`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔


“I’m sure you’lllove her.” Aquila egged her on. “Wanna come over with me? Meet her?” She asked, raising her brow. She assumed Kristi would fall for the “challenge”.

Quill started forward, not sure if she could pull herself to come up with small talk, especially after digging her grave with Kristi. Well, maybe she’ll reject me now. Quill told herself, even if deep down she didn’t want to end what he had potentially just ruined.
Quill pulled her head from her thoughts. Eudora had already noticed them apparently. Quill started to get bored of this game, but she wasn’t going to step down from it. "Is Adora, Quill paused, she felt something was slightly off. She quickly realized, hoping her eyes hadn’t gone to big from the mix up, she corrected. Eudora, oh so gorgeous. Right, Kristi?” She peeked over at Kristi, hoping for some kind of reaction.
She stopped three feet in front of the girl with dancing hair. "How is my social butterfly doing? " Quill picked up on her nervousness, not as upbeat as when we met? “You feeling okay, butterfly?” she asked, trying to play this off. Giving Eudora new nickname along the way.

orp - Kristi - Eudora - @ethereal , @Kristi , (me) then Alya when she starts @Skyler2 is the way I tagged you guys order we’re going in?


Is there something wrong with your eyes or?” Wei Ming frowned. "Take the complement, Darling. We wouldn’t want to put your attractiveness to waste, " Wei Ming lowered his face, and leaned slightly closer. “It seems like you have been though.” He perked back up. “But I can fix that!” He said, a little too enthusiastic.
"You should go on a date, what’s your type? Oh My! Am I your type? You shouldn’t have, Darling. " Wei Ming joked at the end.

@Kristi - Haldir


| Eudora Bayou Naveen & Kristi Adaeze Nwaike & Aquila Lylios || Castleteria

Despite Villain History being a complete mess, Alya had to admit that when Jara said, "But, Alya, you should know that him looking at me the same way he looks at you is a compliment in my eyes,” her heart warmed. Maybe Jara wasn’t that bad. At least, she certainly wasn’t as bad as Your Darkness, who thankfully left them alone to work on their assignment.

She let out a long sigh of relief when that class was over and immediately looked at her phone to be pleasantly surprised by a text from Eudora:

Hey babe :wave:t5: How was class? I hope VH&S didn’t go as bad as last year :pleading_face: I really miss you. This girl asked for a school tour during lunch, so I’m waiting outside the Grimmnasium for her. Sorry I won’t be able to make it today. She seems really nice but there’s no one else I’d rather be with right now :kissing_heart:

Oh great, Alya would get to eat lunch alone! How fun! She started typing her response, deciding that she’d go track her down and surprise her with a gift.

Hey Eudorable, just the girl I needed right now. It was... alright. Ill tell you the details tonight when I see you later :wink: Dont worry about lunch, theres something I have to do anyway! You just focus on making your new friend, love you :blue_heart:

Alya sent the message and went off to the cafeteria, making a beeline for the ticket booth run by Mr. Bisson and Queen Lucretia, both teachers she had met on a few occasions but never had as a teacher. The first is because she’s not that good at English, the latter is due to Principal Grimm refusing to let her take Kingdom Management. She bought two tickets for the school dance, already assuming Eudora would say yes.

Alya was on her text Eudora to ask her where she was when she saw Eudora standing at the entrance of the Castleteria with not one, but two girls. Alya couldn’t hear the entire conversation, but she did catch one girl with blue hair calling Eudora “my” - which was baffling to Alya. She immediately butted into the conversation, wrapping her arm around Eudora. “Yeah, isn’t she absolutely stunning? I’m so lucky to have her,” Alya tried her best to give a smile. She also noticed a girl with incredibly dark skin glaring at Eudora, to which she kindly glared back. Alya had been there once to protect Eudora from assh*les and she would do it again. She wasn’t going to let this girl hurt Eudora the same way Ace hurt her.

@Cadborosa - [ Jara ] mentioned
@ethereal - [ Your Darkness ] mentioned [ Mr. Bisson ] mentioned [ Ms. Lucretia ] mentioned [ Eudora ]
@Kristi - [ Kristi ]
@eunoia - [ Aquila ]

If I made a mistake in anything please let me know



Oh. OF COURSE.” Ariadne smiled at her enthusiasm. “I never miss a dance. No matter what.” That got Ari thinking, hmm, maybe if this is her third or second year here, she’s closer to my age… I hope. She waved any question that may have crossed her face. “And neither should you!” Ariadne smiled shyly, trying to make the blush over her face less subtle. “I’m sure a true friend would let you tag along… but it’s only the first day, there’s plenty of time to find a proper date, don’t you think?” She blushed harder, at the idea of having a date. She tried to focus on the first question at hand.“Bay- my friend I was talking about, I have no doubt in my mind she’d let me tag along, but I don’t want to take her away from her boyfriend.” She looked through the crowd. “Yeah,” she said quietly. "There is plenty of time, and people. " She said, looking back to the girl. Her eyes bugged a bit, as she panicked over what she said. “Lots of guys, yeah, lots and lots of guys. Because I’m, uhh, straight, yeah. Really, really straight. Yeah.” Ariadne made awkward eye contact with the girl, hoping to break away from it. But she couldn’t pull her eyes away for a good seven seconds, before she watched her shoes awkwardly.

@ethereal - Valentina : six days :sweat_smile: eheh I should be getting more active slowly

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Again, Valentina listened with plenty of genuine interest. She always took such fascination in the lives, thoughts, and personas of the people that she met. She believed she got what May was saying, despite perhaps not relating to it much. Valentina had one passion-this passion was matchmaking. It was what she was born to do. A sixth sense, an instinct. No, she would never make money from this though. So it was not like a job in that way. But the gratification, the happy couples she paired together, was better than a salary. The way May spoke, he sounded as if writing did not give him the ecstasy that matchmaking gave Valentina. “Ah, I think I get it now. You must have many hobbies then! What is it you love to do then, more than anything else? Mine is matchmaking.” She added at the end to make it fair, speaking as though it were obvious.

She would start looking immediately. So far she didn’t have any guys written in her little pink book. But with how talkative and with how often she approached people she had no doubt shed meet some guys soon. She’d find the perfect guy, and with no time limit, she really wasn’t feeling stressed yet. And May’s next response only brought her more relief-she could keep her valuable notes, and May wouldn’t bash her in the head until she saw stars and birds. She nodded gratefully, "No more notes though. Cupid’s honor.” Well, she wouldn’t take notes in front of him anymore. But she did like to journal about her missions as well as her clients. It helped her stay organized. It would be helpful as she collected more clients.

As Valentina began to gather for and put together her potion, May seemed to be thinking about something. As much as she wanted to know what this something was (boy-related, perhaps?), she needed to finish her assignment by the end of class. For a bit, the two did not speak. Valentina was so absorbed in her work, she jumped a bit when May poked her in the side with a pencil. However, when she realized what the sharp poke was, she giggled, grinning at him before picking up the torn scrap of paper. Idk, they add to the menu a lot! I hope so for your sake :))! I’ll probably be pretty busy!! The formal tickets are already being sold, and I wanna help~ She wrote back with her pink pen, on the back of the paper scrap.

@secreterz - may : ngl, I’ll really miss these two~ cannot wait for May’s next interaction!!


A string of every curse word Lilliana knew spiraled through her head all day, a few often escaping from her lips, muttered under her breath. Along with the fitful strand came a painful hangover headache, something Lilliana had never experienced. She’d definitely taken that for granted. All in all, she was having the third worst day of her life, and she wasn’t handling it the best. The post from “Faerie Tea” almost made her wanna head back to the bar. The only silver lining was that she’d had zero problems in class. She got along with her teachers and no one seemed to notice the red hoodie and skinny jeans she wore instead of her burgundy cloak and skirt.

Due to inexperience, she had no idea how to cure a hangover. Her head felt a bit better, but her stomach felt hollow with anxiety and hunger. She ordered the first thing she saw, she wasn’t picky. It took her a bit to order, which made her hangry, her patience was already worn thin. It was time to take a seat and she had a long mental list of people to avoid (looking at you, Samuel and Arissa…). Luckily she didn’t see either. Who she did see was Rory Hood, her elder brother. He shone like a lighthouse in a sea of gossipy students who knew everything about the person Lilliana had been yesterday night.

His name was whispered from her lips as she lumbered over to him as quickly as she could before he disappeared. “Rory,” she called out hoarsely as she reached him to catch his attention. She set her tray down on the closest table to them before wrapping him in a hug. She felt teary even doing that. It was good to see him, yes. Would he still love her if he found out what she’d done? He’d never judged her before, for anything. But she didn’t want him to know this, even if he wouldn’t judge. She didn’t want him to know the intimate parts of her, like everyone else now did. “F-ckkk, today has been a sh-tstorm,” drawled Lilliana as she met his brown eyes. “I can’t believe I still have to get through the rest of today. I’m so d-mn exhausted. You didn’t check Instagrimm and your other messages, right?T” She spoke quicker and quicker, becoming snappy as her anxiety worsened. She had to take a breath. What was she doing to the only person who cared? “Sh-t, I’m sorry, Rory. Can we just sit down? You can tell me all about your day and that guy. Don’t worry about my sh-t.”

@bpalmer - rory : sorry this took so long, but I’m excitedddddd~ cannot wait to see how this goes! + @katabasis - samuel : mentioned + @jaytastic - arissa : mentioned


:two_hearts: Cafeteria :two_hearts:

Anang smiled. “I know, right? But then again, all dogs are cute.” they added. Now, they were curious how Emeka’s leopard looked like, but they didn’t want to be too invasive. It was best to let him show it, if he wanted to at all.

It seems like Emeka’s hometown had all the animals present on earth, leading Anang to believe that it wasn’t too far off from this planet. They nodded at him listing all the animals. They weren’t sure exactly where he lived, and if he mentioned it, Anang probably missed it.

“You… Sacrifice chickens?” their eyes widened upon hearing that. “Why? No offense, really, I just don’t understand why you would kill an animal.” they frowned. Anang hated killing animals, for whatever the reason. Assuming the chickens were hurt at all. Though, judging tradition felt harsh. They were the type of person to value tradition and find it an interesting part of someone’s culture, but Anang could never justify killing.

@Kristi // :two_hearts: Chukwuemeka Michael :two_hearts:



. “I know, right? But then again, all dogs are cute.” Emeka nodded seeing the pictures of ‘dogs’ . He brought out a device his father have given him in order for him to have contact with the down world (earth) “Want to see Chioke?” He asked.

“You… Sacrifice chickens?” Seeing Anang’s eyes go wide, Emeka was a little hesitant to say “… uh yes?” was it frowned upon here or? “Why? No offense, really, I just don’t understand why you would kill an animal.” Emeka rubbed his neck, “Well to sacrifice to the gods and to enjoy a meal” Was Anang vegan? Emeka had heard about the weird vegans who always acted up when they saw normal people eating meat. “Are you ah vegosh- I mean vegan?”

@idiot.exe - Anang


:two_hearts: Cafeteria :two_hearts:

It’s as if Anang’s thoughts came true, Emeka really did offer to show them his leopard. “Of course!” they smiled, looking at the device he had taken out. Their brows furrowed in confusion, never having seen something like that before. “What’s that?” they asked, curious.

“Ah… I see…” they spoke, as they started feeling a bit awkward. Of course, what other reason could there have been, other than the god’s demands and food? “Well, I’m a vegetarian, actually.” Anang explained. They smiled, trying to change the mood before it gets negative. “I just can’t stand eating something that used to be alive. It just feels wrong to me.”

@Kristi // :two_hearts: Chukwuemeka Michael :two_hearts:



“Of course!” Anang said as they looked at his device. “What’s that?” Emeka blinked, “Oh it’s a skyguide, that functions like a human phone just slightly better?” He said remembering what he father had told him. Hopefully, his father would be proud of his remembering ways.

“Ah… I see…” Emeka nodded awkwardly. “Well, I’m a vegetarian, actually.” They said smiling and Emeka smiled back. “I just can’t stand eating something that used to be alive. It just feels wrong to me.” Emeka didn’t say anything, because he has also heard from his dad about a culture/religion that doesn’t eat animals, “Aren’t plant alive too?” The question escaped Emeka’s mouth before he could think.

@idiot.exe - Anang


I turned back to her with tears in my eyes and said “My father didn’t have help, in fact he didn’t even know he was the one killing the cattle in the village until he was told … and he couldn’t handle coping it. That’s when everything turned to sh!t.” My eyes widened with realization and short after I said “Maybe that’s why I felt like I had to tell you right away. Because Mor’s father keeping the secret made Mor, my father, lose his mind and therefore eternally turn into a werewolf, and I didn’t want it to happen to me so I told you straight away … And maybe, considering I always knew I was a werewolf because my mother told me, It won’t happen to me. What do you think? Could it be so?” I asked. “But don’t let this get to your head, I still can’t control when and why I turn, and I doubt you could make a difference no matter how sweet and lovely you are.”

@Kristi - Alawa


:two_hearts: Cafeteria :two_hearts:

Anang looked at the device again, trying to analyze exactly how it works. “That’s really interesting!” they responded in awe. They’d never seen such a device before, and to their surprise, it worked better than a phone. At least, that’s what Emeka told them, but it might not have been correct. “Works better? How so?” they asked, curious to see it for themself.

Pausing for a moment, they tried to think of a way to answer his question. Plants were indeed alive, but not the same way as animals. Though, he was right to an extent. Animals were just so much easier to emphasize with, as they were closer to humans. At least, for Anang. Working as a vet, they couldn’t bear to hurt an animal, much less eat one.

“Well,–” they spoke, after thinking about it for a while. “–They are, but I don’t think they’re alive the same way as animals. They don’t feel pain, not from what we’ve been taught.” they shrugged, not knowing what else to add. “I just love animals too much, I guess!” Anang added, chuckling.

@Kristi // :two_hearts: Chukwuemeka Michael :two_hearts:



“Works better? How so?” Anang asked, “W-well for one, when you call someone. They show up as a green light, full body and all.” Well it was not like Emeka had anyone to call. “it doesn’t really need wifi and mobile data, it really doesn’t need to charge. You just put it near a heating thing for 5 seconds and it charges and many more I forgot” Emeka demonstrated the great skyguide.

“–They are, but I don’t think they’re alive the same way as animals. They don’t feel pain, not from what we’ve been taught.” Emeka nodded, “I just love animals too much, I guess!” Emeka rubbed the back of his neck “Ha ha fair”

@idiot.exe - Anang



Jara blinked at him after his reference, slightly confused by his words. “What do you mean by that? Did someone named Baldi teach you that spin?” Jara questioned. She looked down at her delicious-smelling food. Jara tried to pick up one of the salmon, but her hand recoiled after touching it. They paused for a moment, then let out a small sigh. Jara then talked, in a scolding tone, aloud to herself, “I supposed I should try and remember that food is usually warm. I should study up on fresh food a little more before my seventh period.”

@Ouijaloveletters ~ Háo Tiān


Brooks first name
Cloned (Past)

Brooks was extremely relieved that things seemed to be going decently. They had never seen themself in the position they had come into today. Friends they weren’t as bad as they had previously thought. They could hear Alicia taking deep breaths though. Was she as nervous as they were? If so why? Brooks kept writing they had to stay focused not let their mind wander too much. It would be lunch soon and that amount of people and noise was sure to be overwhelming. Brooks heard Alicia mumble and turned towards her wondering what was on her mind. She then spoke and what she said caused Brooks to furrow their eyebrows as they thought for a minute. “I can’t read in any language other than English that I am aware of anyway.” They replied as they nodded. “Yeah audio is a lot easier for me to understand.” They responded as they absentmindedly wrote little snippets of music in the margins of the class notebook they now had out. Brooks was glad when they looked up to see her smiling. It was much more fitting for her than the anxious look she had worn earlier. “Oh yeah shoot give me a second.” Brooks pulled out their phone to check their own number before writing it down. “Sorry I dont have my number memorized or anything.” They mumbled before writing it on a scrap of paper.
@Skyler2 this was the only one we wanted to continue right?


Things seemed stale for both Shelldon and Rylan all morning. Though Pin had not been a bad conversationalist or anything and Rylan definitely didn’t dislike him, he still felt closed in and uncomfortable with his new surroundings. All these new faces that all seemed so happy, connecting with each other like puzzle pieces. And Rylan was the extra piece that didn’t have a place. Shelldon and him sat together in the classes they shared, Shelldon dutifully taking notes, interest shown in his coal black eyes, Rylan trying not to fall asleep, fidgeting with his pencil. Now it was lunch time which meant even more friends and chatter, and though he was extremely hungry, Rylan wasn’t quite looking forwards to it. The hallways were jam packed, and it took a while for Shelldon to wheel him to the Castleteria.

Shelldon placed both his and Rylan’s orders : Shelldon chose the salad, while Rylan picked a slice of pizza. Shelldon filled both of their glasses with ice cold water before wheeling through the tables, looking for something empty. He knew Rylan wouldn’t like it at a crammed, loud table, and to be honest, he wouldn’t either. Even though he didn’t plan to speak to anyone he felt a very tiny blush on his cheeks. The guys here were… let’s just say they weren’t bad. Not bad at all. He decided on a table with only one small boy sitting there, taking a seat a bit away so there was still some room between them. After helping Rylan onto his seat and setting up his food, he took the seat closest to the boy, sending him a tight lipped smile, and nodding. “Hi.” “Hello,” Rylan echoed soon afterwards.

@bpalmer - asa : hope this is okay, lemme know if i need to change anything~


The day had been really long for Asa. Everything that could go wrong seemed to and he felt really stressed. Nothing seemed to be going well and the whole fiasco in math had set the bad day in motion. Asa didn’t feel like he belonged here. Don’t get him wrong he was happy to have his brother around and get to know him better and the few people he had talked to weren’t awful but he simply felt like a fish out of water here. He was relieved when lunch rolled around, at least that was one thing he couldn’t manage to mess up. Classes had been rough and despite taking his meds this morning he was too anxious to be able to focus on anything for very long. He was overwhelmed and sought out the most empty table in the back corner when lunch rolled around. He hadn’t even looked for his brother he needed room to breathe and reset himself.

Asa had ordered his food only half way paying attention to what had even just come out of his mouth before he settled in to the corner seat for a time to reset himself. Asa had been eating and absentmindedly drawing invisible doodles on the table with his finger. He was trying to find his happy go lucky self that was almost always present but it was a struggle today. Asa was feeling better after getting some food in his stomach and taking some time to cool off. He looked around there were a lot of people and it wasn’t that Asa didn’t like people far from that he was a people person by nature, it was just that he didn’t know how people would take him when they found out he was a werewolf it wasn’t like his general appearance would make anyone suspect that. Asa got lost in his thoughts and was only brought back when two guys sat with him. “Oh hey.” He replied as he smiled all nervousness and bad day behind him the second that someone showed him any slightly positive attention.

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"We could be best friends and they could be best friends!!" Bay beamed. As Bay started a grin, Ariadne couldn’t help but let the contagiousness of it creep across her face. “I’m sure he’d love that.” Ari said, thinking of her brother. She wondered if Bay’s boyfriend -Cam- was as bubbly -she assumed not because Bay’s bubblyness was definitely something Ari had never seen- but probably as nice as her new friend. “They’ll have to meet one day, definitely.”

Bay bounced on her feet, leaving Ari in slight shock and amazement at her speed. She mounted to her feet, watching Bay collect shells Ari hadn’t noticed before. She realized it must have fellnon in there own fall. “Sorry did i-” Bay had cupped the shell in her hands. “Yes!!! You solved the body puzzle!!! Here is your prizes…
Bay shoved the “prizes” in Ari’s arms. She took three seconds to process the new items in her arms. “Thank you.”
she said, snapping out of her realization. A grin crossed her face, “I will cherish these.” She said, pulling them closer to her chest.

@ethereal - Bay Meri Meng :

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Háo Tiān sweatdropped. Right. She didn’t get it. “No, Baldi’s Basics is a horror game set in a school. Your father’s story made me think of it.” He stood up from his wheelchair, sitting down on the bench across from Jara, stretching his legs with a loud pop. He watched her pick up a piece of salmon, automatically dropping it. He’d guessed it was too hot. “I’m guessing that means you have culinary seventh?”
@Cadborosa - Jara


:blossom: only girl in the world - rihanna

Alec chuckled at her remark, which made Camilla giggle further. Perhaps it would be entertaining to have another copy of herself. Maybe it would’ve made life less lonely. She’d want to be friends with herself, after all. Or maybe she could use her clone to disappear, leave the poor thing with Jason or in class while she met fun people like Alec, ate cake, or ventured outside the school and into the town. And Alec seemed to agree with her, also calling her ‘beautiful’ and ‘nice’. Camilla’s face shone with pride. Her smile was toothy and wide, her eyes wide and sparkly. She loved being complimented, and Alec was feeding her more compliments than pepperoni pizza slices. “You’re such a nice guy,” she gushed with admiration. “I don’t know if my heart would be able to handle two Alec’s! I might, like die from handsomeness overload. Or compliment overload.” She babbled, pushing her hair behind her shoulders with both hands, keeping them there as she grinned adorably at him, dimples showing. really hope you understand what pose I’m trying to go for lol He stood up, jokingly taking a bow, which made Camilla laugh and clap her hands together, closing her eyes. Though they almost popped out when she realized he really was a prince, lips grazing the top of her hand. “WHAT?! I’ve never been this close to a real prince before…” She’d hardly been this close to anyone before. Now she had more questions for him, as his lips lingered on her vanilla scented skin. “Ohmygosh!!! What’s being a prince like? Do you live in a huuuuumungous castle?! What do you get to eat?! What do you get to wear?! You’re a twin AND a prince?! I guess you won the life jackpot or something.”

His hand followed the curve of her waist, traveling upwards to a place she’d never been touched before. Her heart pounded so hard she wondered if it would burst out of her chest. There was so much tension between them as her wide eyes looked at his hand. She couldn’t deny she liked the sparky feeling his hand gave her, like a tiny zap of electricity… But in front of all these people… The dreamy smile became slightly nervous, though still whimsical as ever as Alec spoke into her ear, kissing her cheek again. It was impossible to be oblivious now. She couldn’t believe such an awesome guy was showing interest in her, and so much so quickly. It made her feel as if she were on top of the world. She squinted, nose wrinkling. She knew a few languages and the word didn’t sound completely alien, but she still didn’t know the meaning. “What’s a pulchra?” She asked curiously. The things they’d do… She couldn’t even imagine. Whatever they were doing right now felt so shocking she couldn’t let her brain go further. For once, Camilla’s brain felt stuck.

His fingers wove through her thick black hair. She wanted to reach out and brush her fingers against his as well-but that would probably ruin the moment and they’d end up looking like two monkeys grooming each other’s hair, searching for little bugs to eat. So instead she chewed on the most recent offering of pizza, blushing and smiling at him in the most beautiful way that she could. But the smile disappeared as a pepperoni replaced it. She looked confused for a moment, cross eyed. Who had missed, her, or Alec? But when she felt the warmth of his breath, both their lips only separated by the thin slice of ham, she knew this was intentional. She couldn’t make a sound, she just met his eyes. And then… she smirked, well her eyes did. There was a playful brightness behind them as she popped open her mouth, letting the pepperoni fall inside before closing it and pursing her lips, which remained inches from his. “Mmm…thanks. I have to say, I’ve never tried that method of sharing food before.” She commented, her tone excited, but quiet, she didn’t wanna yell in his face or anything.

@Kristi - alec : someone get me a fire extinguisher this man is too hot


:two_hearts: Cafeteria :two_hearts:

Anang nodded hearing him explain the device. It seemed like a hologram communication device, something humans are yet to implement. It made them wonder why they haven’t yet, since it seemed to work more efficiently than a regular phone. Not having to charge, nor use wifi, would be a dream for many. “That’s so cool!” they gasped.

And now, they wondered if the hologram would work on their invisible form. “Do you think…” they started, unsure how to phrase the question. “…Invisible people could be seen on it?” they asked. Anang didn’t mind showing off their power to people, they thought it was fun to turn invisible on people and freak them out. Though, only with friends, since they didn’t want to cause trouble.

@Kristi // :two_hearts: Chukwuemeka Michael :two_hearts: