Forum relationships

Like, reply below if your married to someone, or if someone is a sister/brother/girlfriend/boyfriend/mum/gran etc

My mom is @Badass_Saasha


Well @Chocolate_Mama is my momma-in-law, but also my twin…


I want, like… sisters and bro’s and a daddy


Ahhh this family makes my head hurt :joy:


@Chocolate_Mama is my Mum and I have many siblings :joy:

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I don’t have a family :crying_cat_face::eyes::sparkles::joy:


Do ya want to be in one?

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And omg, I can’t name someone. I have 54 or something forum daughters and a family that’s guaranteed to make you want to bang your head on a wall. Like real hard.

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Maybe? :eyes::sparkles::joy:
I had one on the episode forums but we never talked again after the PM closed :eyes::sparkles::joy:


uh i lost my forum fam on episode forums cuz i wanted entertainment out of nowhere but it was a funny family tho :upside_down_face:

I think I’m one of @Chocolate_Mama’s kids on episode forums, but I’m not so sure anymore :joy:

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Unfortunate! Well, if you’d like to join us we’re a bunch of sweetheart devil maniacs and nothing we say or do ever makes sense but we really stick close. We’ve been expanding for an year or so and there’s never been more than two huge dramas and even those were sled nicely so if you’d like (or anyone else too), we’d love to add you to our fam. We can figure who is what to who when/if anyone decides to join but yeah.

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Interesting :eyes::sparkles: How can I join? :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat::joy:

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Just be my 55th child or anything except my sissy. Your choice, really!

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It amused me when people got genuinely angry over the forum families like “grrr how dare kids have fun” :joy: I get that it was probably annoying but as a person who has been forum married twice and has 2 kids (forum kids) it is just a bit of fun.


Uh, okay :eyes::sparkles::+1::smiley_cat: Having 54 siblings sounds nice :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles::joy:

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Yeah, plus the friendship you get along the way is a nice bonus. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Reallyyyyyy? Yayyy! Give me a minute.

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Yes you are! I still have the list of my kids :joy:

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Good to know :sweat_smile:
Btw, I could use a raise on my pocket money :smirk::innocent:

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