`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

Tristan "Strawberry" Westergaard

Porcelain’s reply was weirdly out of place. Here there was this girl that had been fairly mean to him. To the point that Tristan wasn’t even sure why he bothered, seeing as he could have just run off to wherever he damn well pleased without her help. Yet he stayed, and he fully expected her to reply with something mean, but she didn’t. He paused before saying anything else, “Or maybe everyone else doesn’t try hard enough. I heard that women enjoy confidence, along with persistence.” He was a little annoyed when she avoided his trap, he kicked at the dirt as he continued walking. “Damn, I really thought that would work. For what, I’m still not sure.” He admitted that he didn’t entirely know it’s purpose. Why couldn’t she just tell him what she wanted this to be. It would have made things so much easier for him. He also wouldn’t be wasting so much time.

Okay, so maybe the panda’s weren’t the best option. He knew that as he was picking them out. They were just so darn cute. “Fine, fine. I just thought that having the gray in there could add some contrast or something. I don’t know, I can barely remember color theory or whatever stupid course was required for me to take.” He put down the outfit on a stray table and watched as she started shuffling through more clothes. He stared at what she put down, and gave a ten second blink. He crossed his arms and put his hand on his chin. Tristan was weighing his options. The pants didn’t bother him. It was the turtleneck. It was way too preppy. “Okay,” he groaned. “On one condition,” he pulled out a short maroon dress along with a longer blue dress. “You don’t have to wear them today, they’re just for… fun. You know, dances, parties… future dates, maybe. I don’t know. Oh, and here.” He placed all the clothes on the table, on top of the ridiculous outfit she had picked out.

@ethereal - Silver
ORP: Don’t mind me, doing some shopping for a character that doesn’t even like him