be fine. She eventually nodded. “They are.” Was her short answer. She wanted to ask Syrus if he was a human or not, but that would definitely be rude. “Maybe you will.” Syrus said, when Caspian told him she wanted to experience perfection. Caspian’s eyes shimmered-I wish. “You look to have plenty more years left amongst the living, you can experience many more things here.” With wide eyes she looked up at him-suddenly thinking about her death. What if she didn’t get to do the things she wanted to do? Experience what she wanted to experience? A few tears streamed down her face at the thought. “Wait…” She looked at him hopefully. “Can you see how many y-years I have left? Is that why you said I look to have plenty more?”
orp >> @crazycaliope yesssss~
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>> hallways, jayden
✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cara listened as Jayden said it was always just her and her father, and he didn’t like her being gone. She shot her an empathetic smile-it had always just been her and her mother. Though, Jayden’s father seemed to genuinely care about her. “I’m sure he does! And you can always text him or call him, right?” Cara said, trying to help Jayden feel better. “He sounds like an awesome dad.” “Everything back home just feels more lowkey than being here does.” Jayden smiled, shrugging. Cara nodded-this made plenty of sense. “Well, it’s hard to compete with all of this…” Cara said, as she opened the exit door for Jayden, revealing the elegantly decorated hallways. “Who knows, maybe I’ve been sucked into a fairytale or something myself.” Cara laughed- “I think you have.” She said, her tone equally light. She walked a bit faster-as she had realized both her and Jayden were late. Oh well, Jayden’s teacher would probably understand. And she’d just tell her own teacher that she had been helping another student. Gulp. Ms. Rossum would probably be upset no matter what Cara said. She was about to turn down the hallway when she heard a voice call out behind her-“Miss DeVil?”
Her eyes wide, she turned around to see a staff member walking towards her, heels clicking on the floor. She remembered this woman from last year-a tall, chestnut-haired woman with a good sense for fashion. Today, she wore a sage green blazer and floral shirt. But Cara wasn’t focusing on the woman’s outfit-well, she was more focused on something else. The woman had just called her by her last name-in front of Jayden. “Y-yes?” Cara asked-she had been gawking at the woman a bit awkwardly for a moment. “We just got a new shipment of uniforms and accessories, waiting to be picked up in the town square.” Cara nodded-she had picked up the uniforms plenty of times, usually with Callie. “Would you be willing to go and pick them up? You would be excused from class, of course.” The woman looked to Jayden with piercing yellow eyes. “You can take a friend with you, if you’d like. I don’t think you’ll be able to carry them all by yourself.” After the woman had left, Cara turned to Jayden, not quite meeting her eyes. “Er…do you want to get those with me?” She asked-in a quieter voice than her normal one. She stared at her shoes-“If you don’t want to, I totally get it.” She tried to sound reassuring. Jayden didn’t seem very judgmental, but… being the daughter of Cruella DeVil? Usually, that wasn’t a very admirable thing in people’s eyes.
orp >> @littlefeets ugh i hope this is good i feel a lil messy
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>> town, tristan
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He looked at her guiltily, and she continued to scowl. How disgusting! After a long stare, Porcelain huffed and looked away. When she looked at that chiseled face again, he was still smiling in that same way. And her glare was probably making things worse. Luckily for her, he didn’t answer the question she had taken back-and he didn’t pick up on the small blush dusting her cheeks. He paused, “Ehhh,” he said at first, as if he were trying to decide whether or not she’d make it as a servant. Porcelain supposed she wouldn’t be too mad if he deemed her one-unless she was his servant-blech! She grimaced at the thought. “I guess that means you’d make a great queen, then.” Not expecting this answer, Porcelain was at a loss of words-something very rare for her. Usually she had a snappy remark for everything. She had no idea how to react-the idea of ruling and being all powerful intrigued her, but wouldn’t being a queen make her more like… “You’re right.” Was her final answer after a long pause. It was a blunt answer. For a moment, she thought about complimenting him back, but it would definitely go to his head. His blue eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. “I am not nearly as repulsive as you’re making me out to be. You’d be surprised at how charming I can be.” Tristan insisted after a moment of disbelief. She rolled her eyes, then turned to him, her silver hair tumbling over her shoulders. “Surprise me, then.” After this, she turned away slightly and continued walking. “I think I’m right.”
He wasn’t looking at her when she reacted to his grades-which was probably for the best. Porcelain didn’t care too much about her grades-yeah, they were bad, but who would scold her? Who would make her want to try harder? She didn’t have the twins, or a parent who cared about her-much less, grades. “Nah, respect is overrated anyways.” Tristan said. “Glad you think so, as you won’t be getting any from me.” Porcelain told him sharply. She didn’t hear the branch slap him in the face-which probably meant he’d stopped it. “It was worth a shot.” She shook her head. “Says you.”
“Fine, fine. Breakfast first, I guess.” Tristan agreed. She was surprised at this, but glad. Her stomach felt hollow and was starting to hurt. It had been a while since she’d had a good meal-and the entire town square smelled amazing. He looked surprised at her suggestion. “There are worse things to be.” He said casually. She almost looked surprised, but kept up her bored expression instead. “Exactly. Consider yourself lucky.” She told him. As she walked, she let her hands swing at her sides slightly-her dress didn’t have pockets, unfortunately. “Might as well show up in style.” Tristan suddenly said. She turned just in time to catch his wink before he ducked into the nearest shop. Her mouth dropped open-no breakfast?! She felt a bit of a smile tugging at her lips as the image of his wink flashed in her head, but remembering how annoying he was and how hungry she was turned it back to a deep frown. Still, she followed him into the shop, letting the door shut behind her. He hadn’t gotten too far, and she meandered over to him-trying to look like she didn’t care. When he noticed her, he pulled out two leather jackets- “Hey, look! We could match!” She looked at him suspiciously, before turning her gaze to the two jackets. He seemed to be keeping up his cheerful persona-despite her normally-contagious dark attitude. She had to admit, both jackets were her style-she loved black and she liked leather. Of course she had a leather jacket, but it was nowhere near as nice, and it was also old. She looked at the one made for girls-surprisingly, it looked to be in her size. “Hm, not bad.” She commented, slipping her arms into the jacket while he was still holding it. She paid no attention to how close they were while she did this. Letting it settle on her, she turned to a mirror. It was made well-quality material, and wasn’t uncomfortable. She turned to Tristan, raising an eyebrow. She didn’t directly ask for his opinion, she only implied she wanted to hear it.
orp >> @skyler2 AHHH matching jackets?!?!?
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“But of course, what else do you have roommates for,” I say. “Let me know what class you have, and I’ll drop you there before I go to my own class” I add and let Freya and Parvati eat the fruit salad since I had already had breakfast. “I love fruit and anything that is creamy, but I hate bitter and anything that tastes strong like cheese, fish, etc.” I explain. “no problem, just don’t eat too fast,” I said with a smile. "I am from Bardon, it is a very small island in the north sea near Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and so on. lightly populated and a lot of nature "I say. although I find it really fun and I would love to keep talking, it also started to gnaw in me that we have to go to class. “If you’ve finished your food, maybe we can talk and walk at the same time, sorry I’d rather not be late,” I say.
I hold up my hands when he immediately went on the defensive. “Calm down, I’m not the right person for that anyway” I say. “I know that kindness isn’t fake because you’re talking to the king of fake” I say with a grin. “Or well, fake … if I were to walk around all the time and show that I am afraid of losing control, I would get an even worse reputation,” I say shuddered. “Let’s just stop this topic,” I say when I notice that I am not making it better.
“We’ll see about that,” I say grimace when he tells him what I said. “Yikes, sorry” I say. “I’ve always wondered what to say when I lose control, what my goal is” I say while thinking. Maybe Olaf thought people were dragging him when he made me.
@ethereal - Oh don’t worry about it. (also I didn’t get tagged because the tag was wrong haha).
Cameron grinned as a hopeful look filled Bay’s beautiful face. “Yup. Time to turn heads, as is appropriate for the first day of school.” He had no idea what he was saying or how it’d work out once they arrived at the school, but for now, Cameron was with Bay, and that made everything alright.
Scooping his girlfriend back up into his arms, Cameron began walking towards the school, grinning cheesily at her as he did so. This was most certainly going to be considered one of those weird romancy things everyone feigns disgust at, but Cameron honestly didn’t care right now. He was light on his feet, an added effect to spending hours every day dancing, and set a swift, but casual, pace towards the school, swallowing ground with long steps.
Holding Bay close, Cameron chuckled. “What do you think they’re gonna say at our entrance?” He asked, looking down at her. “I wouldn’t say that we’d cause a stir, but we most definitely will turn a few heads.”
@ethereal - Bay
“What about you Freya? Are you more of a picky eater too?” Parvati asked Freya.
She shrugged, before remembering that Parvati wouldn’t be able to see it. “Uh, I don’t know. There are a few foods I refuse to eat, like Ketchup, but I’m not overly fussy.” Ketchup stinks. Freya pulled a face at the thought of it. Nope.
As Parvati asked about where they were from, Freya considered for a moment before answering.
“I’m from Scotland. It’s pretty cold at times, and wet, but you get used to it eventually.” She grinned. The countryside there was beautiful, rolling hills, grasslands and mountains galore, with barely a human in sight for miles around most of the time.
Freya listened intently as Nyana explained where she was from. Cool! Of course, she then wanted to go to class. Fair enough, and if Freya had read xys schedule right before they arrived, Aesthi should be in Literature too - a perfect opportunity for them to talk.
Popping one of the fruit peices in her mouth, Freya savoured the taste, before swallowing and standing. “That’s fair enough,” She replied to Nyana, before turning to Parvati. “What is your first class, Parvati?” She asked, wondering if any of the three shared a class. Hopefully, it’d mean they didn’t have to split up, after all.