She kept glaring at him, but Tristan payed no mind. What he did pay attention to was the speechless look on her face when he complimented her. It was nice. Just quiet for a moment. Well, the quiet that he had inspired. Maybe he was breaking through to her. He gave a soft smile when she agreed, “I know I’m right. You didn’t have to reassure me.” For a moment, he considered telling her the truth. He started, then sighed. There was no point. She’d just make fun of him. Or get mad at him for lying. His attitude changed when she challenged him, he put on his classic smirk. “Why try when this isn’t a date?” He continued walking along side her, staying maybe a little less than a foot away.
He didn’t see the shock on her face when he went into the clothing store, despite what he had said before. He was growing tired of his uniform blazer. It was also a little embarrassing walking around with a girl in a tattered dress. She put on the jacket while he was holding it up and didn’t acknowledge how close she was. Tristan didn’t either, he just smirked. He put on the jacket he had picked out for himself, and his smirked faded when Porcelain turned around to face him. “It… it suits you,” she looked really pretty. He didn’t say anything else, just turned to look at some possible shirts. He grabbed a shirt with some shorts. “What about these, to go with it?” He wasn’t exactly a fashion icon. He was fine with the ripped jeans he was currently wearing, he was more trying to find a shirt that didn’t make him look like a swan.
@ethereal - Silver
ORP: I tried, okay
Lav had stopped looking at her, which made her feel better about herself. Less self-conscious. She tried to keep her attention on the teacher, but she noticed the confused look on his face. She thought it had been rather straight forward, he met her eyes and gave a soft smile. She returned it. She hated the idea of someone being alone. She stared at what he had written. Alicia understood how he felt. She wrote, “Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you - Carl Jung.” It was a literature class, after all. Might as well play the part and try to participate.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lav