`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

Suddenly the girl just said goodbye to Peckerhead without another word. Aithne didn’t answer her question about why it happened, nor did she comment on her remarks and questions about Ireland and America. Only a goodbye and then left. From what her dad had told her about holding conversations and how to talk to people, if they don’t respond to you it usually means you’ve offended them or they don’t like you. That meant that that was a second person who didn’t like her. First it was Cara who didn’t want to talk to her, now it was Aithne. A lump formed in Peckerhead’s throat, or neck considering that she was made of straw, and to stop herself from crying, she checked her watch.
OH NO! Class was about to start. She ran. Peckerhead ran straight to Mathematics to try to avoid being late. … Though she was, slightly, as the teacher was already in. Peckerhead slipped quietly in the door, into a seat in the back. Resting her arms (folded) on the desk, she placed her head down between them and began to cry.

Mentioned: @Ouijaloveletters - Aithne & @ethereal - Cara

APPROACHABLE! - In Mathematics