`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔


When Alicia met Lav’s gaze and rapidly looked away, Lav didn’t know the meaning of that, but he could sense she didn’t like him watching. He didn’t know if this sense he was feeling was true or not, but he decided to listen to his gut and as rapidly look away from her as she did from him, to make her feel more at ease. His gaze was however brought back when she slid him a piece of paper, and for a second he looked at her, a bit confused and a bit surprised, but then he opened the piece of paper, slowly so it can’t be heard by the others, and he read what it said. “I’m sorry that you were alone”
Lav looked at it for a hot second, then met her eyes and smiled softly for a few seconds and during the smile he let out a “hmm” sound. He sent her the paper back after writing “I wasn’t alone, I just felt like I was.” under her message.



“Thanks, I just didn’t want to bother you or anyone else by taking the seat.” The boy sat down before Eden introduced herself. Then greeted her back saying, “It’s nice to meet you Eden, and I’m Kamuzu, but feel free to just call me Kam.”
“I know,” Eden responded to him saying how nice it was in a modestly, yet conceited way. “Hello Kamuzu.” She took extra care to make sure to pronounce his name correctly. “Would you prefer people to call you Kamuzu or Kam?”
Then the teacher, 3arl, walked into the classroom and Eden looked at them no differently than if they were human. They were teacher for the year and she would show them respect. 3arl greeted them but Eden stayed quiet. Then asked if they were ready to learn and Eden nodded, picked her pen back up. She looked across at Kamuzu and asked, “Do you have paper and pen, would you like to borrow some?”

@Littlefeets - Kamuzu

1 Like

:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:

:sun_behind_small_cloud: image >> outside, dark

:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:

“Calm down, I’m not the right person for that anyway.” He held up his hands in defense. Dae nodded, “Yeah, I’d make a pretty bad therapist myself.” He agreed. He grinned as well when Dark called himself the ‘king of fake’. This guy was pretty good at taking a joke-why couldn’t he be a bit more like that? “Fine. Everyone’s fake, though.” Dae said, like it wasn’t a bad thing. He shuddered a bit, as he suggested perhaps it was best for him to be fake, and not ruin his reputation. Dae agreed, but he didn’t want to be rude. “But you’re a good dude. I’m sure people would like this side of you as well.” He said. When Dark said they should move onto talking about something else, Dae nodded-this was reasonable. “Yeah, okay.”

“We’ll see about that.” To this, Dae gave a challenging smile. “Yikes, sorry.” Dae shrugged to brush off the apology. “It’s fine, really.” He said. “I’ve always wondered what to say when I lose control, what my goal is.” Dark said thoughtfully. Dae thought for a moment-“Well, if you were trying to make me feel like sh-t, it didn’t work,” He said, trying to sound encouraging.


:cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:●○●○ :cloud:



She kept glaring at him, but Tristan payed no mind. What he did pay attention to was the speechless look on her face when he complimented her. It was nice. Just quiet for a moment. Well, the quiet that he had inspired. Maybe he was breaking through to her. He gave a soft smile when she agreed, “I know I’m right. You didn’t have to reassure me.” For a moment, he considered telling her the truth. He started, then sighed. There was no point. She’d just make fun of him. Or get mad at him for lying. His attitude changed when she challenged him, he put on his classic smirk. “Why try when this isn’t a date?” He continued walking along side her, staying maybe a little less than a foot away.

He didn’t see the shock on her face when he went into the clothing store, despite what he had said before. He was growing tired of his uniform blazer. It was also a little embarrassing walking around with a girl in a tattered dress. She put on the jacket while he was holding it up and didn’t acknowledge how close she was. Tristan didn’t either, he just smirked. He put on the jacket he had picked out for himself, and his smirked faded when Porcelain turned around to face him. “It… it suits you,” she looked really pretty. He didn’t say anything else, just turned to look at some possible shirts. He grabbed a shirt with some shorts. “What about these, to go with it?” He wasn’t exactly a fashion icon. He was fine with the ripped jeans he was currently wearing, he was more trying to find a shirt that didn’t make him look like a swan.


@ethereal - Silver
ORP: I tried, okay


Lav had stopped looking at her, which made her feel better about herself. Less self-conscious. She tried to keep her attention on the teacher, but she noticed the confused look on his face. She thought it had been rather straight forward, he met her eyes and gave a soft smile. She returned it. She hated the idea of someone being alone. She stared at what he had written. Alicia understood how he felt. She wrote, “Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you - Carl Jung.” It was a literature class, after all. Might as well play the part and try to participate.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav


:blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish:

:tropical_fish: image >> location, person

:blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish:

“Yup. Time to turn heads, as is appropriate for the first day of school.” She nodded eagerly, her eyes filled with excitement-she had never really been one to hate standing out or attention. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up, which might make things easier. It was a bit of an impulsive decision, but she was sure they’d manage. He grinned at her in a cheesy way, and she tried to match it. She felt as if they were a couple from a romance book, that they were in their own little world. Even though they got a few strange looks, Bay didn’t mind, snuggling into her boyfriend and telling herself they were just jealous. “Well, we’re definitely turning heads!” She said cheerfully.

“What do you think they’re gonna say at our entrance?” He looked down at her. Bay bit her lip, thinking for a second. “Hmm, I’m not sure. They might not even say anything,” She laughed, thinking people might be speechless. “They’ll probably wish they were in my shoes.”

orp >> @acorn06 AHH sorry i hope this is good!

:blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish: ~ :tropical_fish: ~ :fish: ~ :blowfish:


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:snowman: image >> town, tristan

•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.

He paid no mind to her glaring-which was strange. Usually, people didn’t really like being glared at, and made that clear. But he remained his annoying self. She hated herself for letting that moment pass and for letting him catch her off guard. She swore she wouldn’t let herself do that again as her features darkened once more. “I know I’m right. You didn’t have to reassure me.” Although his words were conceited, his tone was soft along with his smile. She wanted to say something rude, but the kindness in his smile stopped her. She just shook her head, smiling dryly instead. “You’re too much.” She said monotonously. He looked like he was about to say something, and she arched a brow at this. But in the end, he said nothing. She looked away, hiding her curiosity. Whatever. He was probably going to make some stupid joke anyways-she should be happy he’d shut his mouth. “Why try when this isn’t a date?” Tristan asked, smirking lazily. He wasn’t walking too close to her, which was a good thing-that would be annoying. “Oh, so it isn’t a date?” Porcelain asked, recalling he had said they were on a date when she told him he could call it whatever he wanted.

His smirk seemed to vanish as he complimented her, “It…it suits you.” She turned around to the mirror again, staring blankly at herself. She really did like the jacket, but her tight-lipped frown didn’t show this. “It does…” She murmured after tearing her sea-colored eyes away from her reflection. But he had already turned away, flipping through some shirts. He held one up-a grey shirt with three pandas, along with a pair of ripped shorts. She had to admit, she did like the shorts, and she didn’t have anything like it. But the shirt was much too cutesy. She raised a brow-had he seen her? She only wore black clothing, gothic clothing. Not that she hated pandas, she supposed they were alright, though she’d never seen one. “Hm.” She walked over to another section-one filled with clothing much more to her taste. After a moment, she had a bundle of clothing in her arms. She set them out on a random table- a thin black turtleneck, and black leather pants. They’d probably look nice with the jacket-if he decided to buy it. “I’ll wear that if you wear this.” She said. There was no way he’d say yes. And if he wouldn’t be goth, she wouldn’t be cute.

orp >> @skyler2 pretend the blazer in the outfit doesn’t exist :full_moon_with_face: AND YOU DID AMAZING + @benitz786 :eyes:

•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.


Tristan "Strawberry" Westergaard

Porcelain’s reply was weirdly out of place. Here there was this girl that had been fairly mean to him. To the point that Tristan wasn’t even sure why he bothered, seeing as he could have just run off to wherever he damn well pleased without her help. Yet he stayed, and he fully expected her to reply with something mean, but she didn’t. He paused before saying anything else, “Or maybe everyone else doesn’t try hard enough. I heard that women enjoy confidence, along with persistence.” He was a little annoyed when she avoided his trap, he kicked at the dirt as he continued walking. “Damn, I really thought that would work. For what, I’m still not sure.” He admitted that he didn’t entirely know it’s purpose. Why couldn’t she just tell him what she wanted this to be. It would have made things so much easier for him. He also wouldn’t be wasting so much time.

Okay, so maybe the panda’s weren’t the best option. He knew that as he was picking them out. They were just so darn cute. “Fine, fine. I just thought that having the gray in there could add some contrast or something. I don’t know, I can barely remember color theory or whatever stupid course was required for me to take.” He put down the outfit on a stray table and watched as she started shuffling through more clothes. He stared at what she put down, and gave a ten second blink. He crossed his arms and put his hand on his chin. Tristan was weighing his options. The pants didn’t bother him. It was the turtleneck. It was way too preppy. “Okay,” he groaned. “On one condition,” he pulled out a short maroon dress along with a longer blue dress. “You don’t have to wear them today, they’re just for… fun. You know, dances, parties… future dates, maybe. I don’t know. Oh, and here.” He placed all the clothes on the table, on top of the ridiculous outfit she had picked out.

@ethereal - Silver
ORP: Don’t mind me, doing some shopping for a character that doesn’t even like him


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:snowman: image >> town, tristan

•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.

Frustrated she couldn’t get out a mean response, she only huffed loudly-though to Tristan it would just seem she was annoyed for no particular reason. “Or maybe everyone else doesn’t try hard enough.” She looked at him-this was a good response, though she wouldn’t admit it. “No, you’re just extra.” She told him bluntly. “I heard that women enjoy confidence along with persistence.” Tristan told her. Porcelain looked at him, mocking surprise. “Who told you that?” She smirked at him-“I’m pretty sure women enjoy intelligence and maturity.” She informed him. He kicked at the dirt as he continued walking, “D-mn, I really thought that would work. For what, I’m not sure.” She laughed darkly- “What, you want me to say this is a date?” She kicked a pebble in her path. She would never say that-he wouldn’t let her forget it.

“Fine, fine.” Tristan said, seeming to realize Porcelain wasn’t the type of girl to wear cute, light colored things. “I just thought that having the gray in there could add some contrast or something. I don’t know, I can barely remember color theory or whatever stupid course was required for me to take.” Porcelain shrugged boredly-she didn’t remember either. The gray wasn’t his worst idea-it was just too bright for her. “Of course you can’t.” She told him rudely. He set down the panda shirt and shorts. She could feel his eyes on her back as she grabbed the pieces she wanted him to try. When she laid them out, he did some weird blinky thing. She glowered, also staring at the clothing- That’s how it feels. She didn’t care whether he liked them or not, really. “Okay.” Tristan groaned eventually. She looked at him, surprised. However, the only sign of this was her slightly widened teal eyes. “On one condition.” She raised a brow expectantly. Out of nowhere, suddenly Porcelain had two dresses in front of her-a plain dark red one and a longer, ocean-colored one. She had no problem with the first, it wasn’t awful. Though the second reminded her a bit of Elsa. “You don’t have to wear them today, they’re just for fun.” He told her as she stared at them blankly. She looked away from them as he continued, “You know, dances, parties, future dated, maybe. I don’t know.” She arched a brow. “Future dates?” She repeated darkly. “I don’t really get invited to those kinda things.” She admitted, looking back to the outfits. She supposed they weren’t terrible, though not her go-to style. “Not that I care about that.” She added, warning in her voice. She did not want to seem vulnerable. “Oh, and here.” The last piece was a short leather skirt with two slits. It was definitely her style- a piece she had been wanting for a while. Her eyes seemed to light up as he set it on top of the gothic outfit. “Why so much color?” She complained to him, folding her arms. After considering for a second, she tilted her head. “I don’t know if it’s fair. One outfit for two and a half? If I’m wearing those… you have to…” She grabbed a handful of silver bands-rings as well as a chain necklace. “And do you have your ears pierced?” She asked him, trying to get a look at his ears.

orp >> @skyler2 maybe she will~

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Tristan "Strawberry" Westergaard

He laughed at what he chose to believe was a joke. “You say that, but I don’t think you mean it.” He looked over at her, wondering if he should even say what he was thinking. He held eye contact for a moment before his shaking his head and looking back at the ground, “Nevermind,” was all he said. He rolled his eyes at her declaration of what women want. “Please, if that were true cougars wouldn’t exist. Or pool boys, for that matter. However, that’s something for another time. Women want adventure. For instance, if you had the chance to study with some guy or sneak out tonight, which would you want to do?” He shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t need to hear her response to know the answer. He sighed, he did want her to admit that it was a date, and decided to stay silent. She would be able to figure what he wanted on her own.

He wasn’t even bothered by her comment, he expected it at this point. He ignored her, instead. The look on her face when he said okay was priceless, she really hadn’t expected it. He noticed her teal eyes, for the first time. He had assumed her eyes were brown, why he had no idea. “Future dates?” He paused, “Well yeah. Why not?” He looked away when she said that she wasn’t normally invited to those things, “I wonder why,” he mumbled under his breath. He looked back, “Things can change,” he shrugged with this. Maybe he was planning on making future plans, maybe he wasn’t. He wasn’t sure yet. Her tone was sharp when she assured him she didn’t care about that kind of thing. He brushed it off, he never really said she did. Her eyes lit up as she saw the skirt, and Tristan was rather happy about his selection. “Because you were given the ability to see colours and you might as well use it,” he said right back to her. “Besides, the blue matches your eyes.” She pulled out some rings, bracelets, even a chained necklace and Tristan simply stared in disgust. “It’s fine, I’m paying for it anyways. I have enough clothes. And why do I have to wear a necklace? The rings are fine, I don’t care about those. But the bands, really?” A smug look appeared on his face as she asked if his ear was pierced, he brushed a piece of his curly hair out of the way to show off his pierced ear. “It’s a real diamond,” he assured her.

@ethereal - Porcelain
ORP: Hope this is good, otherwise I don’t know what I’ll do. My brain feels mush-ish.


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:snowman: image >> town, tristan

•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.

He laughed as if Porcelain had been joking. “You say that, but I don’t think you mean it.” She looked at him, “Are you calling me a liar?” She asked suspiciously, wondering what his answer would be. His blue eyes met hers-the look he was giving her was complicated-she couldn’t decipher what he was thinking. And yes, it bothered her. He shook his head, curls wobbling a bit. “Nevermind.” She frowned at him- “I’m not going to tell anyone.” She said darkly, not admitting how very curious she was. He rolled his eyes at her- “Please, if that were true, cougars wouldn’t exist.” He argued. “Or pool boys for that manner.” As he said this, Porcelain made a retching sound to show how much that kind of thing disgusted her. “Fine, not all women.” She responded, angry that she had been wrong. “But cougars and pool-boy women are like a whole 'nother breed anyways.” She argued. “Women want adventure.” Porcelain wanted adventure. “For instance, if you had the chance to study with some guy or sneak out tonight, which would you want to do?” She looked away before answering, “Sneaking out, obviously.” She said sarcastically-they were literally sneaking out instead of studying right now. “But intelligent guys can sneak out. They know how not to get caught.” She added in her usual, dark tone. He shrugged, not trying to get a response. She mocked his shrug-exaggerating it and making a dopey face.

He looked unbothered, ignoring her. For some reason, this infuriated her, but she pretended she couldn’t care less-the way he had. He seemed to be staring at her for longer than usual-looking right into her eyes. Weirdo. She shot him a mean look. “Well yeah. Why not?” She sniffed, “I don’t get asked on those, either.” Well… not anymore. “I wonder why.” Tristan mumbled. She rolled her eyes at this-not that she didn’t deserve it. “Things can change.” She sighed, frustrated. “Yeah, but they don’t.” “Because you were given the ability to see colors and you might as well use it.” He retorted. She rolled her eyes- “And I wish I wasn’t. Colors are overrated.” “Besides, the blue matches your eyes.” At this, she stared at the dress intently, unsure how to feel about the compliment. Maybe that was what he had noticed earlier. He looked disgusted at her choices and she gave him a glare-the audacity! The hypocrisy! “It’s fine, I’m paying for it anyways.” “D-mn right you are.” Porcelain muttered. She hadn’t even brought the small amount of money she had. " I have enough clothes. And why do I have to wear a necklace? The rings are fine, I don’t care about those. But the bands, really?" “Hm. And all of them are bad.” Was her snarky reply. “Haven’t you heard of accessories? You look bland.” She continued, narrowing her eyes at him argumentatively. He looked smug as he brushed a strawberry curl behind his ear, revealing a stud. She stared for a second too long-she liked earrings. “It’s a real diamond.” He bragged, to which she raised an eyebrow. “Really?” She handed him a pair of dangly chain earrings to match the jewelry. “Only wear one. Asymmetrical earrings are…” She looked at him, not wanting to say ‘hot’ or ‘attractive’. “Better.”

orp >> @skyler2 IT WAS THE BEST!!! + @benitz786 hehe

•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. ˚ •̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.


Brooks first name
“Ok then Im glad to know your here for me but beyond that I have no idea where to start I’m not ready to let people besides you in.” They said as they took a deep breath. Brooks was feeling better and was glad to hear they seemed to have made a friend but they didn’t know what to do next. This so far was honestly the most healthy relationship Brooks had been in since they were a child. Brooks watched Colm carefully and smiled watching them tuck his hair behind his ear. “Your hair is really pretty.” Brooks mumbled thinking maybe a compliment was where they were suppose to go from here. “I just get burned out from people easily I am not a huge people person even before I have always been kind of shy.” Brooks admitted as they played with a loose strand of their hair. “I just don’t really like social situations is part of it though if I’m being honest.” Colm was a really good listener Brooks felt like they were rambling yet Colm never said a word to make them feel like they were talking about something he didn’t care about. Brooks smiled when the heard Colm say Well, that’s why you take it slow.” Colm replied. “Bit by bit. There’s no need to try and do it all at once - that’s why you’ve burnt out in the past. Being vulnerable to yourself is a good start. Stop denying the emotions, pushing them down, because they only fester in there, making it harder to bring them back up again, and poisoning you from the inside. That’s where you start. Never mind other people. Start with you and me, and I’ll help you as best I can. In time, you’ll be able to do the same with others.” it made them feel pretty relieved just start small start with him, Brooks thought to themself. That was a good idea. Brooks without thinking laid on the floor eating their head on their backpack that was very close to Colm’s leg and smiled up at him. Not a big smile just a soft little one that could almost be confused for a smirk but they were sure Colm knew what it was meant to be.

I was a little worried about the idea I didn’t want either of us coming out of this plan hurt or worse. Hrvoje though seemed pretty adamant about this idea though so I didn’t think I would have much chance in changing his mind. I had never been held captive I had never been hurt or tested but I was sure that plenty of people like us had and it worried me that if Hrvoje did this to himself or I did this to him we would be no better than the people who do this kind of thing to people like all of us here. I did know that if he went through with it though I wold be the only one that would be able to keep him safe. I would be the only one that would understand why he was putting himself through this but did that make it right for me to watch him do this to himself? I was going to have to let him it seemed he would do it regardless of what I said at least if I let him I would be there to protect him. I lost focus as I slipped into my though and I quickly tried to make my brain go back to the teacher but it wasn’t working I was already to lost by the time I tuned back into class that I had no idea what she was even talking about. I sighed as I sat back more in my desk. I saw a paper set on my desk and sat back up realizing Hrvoje put it there “Ok but Im with you the while time Im protecting you and if things go bad Im stopping you regardless of what I have to do.” I wrote back as I handed it back to him nodding.

Rory finalized name plat
“I mean she doesn’t seem bad just has an intimidating feeling about her.” Rory said as he nodded listening to the continuation of rules and noting her name incase he ever needed to talk to her about school work. “I mean she seem pretty cool so I get why you call her queen and stuff.” Rory doodled on the edge of his notebook paper as they talked and he listened to the rules somewhat. As Kellan seemed surprised about home school Rory smiled it seemed normal to him he never thought home school was as interesting as Kellan seemed to think it would be. “I mean it was ok my dad is pretty cool and he was the one that taught us most of the time. That man is crazy smart. I unfortunately I that aspect am a little more like my mom.” Rory said with a small giggle. “I didn’t have many friends there weren’t many people around my age I was kind of between everyone age wise so I was alone pretty often. Its ok though I was used to it. I came because I wanted to Lillanna convinced me it would be fun and I should step out of my comfort zone, which she says I don’t do enough” Rory smiled as he tapped his pen gently on his notebook. Rory pulled a matching pen out of his bag the only difference being that Rory had a red pen and the one he pulled out was the same blue as Kellan’s hair. “Here you can have this one.” Rory said handing Kellan the pen and taking the note. Notes in class was kind of romantic even if it wasn’t intended to be that way. Rory still loved it and the idea that the notes were for Kellan made him smile. “I hope your right but if they are anything like you I am sure they are all great.”

Laurie name
Laurie had waited for Isaiah to walk into his classroom before heading to advanced mathematics. He didn’t know if Isaiah would be able to find his next class alone and Laurie debated finding him after class and helping him get to the second class as he walked towards the advanced mathematics room. He had been in the same room last year and knew very well where it was so there was no problem finding it as he wove through the halls until he came to the door and opened it slowly and softly knowing class had started only a few minutes if not seconds ago. Laurie walked in and looked for an empty dest the only seat he saw had a bag sitting in it and he didn’t really know who the bag belonged to. He was hoping not to make a fun as he walked towards the seat and tapped a boy gently on the shoulder that was sitting in the next desk over. “Is it ok if I sit here. It seems like the only seat in the room. I mean if it isn’t your bag I can ask the other seat beside it and I’m sorry for bothering you.” Laurie whispered very gently.



“Yeah, every day, but its still not the same. He‘s the best dad I could ask for, but he’d be the first to admit that he still has no idea how to raise a daughter.” Jayden said with a small laugh. Whether it’s because its how her dad raised her, or just the luck of the draw for her dad, it was a good thing for the both of them that she wasn’t a girly girl at all. As the girls continued to walk, moving at a faster pace due to being late to class, they were suddenly stopped. Jayden’s attention was grabbed by the name the teacher used. DeVil. Though, the teacher was speaking to Cara, asking if she would be willing to help with picking up some more of the school’s uniforms. Jayden was lost in thought for a moment, only to be pulled out of her head as the teacher looked right at her to say Cara could bring her to help. Jayden nodded just slightly before looking back to Cara, who seemed possibly nervous. “I’ll go with you. There’s no reason why I wouldn’t.” Jayden said first as she tried to wrap her mind around the DeVil idea. “And your last name is DeVil? As in Cruella DeVil? Lady who wants to turn dogs into clothes, and you know, has hair like this?” Jayden said, pulling at her pigtails for reference.



She clicked her tongue before retorting, “Oh please I mean it’s pretty true especially since I’m not around magic much until recently.” His smirk grew more confident if that were possible.
They talked of phones and their victims, and Coco suggested, "Well then maybe our next victim may be able to help you out.”
“Uh, yes, you are right. I’m sure more urchins will carry phones here. If only we have thought of it yesterday, when we… baked those people. They surely would have had one.”
Ervic wasn’t sure what had happened but Coco had pulled her hand away from his and crossed them over her chest. She said, "You’re right let’s get this started the more time we waste the longer people can enjoy their meaningless life.” Had he said the wrong thing? He doubted it. It must have been some rule about holding hands for too long or something. That had to be it.
He gestured with that hand, tilting it up and shrugging too. “I don’t know people, so maybe you can tell me this rule about touching or I don’t know, hand-holding, is that the thing? Can it only be done for short periods of time?” She began to walk faster, away from him, toward town. He quickened his pace slightly. “Or maybe something else is going on, like a fire, but I haven’t set one yet.”

@Chocolate_Mama - Coco



Parvati nodded along as she listened to Nyana talk about what she liked eating, then talk about where she was from. Next, Freya answered her questions, first about her food preferences, then by telling her that she was from Scotland. Just from the little that the two girls said about each place, Parvati definitely wanted to know more, and know what it would actually be like to be there. Having eaten enough to be satisfied for the time being, Parvati stood up just after she heard Freya get up. “I wouldn’t want to be late either Nyana.” Parvati paused for just a moment to recall what her first class of the day was. “Basic literature. Then basic math after. What about you guys?”

@Meekepeek - Nyana
@Acorn06 - Freya


Tristan "Strawberry" Westergaard

He tilted his head, “No, not at all.” He could see where she came up with that, but that’s not really what he had meant. He was addressing it in a more sub-conscious way. He paused again, she had assured him she wouldn’t tell anyone. Again, he wasn’t worried about that. It wasn’t even about him. “I just meant… I think you like the attention more than you think.” If she didn’t, Porcelain probably would have left a while ago. Or maybe it had been the temptation of clothes and food. She made a gagging sound at his comment, “You only say that now because you’re not divorced and lonely.” Like he had guessed, she chose sneaking out. Though she did have a good point about smart guys. “True, but a smart guy wouldn’t sneak out in the first place - even if he did, there’d be no adrenaline. Sneaking out isn’t fun because you snuck out, it’s because you had the possibility of getting caught, or you got caught. Even right now, we’re going to get caught. They know we’re not in class right now. If a smart guy snuck out, there’d be no chance of getting caught, meaning you’d have no fun.” He was speaking from experience with girls. Girls who liked the rush of adrenaline, the danger. He shrugged again in her response to his initial shrug, shrugging it off, as it were.

“Yeah, but they don’t.”

He raised and eyebrow at this, “They might.” He said with certainty. There had been some confusion as to if this had been a date or not, he wasn’t even fully sure himself. “Okay, if I asked you on a date right now, what would you answer be?” Tristan was trying to prove the point that she was asked on dates, she just refused the offers. Which is very different from not being asked on any dates. “Okay, colours are not overrated. If they were you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between blonde or platinum blonde or even silver,” he reminded her of this casually. “I have heard of accessories, that’s why I have three different ear piercings. I just don’t like bands or necklaces on guys, that’s all.” He looked at the rings, before picking out two and putting them on. “There, you happy?” In that moment, a necklace caught his eye. He leaned over near Porcelain to grab it and showed it to her, “It’s not exactly your style, but if you were to wear it with one of the dresses, or even the panda outfit, I think it would look nice.” He smiled when she asked if it was real and left her question unanswered. Of course it was real, he was a Prince, why would he be buying cheap knock-offs? He took the earrings. He didn’t hate them. He looked around the store, making sure no body was watching him, and popped out only one of the earrings, like Porcelain had said. He put it on the other ear and placed the packaging back where Porcelain had found it. “Okay, we should probably get out of here soon seeing how starved you are. Pick out a few more clothes, maybe even an accessory if you want, and then we’ll bounce. And if you’re curious, I do have a cartilage piercing.”

@ethereal - Tristan
ORP: Oooh look, he grew two more. Because he’s a baddie.



~~~ image~~~ Hallway | Jakob


César briefly halted on one of the steps as he locked eyes with Jakob for a moment. The son of Peter Pan. It made sense. Still, César gave a derisive laugh as he clutched his muffler. “And here he was, going on and on about never growing up,” he said, catching the glow in the other student’s eyes with interest. “I see he made an exception.”

In truth, César had never seen Peter Pan, much less met him. He was content with Jakob anyway. But Marc had been interested. Marc had told him countless tales of the boy that was free from all authority, and voiced his admiration for him once. And yet Marc had been nothing but his exact opposite. César adjusted the muffler on his shoulders in an impatient gesture, before raising a brow at Jakob’s visibly knowing smirk.

“Does it matter, what my father would think? I do not think so.” César gave a contemptuous humpf, instinctively lifting his chin to level with the boy that slid down on the railing. Unbeknownst to Jakob, his gaze appreciatively followed the other students’ movements as he passed by him for a short moment. “What matters is what I thin-”

César all but interrupted his sentence as a rubber snake suddenly took up the entirety of his vision. His already large eyes widened, and he airily swept to the side to meet Jakob’s glowing opals. Taken aback, César buried his nose into his muffler challengingly. “I am not touching any of that.” His gaze was set on the robotic cockroaches in particular. It didn’t matter that he had spent most of his life in a forest -cockroaches were disgusting. But then he remembered Jakob’s earlier threats, and he pulled a face. “Sprinkle the cockroaches with pixie dust,” he relented, paradoxically never loosing his elegant stance.

César paused, staring at the robotic insects as if they were covered in rust, even though they weren’t. And then, very reluctantly, he took one between his fingers and lifted it. “This is sure to make you laugh.”

@ethereal - Jakob | Well, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow for at least one.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond + @Littlefeets



Kieran too, lowered his voice, “Shadows never think they are ones. Love makes you weak.” He then added after Danko almost dropped the L-bomb. “It blinds you, makes things look better than they are in reality and then reality stabs you in the back. Just watch out”
Hearing his comments about love and calling him a shadow, Danko had a feeling that he’d only felt a handful of times in his life. The feeling of his mind steadily becoming increasingly pugnacious, as he felt as though he was being held with much contempt. Though when he tried to voice this emotion, the quiver on his tongue made his argument fall flat. “I’m… I’m not in love. I’m not. He’s… my friend, he’s like my family-” Danko stopped, realising how unconvincing he sounded and went for another tack. “So how do you know all this? Have you been in love? Have you been in this situation before?”

@CerealKiller - Kieran


|| Literature || :crystal_ball: || With Danko ||

“I’m… I’m not in love. I’m not. He’s… my friend, he’s like my family-”
Yeah, sure. Kieran thought to himself, but didn’t voice it because there clearly was no point in doing that.
“So how do you know all this? Have you been in love? Have you been in this situation before?”
“I just know” he said, not actually answering his question, and wasn’t actually intending to do so. “How I know what I know is nobody’s business but my own” he added.
“But…” the boy added a few moments later, trying to prove a point, and maybe other reasons as well “If he’s not your boyfriend and you’re not in love, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if someone else made a move on you, right?” he asked with a playful smirk “asking for a friend” yeah right

@CrazyCaliope Danko




>> literature, rory


“I mean she doesn’t seem bad, just has an intimidating feeling about her.” Rory clarified, nodding as he listened to the rules. Kellan focused on Rory instead, the rules were probably the same as last year, anyways. “I get why you call her queen and stuff.” “All women are queens.” Kellan said firmly. Perhaps this was a bit of an exaggeration, but it was his response nonetheless. He leaned closer to Rory to see what he was doodling. “Wow, those are really good!” He whispered loudly. Rory explained his dad was his teacher, and Kellan cringed slightly-not in a mean way. “Was it hard to have your dad as a teacher?” He whispered curiously. He frowned deeply and let out a hmph when Rory called himself and his mother, Little Red Riding Hood, stupid. “Don’t say that!” He exclaimed, no longer whispering. “You’re perfect!” Rory was giggling-so he didn’t seem too upset about it. But Kellan wasn’t about to let such a cool person talk down on himself. Rory explained there weren’t many people his age growing up, which did make sense. He also told Kellan that Lilliana had convinced him to attend Once Upon a High. “Queen!” He commented again. “I’m soooo glad she convinced you!! And so glad you listened to her.” He giggled. He handed Kellan a blue glitter pen-one the same electric color as his hair. Kellan’s fingers brushed his as he took the pen, making him blush slightly. “Oh my gosh, I LOVE your pens.” Kellan told him. “If they are anything like you, I am sure they are all great.” Rory assured him. Kellan grinned at the compliment, then fiddled with his pen. He wanted to talk more about his friends, but was that too much? Maybe Rory didn’t want to hear about them. “You’re such a sweetheart. They really are, though!”

orp >> @bpalmer



Suddenly the girl just said goodbye to Peckerhead without another word. Aithne didn’t answer her question about why it happened, nor did she comment on her remarks and questions about Ireland and America. Only a goodbye and then left. From what her dad had told her about holding conversations and how to talk to people, if they don’t respond to you it usually means you’ve offended them or they don’t like you. That meant that that was a second person who didn’t like her. First it was Cara who didn’t want to talk to her, now it was Aithne. A lump formed in Peckerhead’s throat, or neck considering that she was made of straw, and to stop herself from crying, she checked her watch.
OH NO! Class was about to start. She ran. Peckerhead ran straight to Mathematics to try to avoid being late. … Though she was, slightly, as the teacher was already in. Peckerhead slipped quietly in the door, into a seat in the back. Resting her arms (folded) on the desk, she placed her head down between them and began to cry.

Mentioned: @Ouijaloveletters - Aithne & @ethereal - Cara

APPROACHABLE! - In Mathematics