`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔


He looked at her with a guilty smile. He probably shouldn’t have been talking nearly as much as he was. His loose lips were really starting to be a problem. Seriously, the only thing he hadn’t said was that he was practically publicly humiliated by his smart@ss younger brother. The guilty smile remained as she begun to ask if he had ever been with one of his servants. Porcelain immediately took it back so he looked away, blushing. “So basically I’m the furthest thing from a servant,” Tristan paused for a moment. “Ehhhh,” she was ditching school, after all. “I guess that means that you’d make a great queen, then.” He didn’t look at her as he slyly complimented her. He looked at her in disbelief when she brushed away the idea of marriage. “I am not nearly as repulsive as you’re making me out to be. You’d be surprised at how charming I can be.”

He didn’t look to see her reaction at his grades, he didn’t need to look to know that she was most likely surprised. As much as Tristan hated school, and learning, and studying, he knew deep down that he could have been trying harder. That his father was expecting him to try harder, be better. He just… didn’t want to. He didn’t want to so badly. He didn’t even want to be King that much - he just wanted to be better than Isaiah. “Nah, respect is over-rated anyways,” he said this despite the attitude he had towards his superiority in age. He caught the tree branch before it hit his face and Tristan sighed, “It was worth a shot,” he shrugged. His game was off today, not like he was trying that hard anyways.

She glared at his suggestion, “Fine, fine. Breakfast first, I guess.” Tristan could tell that she really didn’t care about gratitude. Neither did he - but he preferred to presume he was perfect. She seemed a little happier at the idea of him buying her some clothes. He was genuinely surprised when she suggested him being her sugar daddy. He might’ve taken it as an insult if he wasn’t so infatuated with her looks. “There are worse things to be,” he said casually. He put his hands in his pockets as he looked around the town. It was nothing compared to the North Islands, but it was something. It appeared as though she was letting him choose where to go first, “Might as well show up in style.” He winked as he started walking towards the first clothing store he could see, pushing open the door and looking around. When Porcelain came in, he pulled out two leather jackets, “Hey, look! We could match!”


@ethereal - Porcelain
ORP: Don’t mind Tristan


Lav seemed almost confused when Alicia asked him how long he had been reading and started going on a spiral - much like hers - when he answered. She was used to stuttering, seeing as she did it in almost every conversation. “What do you mean you were…” her sentence trailed off as Mr. Bisson came in. He was always her favorite teacher - to be fair, he was most people’s favorite teacher. She took out a notebook from her bag and tried to focus on what he was saying but Lav kept… looking at her. It almost reminded her of that scene in Twilight, except Lav wasn’t a vampire. Or maybe he was and that’s why he was alone. She glanced at him to look for fangs, which were obviously none existent.

In doing so, she met his gaze. Alicia turned back quickly to look at the teacher, unsure of what to do. She didn’t want to talk in class but she felt awkward leaving it there. She crossed her arms and legs, almost as though she was trying to turn into a little ball. She felt nervous when people watched her, like she’d mess up no matter what she did. She took a deep breath and wrote on her notepad, “I’m sorry that you were alone,” and slid it to where he would be able to see. Alicia had also been alone, in a way. With her dad being gone and her moving searching for fame… well Alicia just never fit into the picture.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav
ORP: Didn’t know if you wanted a reply or not. You don’t have to respond if you don’t want to - it’s up to you :slight_smile:


Alya wasn’t exactly surprised by Samantha’s answer. She was happy by it, though. She showed this with a signature Cheshire grin, something that had been coined by her dad and now something that she had coined. Thievery wasn’t normally well received in Wonderland, but surely her father wouldn’t be too mad. It’s not like she had stolen the Madhatter’s hat, or the Queen’s staff. She missed the place… despite how batsh!t crazy everyone was. Alya was a little confused when Samantha started talking about what seemed like five different places called Rome. “Wow, humans love making everything way more complex than necessary. Oh, I’m from Wonderland. You may or may not have heard of it, it’s a bit obscure. Some guy named Lewis Carroll wrote a book on it- I think.”

She swore as she heard the bell ring. “I knew it. I knew I was going to be late. Oh well, might as well do this then.” Alya took off her cape/cloak/weird thing they were required to wear and gave it to Samantha. “We’re getting detention anyways, might as well see if this works. K, now we really gotta go now. And I’m guessing you can’t turn invisible and teleport so we’re going to have to this the old fashioned way.” Alya started walking, barely waiting for Samantha.

@Bluecookies - Samantha
ORP: Omg, I’m so proud that I did this. Also loved your reply, as always.