“I’m sure you’ll love her.” Quill said and Kristi rolled her eyes, “Doubt it.” She ran a finger through her straightened hair. “Wanna come over with me? Meet her?” A smirk was displayed on Kristi’s face, she had a plan.
“ Eudora , oh so gorgeous . Right, Kristi?” Kristi yawned, “Not really she looks like a train had hit her.” Kristi insulted, she had a sly smirk on her face as she faced ‘Eudora’ “No offence meant really.” She rolled her eyes. "How is my social butterfly doing? " Disgusting, Kristi thought.
A girl with purple hair appeared and Kristi couldn’t help herself chuckle slightly, “Onion” Kristi said stretching, forgetting her anger she held Quill’s hand, though that didn’t last long as she remembered and dropped it. . “Yeah, isn’t she absolutely stunning? I’m so lucky to have her,” Kristi looked taken aback, “Why is onion calling train girl hers?” She asked Quill
When onion glared back, Kristi glared even harder.
"Take the complement, Darling. We wouldn’t want to put your attractiveness to waste, " Haldir ate his food in a blank face, “Has anyone ever told you, you were troublesome and unfunny?” He asked. Wei Ming leaned a little closer and Haldir used a book to cover their distance. “It seems like you have been though.” He perked back up. “But I can fix that!” “I will much rather die than do whatever you dirty rascal suggest.”
"You should go on a date, what’s your type? Oh My! Am I your type? You shouldn’t have, Darling. " Haldir didn’t let his cold unbothered mask fade, “Godforbid, why would someone like me like someone like you?”
“I don’t know if my heart would be able to handle two Alec’s! I might, like die from handsomeness overload. Or compliment overload.” Alec smirked, “You will manage.” He winked as she pushed her hair behind her shoulders with both hands. Alec stood up and did a jokingly bow, causing Camilla to laugh and clap “WHAT?! I’ve never been this close to a real prince before…” Alec winked and kissed her hand, “Well I am happy to be your first.” Camilla began to blabber, asking many questions, . “Ohmygosh!!! What’s being a prince like? Do you live in a huuuuumungous castle?! What do you get to eat?! What do you get to wear?! You’re a twin AND a prince?! I guess you won the life jackpot or something.” he chuckled, “Calm down, calm down.” He put his hand under his chin, “Well first being a prince it’s fun, my parents can be a little strict but Idc, and I eat normal food or at least I hope so.” He grinned, “Ohhh… Prince outfits and the clothes you are seeing me in right now.” Alec just grinned at the last part.
“What’s a pulchra?” Alec leaned in, he put his forehead against her and let out a low deep breath “Beautiful.” He said, “It means beautiful.” Alec leaned out and stretched. Alec looked at her lips, he closed his eyes hand gave a friendly smile. But the words that left his lips weren’t so ‘friendly’ “I can’t wait for when we do the bedroom activities” he winked.
Camilla opened her mouth, letting the pepperoni fall inside before closing it, “Mmm…thanks. I have to say, I’ve never tried that method of sharing food before.” He leaned in, grabbed her hand in his. His lips brushed over her arm, moving upwards “Well I’m happy to have taught you this way.” He teased.
Hrvoje turned to her with tears in his eyes, “My father didn’t have help, in fact he didn’t even know he was the one killing the cattle in the village until he was told … and he couldn’t handle coping it. That’s when everything turned to sh!t.” Alawa nodded sadly, she grasped his hand in his hers and look at him in worry. “Maybe that’s why I felt like I had to tell you right away. Because Mor’s father keeping the secret made Mor, my father, lose his mind and therefore eternally turn into a werewolf, and I didn’t want it to happen to me so I told you straight away … And maybe, considering I always knew I was a werewolf because my mother told me, It won’t happen to me. What do you think? Could it be so?” Alawa shook her head, “I have a feeling that the same thing won’t happen to you.” She told him. “But don’t let this get to your head, I still can’t control when and why I turn, and I doubt you could make a difference no matter how sweet and lovely you are.” she giggled, winking she said “OK!!”
“That’s so cool!” He nodded, “Yeah.” he said. “Do you think…” Anang began to ask, “…Invisible people could be seen on it?” Emeka looked taken aback by that, “I don’t know… i’ve never seen any invisible person and my dad haven’t told me.” This question was so weird, what did they mean by that?
I smiled when she giggled and winked at me. I felt as if that wink lightened the mood and made me happier, which was no doubt her intention. “Stop, you’ll make me blush.” I said jokingly. I remebered her pet and worriedly said “But what about Ja-ja? He can’t be comfortable being scared of me and scurry into that bag of your. If the bag is magic and deeper as it appears, maybe it’s all right, but I hate to see him so scared of me. Do you mind if I force him out and pet him to make him feel more comfortable with me? That way he won’t be scared of me unless he has to, you know if I ever turn in front of him. But do you mind if I take him out now and pet him? Or maybe if I just pet him by putting my hand in the bag. I want him to feel comfortable enough around me to not have to hide himself like this.”
“Well, you might not have seen an invisible person–” Anang laughed. “–Sorry! But watch this.” They stood up from their seat, palms slowly turning invisible. Soon, it spread to their arms, chest, and eventually head and legs, and eventually Emeka couldn’t see them.
“I have invisibility powers.” a voice said, sounding a lot like Anang, who was now nowhere in sight. “So I just asked if you’d be able to see me on a hologram since… Well, mirrors don’t work either.” It had been a while since Anang had used their powers. They used to use them frequently in their childhood, and when around friends or family. But after they’d arrived at this school, they were more cautious about making a good impression, so they hid their powers, not wanting to scare anyone or leave a bad impression.
“But you know what does work?” they said, as the sandwich which was previously on the table was now in the air. “The other senses still work, just not sight.” they explained, waving the sandwich around.
Bay leaned in realllyyyyy close, ignoring the concept of personal space to inspect the beautiful girl she now sat next to. She had sleek black hair, shinier than anything Bay had ever seen, full lips, and her skin seemed to be glowing, sparkling like the ocean at sunrise. Bay’s entire face lit up, she was so pretty!! But not as pretty as Cam, of course. “Wow, you’re really gorgeous. You sparkle like the ocean at sunrise!” She remarked happily, leaning away to take a bite of a nugget. “Really awesome!!! Nuggets are such great land food. We’re like food twins!” Bay exclaimed, then chewed as she rocked back and forth in her seat. She giggled very very loudly at what Pearl said, she loved saying things like that. “Yes!!! Me too!!!”
“One small positive thought can change your whole day.”
“Stop, you’ll make me blush.” Alawa giggled at this. Hrvoje expression suddenly turned to that of a worried expression and Alawa frowned confused, d “But what about Ja-ja? He can’t be comfortable being scared of me and scurry into that bag of your. If the bag is magic and deeper as it appears, maybe it’s all right, but I hate to see him so scared of me. Do you mind if I force him out and pet him to make him feel more comfortable with me? That way he won’t be scared of me unless he has to, you know if I ever turn in front of him. But do you mind if I take him out now and pet him? Or maybe if I just pet him by putting my hand in the bag. I want him to feel comfortable enough around me to not have to hide himself like this.” Alawa nodded, Ja-ja would have come around either way. Sneakily and checking if anyone was looking she brought ja-ja out of her bag. ‘No no no’ Ja-ja said through their mindlink, “it’s ok Ja-ja” she said, carrying him with a smile and givng to Hrvoje to pet.
“Well, you might not have seen an invisible person–” Emeka rubbed his back awkwardly, “Oh right” he said. “–Sorry! But watch this.” They stood up and before Emeka knew it they were invisible, “Wow” Emeka simple said.
“I have invisibility powers.” Emeka eyes widened at that “Wow that’s great” he said. “So I just asked if you’d be able to see me on a hologram since… Well, mirrors don’t work either.” Emeka pursed his lips, “Well I’ve never tried it…”
“But you know what does work?” Emeka shook his head confused, “The other senses still work, just not sight.”
The red haired leaned in really close, ‘wow haven’t she heard of personal space?’ Pearl thought bitterly, why were people so annoying. And yet they wonder why others hated them. Pearl tried to giggly happily as she shifted back. “Wow, you’re really gorgeous. You sparkle like the ocean at sunrise!” Pearl closed her eyes and smiled, “Thanks you too! You look like the uh” like an annoying person, “Like Strawberries!” Pearl clapped her hands. “Really awesome!!! Nuggets are such great land food. We’re like food twins!” Pearl looked around, where is there any other place she can seat and leave the girl with another person. “Really awesome!!! Nuggets are such great land food. We’re like food twins!” Pearl coughed, she didn’t want to be twin anything with the likes of her. “Omg yes!! We are totally like twins” She gave a bright smile.
Jara took a second to rack her brain to define what he said. She knew that games were something done for enjoyment and that horror probably referred to something horrific. Though, she couldn’t see exactly why someone would enjoy being horrified. “Why would someone play such a game like that? Is it a similar feeling to beating someone in a game of witts when you win?” Jara pondered. She thought for a second to make sure she wasn’t mistaken, then nodded, “I do have culinary for seventh. I am fairly certain I should’ve prepared more for it.”
Seeing Emeka impressed by Anang’s magic made them smile. They’d forgotten how much they missed being around friends, even if it hadn’t been that long since they started attending this school.
But then, an idea came to their mind. Though, Anang was a little shy to ask, feeling like they were asking for too much. What if… We try it now… On a call…? Come on, Anang, say it! - they thought, struggling to say it out loud.
Taking a deep breath, they finally spoke. “Well, you won’t know it works unless you try…?” they said, but they made it sound a lot like a question. Emeka being unable to see them made it a tiny bit easier to talk, considering he was blind to their facial expressions and mannerisms. “But you don’t have to! That’s just me being curious…” they laughed. “Not a very smart idea anyway, and I wouldn’t wanna bother you!”
Aithne zipped down the hallway in her wisp form. She knew she could use her legs, but she was starving and wanted to get to the Castleteria faster. She decided to claim a spot first before getting food, so she looked around for a spot. She spotted a seat, making a beeline towards the blond sitting there. She hovered for a second, turning human. She just hoped she didn’t scare him. “Hello. May I sit here?” @bpalmer - Sora
Hilda left their third period class, heading for the Castleteria. They spotted Eun, and headed over, tail swishing behind them. Oh, wait…maybe they should’ve changed based on Eun’s clothing. “Hey, Eun. Didn’t keep you too long, did I? Uh, guessing I should’ve changed my clothes?” They asked, hands in their pockets. @ethereal - Eun
Thoughts of Kellan clouded Rory’s mind a good majority of the day and he honestly just wanted to tell someone about him. Maybe even get this dumb crush off his chest at least to some extent. Rory was fighting this awkward feeling between cloud nine and somewhere not quite rock bottom all day and he wasn’t fully sure why. Aoghdan hadn’t been bad he was a sweet guy but that was one of the few people that he had talked with all day and his social battery was still high but people here were a lot more intimidating than they ever were back home. Rory had honestly kept to himself more than he had expected. The classes went well but he still wasn’t sure that he would have actually stayed at this school if not for Lilliana and Kellan.
He was not experienced with new schools or new people let alone people of high status like most of these people were. It was something he would have to ponder over during lunch. He hadn’t seen Lillian at all today which honestly kind of worried him. That wasn’t a common thing when they were in the same building or campus at least. He would just have to look for her after he got his food. That and hope he could find Kellan so they could chat a bit too during lunch. Rory ordered his lunch and braved the crowd as he looked for a table.
He was heading to an empty table not far away. It was a good spot and had a good view of the majority of the room. It wasn’t long before he felt a hand on him and whipped around quickly. He hadn’t heard her speak over the noise in the room but took a deep breath when he saw it was just Lillian. She hugged him and started to cry before he even knew what was going on. He set his lunch down with one hand and hugged her back tight. “Hey its ok Im here for you.” He said as he just held her. She clearly had a lot going on and just needed a brother right now, and Rory was ok with that. “No I dont check messages that are not from people that I know. Thats how you get a virus.” He replied confused why she even asked. “Why do you ask and what’s wrong?” He asked as he picked up both trays and guided her to the table and sat her down beside him. “No my day and Kellan can wait what’s going on. I want to hear your stuff now.” He wanted her to know that she had his full attention especially because she seemed to need him right now. @ethereal
Sora had managed to talk their last teacher into letting them leave early to get to the Castelteria before everyone else. They knew it was because the could see the social anxiety practically pouring off of them. They ordered their lunch and was heading to a seat before most people even began to show up. They had sat at a small table that had been tucked into a corner out of sight. They thought that would give them a good chance of eating alone or maybe only with Peregrin. They were reading and eating when a girl seemingly appeared out of nowhere and nearly killed them with fright. They threw their book at them completely startled by her sudden appearance. @Ouijaloveletters
“Ahhhhh!” Aithne shrieked, the person throwing a book at her. She then burst into flames, facepalming. “Ehehe…oops. I didn’t mean to scare you…” she quietly said, handing him the burnt book. “I can pay for that.” Maybe popping up in front of this guy was a bad idea. @bpalmer - Sora
“Not really she looks like a train had hit her” “Hey.” Quill tried to be defensive, but it didn’t come out half as cold as she wanted it to sound. “No offense meant really.” Quill gave Kristi a slight side eye.
Quill losts focus of the new girl as Kristi grabbed her hand, giving electric shocks throughout her arm. She blushed slightly, then her arm was dropped again. The new girl -Onion as Kristi had suggested- wrapped her arm around Eudora. Sh°t. Quill internally freaked out for a second. “Yeah, isn’t she absolutely stunning? I’m so lucky to have her,” Quill looked away from onion girl and dancing hair girl for a beat as she watched Kristi’s reaction. “Why is onion calling train girl hers?” She asked. The gears in Quills head started turning quicker, as she thought of a response. Crap, ohcrap, ohcrap. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Quill didn’t exactly want to step down from her high horse, but being as Eudoras girlfriend -real girlfriend- was here, it would probably be wise. “Umm… Throuple?” Quill said, not to sure of it herself. Quill turned to face Kristi completely, ignoring the other two standing there. “Quick question, if I told you I made that up to- for personal reasons, would I be alive if I said just kidding? Otherwise I’m sticking with throuple.” She looked over at the other two as she said, “throuple”. She leaned slightly back, towards purple head. “Sorry for the, mix up.”If I can even use that, at this point.
Cinder had seen many things in her lifetime, and in her death, but after everything she had been through the concept of a human rolling over and playing dead at her command made her burst out laughing like a volcano of laughs. She was too busy wheezing and crying from the hysteria to acknowledge the girls hand, but instead she handed over the rest of the cocktail sausages and breathed as she whipped her face with a grin.
“Dawn hey? Interesting name for someone so dark. You strike me more like a midnight.” She smirked at her own joke, sipping some water to help calm down the residual giggles. “Nice to meet you, Dawn. I take it, you’re not from around these parts?”